What are they asking for in regards to the Phione??Oh my Arceus there are a zillion Ralts on Wonder Trade tonight.
*edit* holy crap a Phione!
What are they asking for in regards to the Phione??Oh my Arceus there are a zillion Ralts on Wonder Trade tonight.
*edit* holy crap a Phione!
Eevees galore as well. I got one named DICHEAD. I feel really bad for it and plan torelease it.put it out of its misery
What are they asking for in regards to the Phione??
Oh my Arceus there are a zillion Ralts on Wonder Trade tonight.
*edit* holy crap a Phione!
So many Froakies, too. Very little love for little Bulbasaur. What would you do with a box of Ralts???Ralts are like the most common thing in WT for some reason. I have a whole army of synchronize Ralts of various natures just from there alone.
So many Froakies, too. Very little love for little Bulbasaur. What would you do with a box of Ralts???
Best nickname I was told of was a Bidoof by the name of "MILEYCYRUS"
I was just thinking today I probably should throw some of these Ponyta up on WT. Just to see if I can get something interesting. I then thought to myself "What is the Chinese zodiac for this year...?" It's the horse. How fitting.
Best nickname I was told of was a Bidoof by the name of "MILEYCYRUS"
Damn, too convenient! Do it! Nickname them first.
China 2014? I wish I was more creative.I know right? What should I name them though?
China 2014? I wish I was more creative.
LOL. Though at first 2014. Then I was like "Oh I could name one Mr Ed". Hahaha. I then thought famous horses but I'm not sure about any other than Mr. Ed. And I'd probably put a boatload up since I'm about to get several boxes of these things checked in a moment, so even if there where not sure there'd be enough names.
"Zodiac 2014" mebbe...
So many Froakies, too. Very little love for little Bulbasaur. What would you do with a box of Ralts???
Whoa, never knew Synchronize had a field effect! That is handy.Synchro Ralts are useful when you want to find a particular nature. Other than that, I like 'em.
I got a lot of good stuff out of the 50 or so Honedge I Wonder Traded the other day
Gooey Goomy
Aron with Superpower, Head Smash and Iron Head
Growlithe with Flare Blitz, Morning Sun, Close Combat
5IV Swinub with Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash
Then I got a 31/x/31/x/31/x Sentret and I have no idea what to do with it
Tournament Pairings: http://challonge.com/neogafpokemon2014
Please complete your matches by the end of Sunday, January 26th, 2014
Tried for a long time to get Pokemon's official tournament software working but it just won't so going with Challonge. Sorry for the delay all!
I'd say about 10% of level 1 Pokemon I get have marked IVs. Even then they are sometimes wrong.Though I have a feeling most folks on WT don't even pay attention to that. It's so rare I get anything decent on it.
I'd say about 10% of level 1 Pokemon I get have marked IVs. Even then they are sometimes wrong.
Sometimes I check out the players (and try to nice people who give me good stuff) and it is disappointing how many people with hundreds of trades are sending out junk (I can understand people starting out). I find people with 1000s of trades (like myself) tends to be better but even then marking IVs is just as rare...
Ugh, so very tired of being sent in-game trade Pokemon, like the Farfetch'd and Steelix.
The deed has been done. 10 Lonely, female, Stench Trubbish with Attract, Double Team, Infestation and Poison Gas, all holding a Max Repel and nicknamed "Miley Cyrus" have been sent out over Wonder Trade. I shall revisit this activity, it has been quite entertaining.
Congrats! Same thing happened to me. Twice. Kept the female in Gurdurr form, evolved the male into Conkeldurr. That red looks great!I just caught a shiny Gurdurr near the Pokemon League! Woo! It has a bashful nature which is not great, but also not bad.
I got a 31/4/31/x/31/31 Japanese Vullaby with Foul Play in Wonder Trade. The only thing I've ever gotten from that that you could straight up use without further breeding.I seem to get a lot of Dratini. Honedge and Scyther are also still pretty common, but I get a few odd ones every so often, like Totodile and Vullaby.
I've traded away over 100 Honedge this week. At least I will have once I finish with this batch of 50. Getting fuck all so far (except a Cyndaquil!)Ah yess... Honedge too. I freaking hate that thing now.
Everything I breed is marked though. And as a rule I don't WT 5 or 6IV Pokemon, I keep them to trade properly with.Edit: I imagine most don't mark their rejects. I wouldn't, but I don't want to pass on 6IVs in my batches. Right now really only breeding for shiny, but not sure WT deserves 6's with all the trash up. ;_;
10 Lonely, female, Stench Trubbish with Attract, Double Team, Infestation and Poison Gas, all holding a Max Repel and nicknamed "Miley Cyrus" have been sent out over Wonder Trade.
Cough.You sir, are a hero to WT! Especially after this garbage I'm getting...
I have a French version. Something like Insp.Magret (I'll look it up sometime).Hey, don't diss on Quacklin'.
Hey, they could've been male. After all the 4 and 5IV stuff, often with HA or egg moves, I send out, it was time for a little fun. I plan on breeding some Phione soon and add a little more value to WT.Cough.
I think you missed what I said.Hey, they could've been male. After all the 4 and 5IV stuff, often with HA or egg moves, I send out, it was time for a little fun. I plan on breeding some Phione soon and add a little more value to WT.
The Trubbish/garbage connection?I think you missed what I said.
You got it.The Trubbish/garbage connection?
BothQuick question about Baton Pass and Shell Smash.
Does Baton Pass only pass on the positive stat boosts or would it also pass on the stat decreases of Shell Smash?
I'm not too sure, but I imagine a Pokemon with high defence and the capacity to sweep would be ideal.So an ideal user of a Baton Pass Shell smash would be something with fairly high defenses already and if possible a recovery move?
I'm not too sure, but I imagine a Pokemon with high defence and the capacity to sweep would be ideal.
Maybe a SpA sweeper with fairly good SpD and/or Def holding Assault Vest?
You could also use a Focus Sash to at least ensure that the Pokemon you're giving the stats to can at least survive what would otherwise be a OHKO.
Sounds like a plan dudeI'm thinking to pass it to a bulky Mega Scizor and then probably use a combination of Bullet punch and Pursuit till it dies.
There was an update to the 3DS overnight. Does any one know the details?
Sounds like a plan dude
I'm thinking of passing to my Infernape who I generally use as a kamikaze lol
There was an update to the 3DS overnight. Does any one know the details?
Best nickname I was told of was a Bidoof by the name of "MILEYCYRUS"
I didn't know about this, I'll see if both of mine update when I get in from work
Just "stability" fixes, nothing to do with Pokémon or Bank![]()
I recieved a Magikarp called Karpe Diem.