My summary of the Nevada Democratic Caucus process:
- After being crushed by Bernie in the New Hampshire (NH) primary (won 63% of delegates), it appears the Nevada (NV) Democratic Party pulled every trick in the book to counteract that win, such as allowing all and sundry to vote in the NV caucus ("They will register after" - see Twitter post/video, below - yeah, we totally believe you!), and they largely succeeded in their goal, wiping out five of the six delegates Bernie gained in NH:

- Despite the 20 / 15 result, and with strict adherence to NV Democratic Caucus rules, by merely showing up in full force to the county level conventions, Bernie supporters actually managed to score a larger number of delegates (2124 vs 1722) for the NV state convention, which doesn't mean Bernie would be able to reverse the nationally awarded pledged delegate result, but perhaps narrow the split to a more favorable 18 / 17 (source: Snopes).
- So on May 14th, the NV state convention comes around, and it appears the NV Democratic Party was not at all happy with how things went at the county level, and in a bid to counteract this setback, they simply claimed a chunk (64) of Bernie's delegates didn't have the correct paperwork, and excluded 58 of them from the convention, which is significant, as Hillary only won the state convention by 33, with the upshot being Hillary has a net two delegate win (1695 / 1662). Kyle has a nice summary of how this went down:
- More importantly, what happened to Bernie's state delegate advantage? Hillary surrogate Barbara Boxer is what happened:
So the DNC (NV) simply couldn't stand the thought of Bernie gaining a little "retroactive momentum" and put themselves through all this acrimony, for the sake of a few delegates, when Hillary's ahead by 280? Now that is what I call pathetic!
NOTE: No PS3's were sullied in the production of this post (as reading
monster article on election fraud, just for Cerium - post incoming)
