If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Player One is terrible and super biased against Nintendo.
Huh? If anything it is the other way around. It's pretty much become a Nintendo podcast lately.
Player One is terrible and super biased against Nintendo.
Is Ethan the one that's obsessed with Vita? His voice is grating to me. He's super knowledgable about games but without the charm of someone like Jared Petty.
I gave it about a year and Nintendo discussion always felt like an afterthought, and when they did discuss it it was usually to bash it for one reason or another. To be fair, I haven't listened to it since the Switch came out so maybe they've been more fair lately.
I don't know any good gaming podcasts. Any recommendation for others as well?
Is Ethan the one that's obsessed with Vita? His voice is grating to me. He's super knowledgable about games but without the charm of someone like Jared Petty.
I gave it about a year and Nintendo discussion always felt like an afterthought, and when they did discuss it it was usually to bash it for one reason or another. To be fair, I haven't listened to it since the Switch came out so maybe they've been more fair lately.
No. Ethan's the one that's the gigantic Nintendo fanboy.
That doesn't doesn't sound too promising. I'll still give it a listen in any case and hope that they get good as they get more episodes under their belt.The first episode is 40 minutes long. After listening to it, I don't think I'll be subscribing. I *might* listen to one more episode, because sometimes there's some first episode jitters that go away in subsequent episodes.
Perhaps it's just that I'm not acclimated to the style or it's just a style I don't care for, but the discussion is: fast, random, free-flowing, very informal, with lots of off-topic tangents integrated into the flow. I'm found it difficult to be engaged with the discussion, and even during the times they discussed topics I was interested in, I had a hard to following where the topic was actually going. I finished the episode minutes ago, and I'm not sure I could provide a summary of what was discussed.
I think if it's done right, it can be good so I disagree. I find the off-topic banter in Giant Bomb's podcasts great because they were already good at it to begin with. There's plenty of gaming podcasts that are tightly focused on gaming discussion with off-topic thing at the end such as DLC which is good.Why do people find this kind of random inane banter entertaining in a gaming podcast? I can't even listen to giant bombcast because of this. They just go off on these asinine tangents for a gaming podcast. I'm not one of their buds having a beer at the bar. And even then I'd look at them weird and tell them to stop if they started talking about some of that shit.
Kotaku Split Screen is an underrated darling that's pretty damn solid and more people should listen to. The theme song is memorable because it has a strong morning news/it's gonna be a great day vibe with its heavy use of a saxophone. If you like Jason Schreier already, you'll like him more when he speaks. It helps that him and Kirk Hamilton have similar tastes in games. Sometimes they'll speak to other Kotaku staff members or interview someone from the game industry e.g. Ashley Burch, Chris Avellone, and Dan Ryckert have been past guests.I don't know any good gaming podcasts. Any recommendation for others as well?
Always up for more gaming podcasts. I still miss the Joystiq Podcast, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish there was a McElroy brother in there, but I'm down for an all female lineup.
Player One is terrible and super biased against Nintendo.
More importantly, no Kuchera.
I've never really gotten the mass hate for Polygon really. Sure they've got Kuchera and Gies but they also have Justin and Griffin McElroy, Nick Robinson, Russ Frustrick, Pat Gill, Allegra Frank, Simone de Rochefort, Phil Kollar, Colin Campbell, Charlie Hall, Tara Long, and a bunch of other generally really cool games media personalities.
I know it's totally offtopic, but damn, is that their real view or is it a backdrop?
I've never really gotten the mass hate for Polygon really. Sure they've got Kuchera and Gies but they also have Justin and Griffin McElroy, Nick Robinson, Russ Frustrick, Pat Gill, Allegra Frank, Simone de Rochefort, Phil Kollar, Colin Campbell, Charlie Hall, Tara Long, and a bunch of other generally really cool games media personalities.
I've never really gotten the mass hate for Polygon really. Sure they've got Kuchera and Gies but they also have Justin and Griffin McElroy, Nick Robinson, Russ Frustrick, Pat Gill, Allegra Frank, Simone de Rochefort, Phil Kollar, Colin Campbell, Charlie Hall, Tara Long, and a bunch of other generally really cool games media personalities.
YesIs the first episode out?
Yeah, didn't expect that there would be a discussion about the fuckability of the arms charactersThey were just talking about how Helix (from ARMS) fucks people. Lord have mercy lol.
Yeah, didn't expect that there would be a discussion about the fuckability of the arms characters
Just curious, what did you enjoy about it? They lost me right at the start with the unfunny beverage shaming and it never really turned around from there.I really enjoyed it! Thanks op for posting. Between this and What's Good Games I'm just happy to have some women-led podcasts
I never actually go to their site but anytime something from them is posted here its a horrible clickbait article with little to no substance. Also the pie chart. Ill listen to the first episode of this and see for myself.
NAILED IT.Why do people find this kind of random inane banter entertaining in a gaming podcast? I can't even listen to giant bombcast because of this. They just go off on these asinine tangents for a gaming podcast. I'm not one of their buds having a beer at the bar. And even then I'd look at them weird and tell them to stop if they started talking about some of that shit.
They were just talking about how Helix (from ARMS) fucks people. Lord have mercy lol.
Why do people find this kind of random inane banter entertaining in a gaming podcast? I can't even listen to giant bombcast because of this. They just go off on these asinine tangents for a gaming podcast. I'm not one of their buds having a beer at the bar. And even then I'd look at them weird and tell them to stop if they started talking about some of that shit.
I've never really gotten the mass hate for Polygon really. Sure they've got Kuchera and Gies but they also have Justin and Griffin McElroy, Nick Robinson, Russ Frustrick, Pat Gill, Allegra Frank, Simone de Rochefort, Phil Kollar, Colin Campbell, Charlie Hall, Tara Long, and a bunch of other generally really cool games media personalities.
This is because it's a self-fulfilling cycle. People post articles from Polygon that they deem worthy of mockery, and start off on that footing. Their genuinely excellent video stuff doesn't leave much of an impression here, because GAF has been convinced that they're Microsoft shills (namely because they gave The Last of Us a well-earned 7/10). Whenever they do make something interesting, people are suddenly compelled to start shitposting about Doom and pie charts.
It's Polygon, so no.
tryna get that nintendo#fuckmoney
Nah I'm good.
Player One is...super biased against Nintendo.
Because they used to have the personnel for it and were considered charmingly garrulous.
I've always enjoyed Daft Souls.