That was my problem too.Wellington said:Played a ways into chapter 6 last night, wow what a difference in tone. Feels a little Bioshock-ish to be honest. I need to start playing more than like 45 minutes at a time. lol
That was my problem too.Wellington said:Played a ways into chapter 6 last night, wow what a difference in tone. Feels a little Bioshock-ish to be honest. I need to start playing more than like 45 minutes at a time. lol
There is, but just for one chamber.purple cobra said:I wonder if there's a trophy/achievement for a speed run? Haven't checked the trophy list.
These are pretty awesome. Shows that there is more than one way to beat these levels, which has been a main complaint with this game as the past few pages indicate.webrunner said:Test chamber 20 ("Lookin pretty good") solved with zero portals:
chapter 3 chamber 15: 0 portals again
Chamber 16:
Wellington said:These are pretty awesome. Shows that there is more than one way to beat these levels, which has been a main complaint with this game as the past few pages indicate.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it, Beelz.beelzebozo said:the end of chapterwere phenomenal. a lot more of the traversal type stuff i was requesting did eventually come around and i thought it was absolutely a breath of fresh air. the6 and the entirety of chapters 7 and 8i think were a mixed bag; they were fun sometimes and interesting in a quaint way, but did not feel like they 100% fit into the universe and i actually think may have detracted focus from the creativity of interesting portal and gravity use, a mechanic that i think has even farther reaching possibilities than i can begin to imagine.gels
listen though. this is an amazing game. it's the first game since SMG2 that i actually finished in just a few days. it is quality top to bottom, paced impeccably, has great humor, everything! i will admit i had considered the possibility that the scope of the game may be a bit larger, but i'm fine and perfectly pleased with what it is. for now, PORTAL remains about these contained environments where it makes sense to have only some surfaces able to accept portals for puzzle solving and navigation, while HALF-LIFE is about more expansive environments where the restrictions of PORTAL are unnecessary by design.
bravo valve!
This is awesome. I may try one of these for my next run.webrunner said:Test chamber 20 ("Lookin pretty good") solved with zero portals:
chapter 3 chamber 15: 0 portals again
Chamber 16:
Not quite. It's 'gaming' the game to complete the chambers rather than use portals in more than one way.Wellington said:These are pretty awesome. Shows that there is more than one way to beat these levels, which has been a main complaint with this game as the past few pages indicate.
All speedruns are based on that principle, really, regardless of the language of the game. It's still impressive.Saty said:Not quite. It's 'gaming' the game to complete the chambers rather than use portals in more than one way.
Arstechnica has a very critical article on Portal 2. Worth a read eventhough i don't agree with most of what the guy says. He comes off as wanting a re-tread of the original game. Contains spoilers for the SP and co-op.
As I said, I couldn't play Portal at night. With the house silent, playing in the dark, just me and the game, it felt too desperate. I was not just the only person in the Enrichment CenterI felt like I was the only person on the planet. The feelings it provoked of existential despair were just too profound. I had to play it during the day, just to retain that connection to the outside world.
Dax01 said:Glad to hear you enjoyed it, Beelz.I have an itch to do ANOTHER play through (my third since the game came out, something I've never done for an FPS before) after I finish my commentary-run of Ep2.
Speaking of developer commentary, after playing through Ep1 and half of Ep2, I must say the developer commentary in Portal 2 is disappointing. Not only are there nowhere near as many, even though Portal 2 is longer, there aren't as many interesting/funny one. For example, Ep2 has some commentaries from the woman who voices Alyx.
This is awesome. I may try one of these for my next run.
Nah, Valve never did a commentary run for HL2. I dunno if you want it spoiled, so I'll put this in tags, but concerning the commentaries in the latter parts of the game:Dead Man Typing said:I agree, but I'm only a few levels in and I'm hoping for the commentary to pick up later in the game. Any commentary on the early levels would be going over a lot of old ground that Portal 1's excellent commentary covered as far as designing and testing the game was concerned. If it doesn't pick up then I'll be a little disappointed. I never did do a commentary run of the half life episodes... they didn't do it for the main HL2 game did they?
It amazes me how some people can prefer an original over it sequel even if the sequel improves upon it in almost every way imaginable, it's longer, has a bigger scope, and makes the first game look more like a demo.Saty said:Arstechnica has a very critical article on Portal 2. Worth a read eventhough i don't agree with most of what the guy says. He comes off as wanting a re-tread of the original game. Contains spoilers for the SP and co-op.
Dax01 said:It amazes me how some people can prefer an original over it sequel even if the sequel improves upon it in almost every way imaginable, it's longer, has a bigger scope, and makes the first game look more like a demo.
Longer and "bigger scope" don't necessarily mean better.Dax01 said:It amazes me how some people can prefer an original over it sequel even if the sequel improves upon it in almost every way imaginable, it's longer, has a bigger scope, and makes the first game look more like a demo.
Wasn't saying that. I listed those as supplements to why it's better, after saying it improves upon the first game in almost every way.Princess Skittles said:Longer and "bigger scope" don't necessarily mean better.
While I can't say which game I prefer (still too early), there's a subtle perfection to the first game that the second game doesn't quite achieve because of all the extra stuff going on.
He also calls Wheatley annoying.Hawkian said:He extracted some very personal, very philosophical experiences from the first game which admittedly can't be recreated. I think this paints the severity of the supposed criticisms he offers to be much much troubling than they would be to most gamers.
It is impressive but it isn't something that was intended by Valve or ment to be as an alternate solution.Hawkian said:All speedruns are based on that principle, really, regardless of the language of the game. It's still impressive.
This is doubtlessly one of the stupidest things I have ever read. I laughed more reading this article than I did playing Portal 2.Saty said:Arstechnica has a very critical article on Portal 2. Worth a read eventhough i don't agree with most of what the guy says. He comes off as wanting a re-tread of the original game. Contains spoilers for the SP and co-op.
Lead writer for Portal 3!Qwomo said:This is doubtlessly one of the stupidest things I have ever read. I laughed more reading this article than I did playing Portal 2.
Dax01 said:Lead writer for Portal 3!
I may be missing the original question that explains why this is relevant, but in my opinion that doesn't change anything. In fact, I'd go a step further and say that finding solutions that were not intended by the developers is more impressive than finding alternative "planned" solutions.Saty said:It is impressive but it isn't something that was intended by Valve or ment to be as an alternate solution.
Qwomo said:This is doubtlessly one of the stupidest things I have ever read. I laughed more reading this article than I did playing Portal 2.
Thinking on Rails Reviewer said:Chell's story, never happy, is more tragic now than it ever was. At the end of Portal (the original end, that allowed her to escape, rather than the retconned end released to promote Portal 2 that saw her dragged back inside the Enrichment Center) she is liberated, free to return to her friends and family. But that hope is now gone, due the frankly cruel and heartless decision by Valve to place the events of Portal 2 hundreds of years into the future, a thoroughly pointless move that I completely resent.
Dead Man Typing said:I agree, but I'm only a few levels in and I'm hoping for the commentary to pick up later in the game. Any commentary on the early levels would be going over a lot of old ground that Portal 1's excellent commentary covered as far as designing and testing the game was concerned. If it doesn't pick up then I'll be a little disappointed. I never did do a commentary run of the half life episodes... they didn't do it for the main HL2 game did they?
Sounds epic. Make it and ship it!Hawkian said:No come on, he'd have the walls for every chamber get increasingly tighter and tighter until you can't even turn around in place and the end of the game is you dying from being cut off from the rest of the world as your psyche slowly deteriorates.
Never even heard of this. Just checked on Amazon and it's expensive as heck wow. I'm interested!D4Danger said:
Has that ever been reprinted?D4Danger said:
Nappuccino said:Has that ever been reprinted?
Grisby said:No, I don't think so.
Gotta save something for theTheBez said:Was anyone else dissapointed thatthere was no old timey portal gun? I mean you saw the cool old boxes and switches. It would have been cool to see what the old gun looked like.
Do you not know what both of those are actually a reference to?Nemme said:![]()
Awesome reference!
Wow, glad I bought one a few years ago.D4Danger said:yeah, it's become a bit of a collectors item now.
If you find one cheap though it's absolutely worth buying.
Saty said:Not quite. It's 'gaming' the game to complete the chambers rather than use portals in more than one way.
Arstechnica has a very critical article on Portal 2. Worth a read eventhough i don't agree with most of what the guy says. He comes off as wanting a re-tread of the original game. Contains spoilers for the SP and co-op.
Arstechnica said:I can't play Portal at night. The game has this pervasive, soul-destroying feeling of solitude.
Shotgun Kiss said:I swear that Ghost of Ratman might be the creepiest music track I've ever heard in a videogame. Especially when you're playing late at night, and factor in the scribbles/drawings in his dens. The sense of isolation and the atmosphere in Portal 2 can be incredibly dark and depressing at times, to the point where I felt a vague sense of despair.
Mister_Bubbles said:You and the author of that Arstechnica article could hold each other in the blackness.
You're right though, that track is chilling - I get the feeling that the Ratman ranting would have been really faint in the background of the Ratman dens had they not decided to go for an E rating.
Shotgun Kiss said:I think you're a little confused, as he says that Portal 2 *doesn't* have that dark atmosphere and sense of isolation. Whereas I think it's a whole lot more prominent in Portal 2 than Portal 1. Sure, you have a "buddy" with you a fair bit of the time, but to counter that, you really get a sense for just how vast Aperture Science really is (or maybe it's more accurate to say that you don't, as there are countless times when you're able to look into a void of seemingly endless space, full of chambers, facilities, and structures that you don't get to visit). And again, while you may have a "buddy", I was always aware of the fact that I was the only human left alive, and the only other characters were AIs. All of this combined with the soundtrack really creeped me out at times.
Mister_Bubbles said:It was just a throwaway joke about the Arstechnica dude being a complete emo case, don't worry about itYeah, the fact that the characters in Portal 2 are either robots, or long dead,
made it feel all the more 'one woman against the world'.or both
I think it just meansJasoco said:Is there any significance to the lighted sign in theDoes the"Death trap" room Wheatly sends you to after you escape that has the defective turrets? It says "75/19" as in room #75 of 19.mean anything?75
Shotgun Kiss said:As an example, in the first game, you might think to yourself: "where do I need to place portals to get to that platform?", whereas in Portal 2, you'd think "I obviously put a portal there, but what type of gel needs to go through it/how do I redirect that laser through it?"
You can always press tab to warp to the commentary node. I have yet to finish the dev commentary but pressing tab helped quite a bit,Jasoco said:Dammit! Why the hell did they put the last Commentary bubble there? It's almost impossible to touch on the first try and if you miss you have to do the entire battle again in order to try it again. Now I have to look up what it says. I played through the entire game and hit every commentary bubble except the last one in the stupidest place possible.
For fucks sake, Valve.
Edit: Okay. So Googling does nothing. What does the last Commentary say? I WANT TO KNOW!
Jasoco said:Dammit! Why the hell did they put the last Commentary bubble there? It's almost impossible to touch on the first try and if you miss you have to do the entire battle again in order to try it again. Now I have to look up what it says. I played through the entire game and hit every commentary bubble except the last one in the stupidest place possible.
For fucks sake, Valve.
Edit: Okay. So Googling does nothing. What does the last Commentary say? I WANT TO KNOW!
That's certainly true, but that falls pretty in line with Valve's philosophy about these sorts of things: very little redundancy, but everything that's needed to progress. It didn't perturb my experience in the slightest.Fafalada said:It's not just the active/inert panels. The.gel emmiters work blatantly better when splatting across puzzle important panels (paving of the "runways" for speed gel is particularly glaring in that regard)
In entire game there's not a single instance of athat isn't directly linked to progression - which is expected in "test" rooms but when every "free/organic" area follows the same rule, things start getting a bit silly.Gel, Mine, Bridge, Laser Emitter, Jump-Spring or a Button
And then there's also the aim and jump assist around important areas...
No, because the second you enter that room and try to "press the button", the ending script starts. It's placed in a horrible place and should really be on the outside of the window, not inside of it. Then you can hit it before you go after the button. I could not reach it from outside the window. It was too far away. I'm pretty sure. If it can definitely be done again, I might try again, as long as the Commentary lets me start right from the boss level and not from some half dozen levels before.Summary Man said:Can't you just activate that node from the adjoining room? You have unlimited time, don't you? You don't have to enter the portal before listening to it.
Tab is a PC term. What does it translate to on the Xbox?Exuro said:You can always press tab to warp to the commentary node. I have yet to finish the dev commentary but pressing tab helped quite a bit,
Jasoco said:No, because the second you enter that room and try to "press the button", the ending script starts. It's placed in a horrible place and should really be on the outside of the window, not inside of it. Then you can hit it before you go after the button. I could not reach it from outside the window. It was too far away. I'm pretty sure. If it can definitely be done again, I might try again, as long as the Commentary lets me start right from the boss level and not from some half dozen levels before.
Tab is a PC term. What does it translate to on the Xbox?
I just want to hear that last commentary!
Jasoco said:No, because the second you enter that room and try to "press the button", the ending script starts. It's placed in a horrible place and should really be on the outside of the window, not inside of it. Then you can hit it before you go after the button. I could not reach it from outside the window. It was too far away. I'm pretty sure. If it can definitely be done again, I might try again, as long as the Commentary lets me start right from the boss level and not from some half dozen levels before.
Tab is a PC term. What does it translate to on the Xbox?
I just want to hear that last commentary!
What? The Use button? Is that what Tab does? Seems like it isn't because that's a silly place to put a Use button. It must be something else. What does it say in the Controls options that Tab does? What is its name?Daigoro said:one of the other buttons. select/back maybe? cant be that hard to do trial and error.
they must have mentioned this in one of the earlier commentaries. its a feature in all valve games with commentary.
Thanks!EL Beefo said:I had the same problem, here's the youtube of the last commentary:
Jasoco said:What? The Use button? Is that what Tab does? Seems like it isn't because that's a silly place to put a Use button. It must be something else. What does it say in the Controls options that Tab does? What is its name?