Do people still play this regularly?
Not since I got AC, the physics, in most cars, are just such a turn off now I've played AC.
Do people still play this regularly?
Not since I got AC, the physics, in most cars, are just such a turn off now I've played AC.
I liked AC's physics but I don't dislike those in pCARS enough to sacrifice dynamic weather, dynamic time of day, good AI, massive grids, loads of tracks, the race weekend experience, telemetry apps, Crew Chief... oh, and fucking WHEEL SUPPORT.
Rene Rast is back at it
He's prepping for a new DTM season with pCARS. I'm amazed at his breaking skills.
Rene Rast is back at it
He's prepping for a new DTM season with pCARS. I'm amazed at his breaking skills.
Is that pCARS or pCARS 2?
Original pCARS.
I know he's posted a video of pCARS 2 at Spa before now,
I'm going to fire up Project Cars now on my Youtube Stream to see how it is (I'll enable 60FPS mode). If you want to watch it's
I have played this game like twice, so prepare for terrible.
Normally the number of opponents is more CPU stressing and look at benchmarks how CPU bound Project CARS is...I then asked Padinn to run a night race at Monza in a thunderstorm, again 36 cars. It looked amazing. It's harder to tell with all the spray but performance was superb, orders of magnitude above vanilla PS4.
that it's better on a Pro with many opponents is weird.
Closed platform development?
I wouldn't have expected a big improvement with the pro either because of how CPU bound it is on PC. That's interesting.
Another 60fps Pro beta Beast Mode video
Replays look much improved too.
Nice. My Pro arrives tomorrow!
Yes it looks good, not new console purchase good, but decent. Usually i run with 16-20 cars, framerate has been pretty good in the base PS4.
I have to admit I've not been too impressed with anything on the PS4 Pro yet, for PCars 2 I'm more interested in the Scorpio at present. I hope the new more powerful consoles don't overshadow work on the base systems.
Yes there is,"pCARS Telemetry".Is there an App that saves the telemetry and lets you export it to MoTec Pro or even just an excel table or so?
Cheap as chips on current psn sale. The dlc is on sale too. Couldn't help it and picked it up. Hopefully its a serious racer I can sink into.
If you're using a controller, be prepared for a steep (near vertical) learning curve!
You need to know that, as a controller user, it still sucks.So... Now it's been a while since I've played a decent racing game, I've decided to spend a good chunk of the long weekend playing this again.
How has it held up and anything I need to know update wise as a controller user?
So... Now it's been a while since I've played a decent racing game, I've decided to spend a good chunk of the long weekend playing this again.
How has it held up and anything I need to know update wise as a controller user?
Steering deadzone 6
Steering sensitivity 0
Throttle deadzone 10
Throttle sensitivity 30
Brake deadzone 10
Brake sensitivity 30
Speed sensitivity 55
Controller filtering 40
Advanced on
Soft steering damper on
Use these
Use real life assists
New WMD payment came in for pCARS.
15EUR, the gift that keeps on giving!
I don't want to defend the default setup, not even pCARS1 physics and tire model, but you have to acknowledge that the approach was to make a car simulation first - unlike GT and Forza who make a game first. If you move the steering wheel of a race car on hard springs, set up for being fast with balance and a slight tendency for oversteer, really quickly then a LOT will happen, if you move it quickly in a really soft car almost nothing will happen.I just grabbed the new 387.92 Nvidia drivers and I'm killing time during a big download, so I decided to run some single-race events while I wait. My wheel is connected, but not plugged into the power strip, so I decide to just use the XB1 controller on my PC. I've barely played the PC version with anything but the wheel.
I don't have words for how poor the controller implementation still is in the up-to-date build. What a terrible experience. It's worse than I had remembered, and it's frustrating even with an AWD car at moderate speed. I don't want to slip into hyperbole, but this is unplayable. I was under the impression this had been adjusted over time, and I had a passable experience on the PS4 and XB1 versions some time ago with a handful of different tweaks for different classes of car. I literally don't understand how SMS managed to get standard controls so fundementally bad.
I don't want to defend the default setup, not even pCARS1 physics and tire model, but you have to acknowledge that the approach was to make a car simulation first - unlike GT and Forza who make a game first. If you move the steering wheel of a race car on hard springs, set up for being fast with balance and a slight tendency for oversteer, really quickly then a LOT will happen, if you move it quickly in a really soft car almost nothing will happen.
I always loved what Dan Greenawalt said, that at Turn 10 the physics simulation always comes first, then they build driving and controller aids on top of that to make it enjoyable for everyone. Problem is, it's not true and no game/sim has nailed this concept so far.
i finally bought this game a couple weeks ago for just £6. i was going to get Forza 7 this year but bullet dodged there and i'm not interested in GTS. the reason i left it this long to play Project Cars is because it's more of a simulation game and everyone says how awful it is with a controller.
i wish i bought it sooner because i'm having a load of fun with it even playing with a 360 controller. this is the first racing game i've used manual transmission and i'm using less assists.
the only thing i'm not happy about is the variety of cars. i find myself using the same 2-3 cars all the time. i'll play this for a while and then pick up PC2.
I don't have words for how poor the controller implementation still is in the up-to-date build. What a terrible experience. It's worse than I had remembered, and it's frustrating even with an AWD car at moderate speed. I don't want to slip into hyperbole, but this is unplayable. I was under the impression this had been adjusted over time, and I had a passable experience on the PS4 and XB1 versions some time ago with a handful of different tweaks for different classes of car. I literally don't understand how SMS managed to get standard controls so fundementally bad.
About controller testing: I think some people in the WMD community actively wanted the controller to be impossible to drive with zero accomodations in steering aids and as close to 1:1 shittyness as possible. Because on a controller it should not be possible to be faster than a wheel because "sim" and "realism".