PM 3.0 is incredibly good. I'm having a problem though I can't seem to find the options to change the music for Skyloft. The stage doesn't seem to be there or maybe I just missed it.
Skyloft goes over Hanenbow, which has no my music selection (that's how Brawl was). You can change its .brstm though in the SD Card itself -- I, personally, forget which .brstm it is but someone linked to a guide on replacing stage music that should include the list of stage music and their associated file names on the disc a page ago, I think.
Something I've been wondering when I played online last night: Is it me or is the input lag noticeably better online? I'm guessing it has to do with the input lag fix on the controls in general since it's impossible to fix input lag from the online side or maybe I'm just very used to it now?
That would definitely be part of it, the input lag that's naturally in Brawl is a huge detriment to WiFi when WiFi by itself adds 6 frames of delay on its own iirc. So then you're talking like a possible 7-8 frames of delay in Brawl, which is huge. I think it's even worse if you're using a Wii Remote (not 100% sure).
How many frames of delay did Brawl naturally have?
In Vanilla Brawl? Pit's an average character, really. Mediocre. Not even close to being broken. If you're having trouble with spammy Pit players then that's a sign that you have a lot of room to improve, not that Pit's broken. ;PHave you ever played Smash Bros. with friends who like to spam before?
Pit Side B + nearly infinite jump ability = hell no.
If I recall, it fluctuates randomly between 0-2 frames of input delay.
In Vanilla Brawl? Pit's an average character, really. Mediocre. Not even close to being broken. If you're having trouble with spammy Pit players then that's a sign that you have a lot of room to improve, not that Pit's broken. ;P
If I recall, it fluctuates randomly between 0-2 frames of input delay.
When you go to the music folder of your Project M download there's a handy txt file included that shows which songs are replaced.Skyloft goes over Hanenbow, which has no my music selection (that's how Brawl was). You can change its .brstm though in the SD Card itself -- I, personally, forget which .brstm it is but someone linked to a guide on replacing stage music that should include the list of stage music and their associated file names on the disc a page ago, I think.
I think he is talking about casual game. Like Ike is really overpowered at casual level ffa stuff. But at higher levles he is not that good.
wait seriously
wait seriously
wait seriously
Try mashing Mario's tornado moveYou can fucking cancel into taunt in Turbo Mode.
Slowpoke discovery no doubt, but man. :lol
I have a PAL Wii.
Will this work if I use Homebrew to bypass region locking on an NTSC copy?
put the builder, project m and the iso in the same folder and let it rip
Holy shit, they just confirmed after the Project M 3.0 tourney they WILL be having a Project M 3.0 Turbo Mode Tourney!![]()
I finally got it to run!
Now... how do you wavedash? xD
Is there a guide to this version?
Probably Professor Pro? I think he's the PMBR's main Snake guy. I've always felt the Nikita was out of place in PM's faster-paced environment, but I'm not sure of their specific motivations. If the tranq gun is really unpopular, they'll probably bring it back.why doesn't snake have the rocket
what monster did this
Damn so you need a 2GB or less SD card to do a hackless mod? Smallest i've got is a 4GB.
Damn so you need a 2GB or less SD card to do a hackless mod? Smallest i've got is a 4GB.
not quite related, but apparently there's plans for Melee at MLG
I grabbed one on Amazon for like 6$, Prime shipping. Hope to see it tomorrow or Thursday.
Yeah i bought a used one for $3 on Ebay just now. As long as it works i'm good. Quick question though. Does the SD card have to stay in the Wii U to continue using this mod or will it install in the internal memory?
Turbo Mode and Stamina mode together is kind of amusing lol. I wonder if there's a way to up the max hp to more than 300.
How do you hover as Mewtwo again? Can't seem to get it to activate properly, probably doesn't help i'm using a 360 controller.
How do you hover as Mewtwo again? Can't seem to get it to activate properly, probably doesn't help i'm using a 360 controller.