Is there any way to modify Project M so that:
Default Stock = 3
Default Hurting Team Mates Off
Default Percentages On (health)
Making smash "unique" by removing the execution barriers? The ones in Melee that enabled depth of play which are the key to Melee's decade of dedicated fans and longevity due to depth of play? Thats what Brawl got rid of, and I don't agree that to make smash "unique" is a solution if it means developing it with the same concepts in mind that were in Brawl's development.
to quote cmart (edited to match the issue of l-cancel):
It's essentially the difference between manual and auto l-canceling. If you wish to have a certain effect happen, you must actively input the cause. Giving the player a task and rewarding them for accomplishing it are not strange concepts. It feels good to l-cancel and reduce landing lag because of something you did, rather than the game doing it for you. Brawl didn't reward you for doing anything. Melee punished you for not paying attention to your positioning and momentum. You can argue that all players will learn to l-cancel, and nothing will change and so it should be automatic. I don't agree with either stance - I think there's some intrinsic value in there being execution barriers for a game - otherwise what's the point in practice? What's the reward for dedication? And if you do screw up, that's a sign that maybe you're not putting in enough effort, and an encouragement to get better.
I'm still salty over Link's boomerang change from 2.6 though. I've been maining Link since the N64 days, and I always enjoyed how the boomerang can be used to annoy opponents at longer ranges. I might mess around with the files today and try to revert his boomerang back to 2.5.
I think for the time being the PMBR's directive is to get project m to feel just like melee so a mechanics change isn't coming in the near future. But I would love to see L-canceling kept, but for three frames that your character flashes white, if you get hit you take extra damage and knock back. L-canceling keeps its almost universal utility but adds a little element of risk and timing so that it becomes a mechanic with a little depth rather than being a rote law that you should always L-cancel on landing.
I still think mewtwo should have a new downB
Well, he's the only shoto, so that's cool. All his stuff links well. I agree the tornado kick is ill-fitting but the rest makes sense for his fighting/steel type.I don't see the point of making Lucario fight like a shotoclone. His fighting style was never about uppercuts or tornado kicks.
I still think mewtwo should have a new downB
Yeah, is there a good use for his down B? Because it seems pretty useless.
I don't see the point of making Lucario fight like a shotoclone. His fighting style was never about uppercuts or tornado kicks.
Gonna go out on a limb and say that's really the only change I'm not a fan of. I would have preferred a refinement of Brawl's moveset, or something more imaginative that still fit in with the rest of Smash's established mechanics. Just feels so out of place.I don't see the point of making Lucario fight like a shotoclone. His fighting style was never about uppercuts or tornado kicks.
Finally got to play Project M with humans tonight. Had a lot of fun! ...even though some of my friends don't understand why some things were changed from vanilla Brawl (they complaining about it being harder to grab ledges and for some reason think Snake's tranquilizer gun is too cheap...whatever, I'm still gonna keep using it!)
Link what are you doing.
Hype PM Top 4 at Tipped Off 9:
Jeez. Ivysaur looks pretty good. does solarbeam work btw? It seems to carry the charge after death, sometimes it'll self charge, what goes on there?
Ivysaur is disgusting
I am official champion of Squirtle suicides. I've killed myself like three times for every time the CPU has.
EDIT: Actually it might be more like 4 or 5. -_- Started a match and immediately SideB'd off the edge.
Yeah, Squirtle is slippery as hell in this.
The harder ledge grabbing is from Melee. You can only ledge grab if your character is facing towards it, and not the magical grabbing of Brawl. Some moves like Captain Falcon's Up + B can of course turn you around, so use your movement wisely.
And Snake's Tranq Gun is no more cheap than Mewtwo's Disable, IMO.
Hype PM Top 4 at Tipped Off 9:
playing for $14 again?![]()
well this thread died
well this thread died
Agreed, I liked Brawl but gave it up /pretty/ quickly...Holy hell, this mod is amazing. I don't think i can go back to vanilla Brawl now, for real.
Gonna try this out when I get home, I bought a 2GB SD card late last night.
Man, the shitty little thing was write protected even though it was not at the "LOCK" setting. It ended up being my computer, I was able to transfer the files using a laptop.
I can't wait!
I do have a question, though: How noticeable is the lag involved with playing with four players? My little sister and I usually play Brawl with two other CPU controlled characters so this affects us.