Used Reiji and Xiamou's multi attack for the first time, that has to be one of the biggest WTF supers I've ever seen... seriously death by cosplay?
How or when do I get multiple attacks? And how do I use them?
You know for a series with as many characters as this game has it kind of sucks that you're fighting the same bosses over... and over... and over... and over... at least a couple of them flip sides after a while.
Whaaaat? Are you telling me the longer combos dont give you more EXP? How come I am already on chapter 22 and I still thought it did? >_>
You also need to have 100% XP in order for the option to appear.Some you get after finishing a certain chapter, the others you get by leveling up normally.
Press Start and your highlighter thing will turn blue instead of yellow. Look at the top right to see how many enemies you can target. Some are 2 only, others are 2-4.
So guys help me here, Project X or Animal Crossing
*I like both*
Can someone explain to me what these moves are with an S in a diamond? They never seem to execute and I can't seem to work out how to.
The tutorials are so unorganised and messy so I can't be bothered wading through them and I have a sneaking suspicion someone here will be able to explain it a bit better :3
Characters have a tech rating that affects the chance of status effects triggering. S skills have a chance of triggering stun which will prevent enemies from countering and guarantee a critical on the next attack (if that attack starts a new combo chain, I think)
You're probably looking at the special attacks that can only be triggered with 100% meter (XP is the ingame terminology but I always confuse it with EXP so I just call it meter).
Oh shit, it's XP gain and not EXP gain for high combos? Christ. Well, that completely throws out my theory before that MultiAttacks were good for building EXP. They net you zero bonus EXP. Though I stand by my earlier statement that MultiAttacks will still net you the full EXP as killing each enemy individually sans bonuses.
I can't believe I missed that.Well, I've got to be more careful from now on, then. The only ways of earning bonus EXP then are Skills, Accessories, Special Finishes, and Criticals?
Dante and Demitri are so OP. Paired them with Heihachi and they kill most enemies simply with a counter, and they're my go to "obliterate this boss" team.
Definitely my favorite team. I find it easy to crit with them as well, though I don't really care for heihachi that much.
Oh shit, it's XP gain and not EXP gain for high combos? Christ. Well, that completely throws out my theory before that MultiAttacks were good for building EXP. They net you zero bonus EXP. Though I stand by my earlier statement that MultiAttacks will still net you the full EXP as killing each enemy individually sans bonuses.
I can't believe I missed that.Well, I've got to be more careful from now on, then. The only ways of earning bonus EXP then are Skills, Accessories, Special Finishes, and Criticals?
Still have no clue what I am doing, or who half of these dudes are...but having a blast regardless.
the writing or translation is worth noting so far as it is really good and each "character" really shines through. Dante's "like I give a fuck" attitude , Arthur's manliness and Ryu's....bland as fuckness.. all are here and I'm guessing it's the same for the characters I know nothing about.
it is funny how everyone is just okay with the whole mixed universe thing. "oh this shit again...meh" "Oh hai Chun-Li".
Looking forward to actually diving in (just beat prolouge 5) over the Holiday Break.
Here I am kinda wishing that Phoenix Wright was in this game somehow...
The characters knowing each other comes from Namco x Capcom (and maybe other games likes VS. series?).
Speaking of, anyone else think it's weird that Chun-Li got paired with Morrigan? They're an awesome team but it's weird that Demitri wasn't paired with Morrigan (though him and Dante are a funny duo).
Naw, Demitri and Morrigan were solo units (although Morrigan got Lilith). But in NxC each character is a unit regardless if it's a pair or not. However the pairs lack the "cohesiveness" and fluidity found in the pairs in this game.
Oh right I forgot about that. You're right on the "cohesiveness" of pairs in this game because NXC was a mess... I was just so sure that Demitri and Morrigan were paired cause it made sense![]()
Well, they have a Multiple Assault![]()
Urgh... Multiple Assaults were when you had to get units close to each other to use correct?
PxZ is a very huge improvement over NxC.
With that said, I like NxC's characters more for the sake of being arcade-y and classic-ish.
PxZ is a very huge improvement over NxC.
With that said, I like NxC's characters more for the sake of being arcade-y and classic-ish.
The characters knowing each other comes from Namco x Capcom (and maybe other games likes VS. series?).
Speaking of, anyone else think it's weird that Chun-Li got paired with Morrigan? They're an awesome team but it's weird that Demitri wasn't paired with Morrigan (though him and Dante are a funny duo).
Arthur's manliness
Mainly from Namco x Capcom, and then there's the relationship with Reiji/Xiaomu and Haken/Kaguya from Endless Frontier. I'm really glad I played a bit of NXC. I just appreciate their interactions just a tad bit more![]()
Well, they have a Multiple Assault![]()
I'd buy a 3DS port. That and localize Exceed and I can die happy.
I found that one character, Boroboro Man(?) pretty awesome. You don't see characters like him very often anymore.
I found that one character, Boroboro Man(?) pretty awesome. You don't see characters like him very often anymore.
Demitri and Dante are a joke / meta thing since the VA's are known best friends in real life. Which is why they flow really well together. But that's what these crossovers are about in my opinion. Stuff like this, and even in SRW games you'll get references or characters wondering why like Masaki and Heero happen to sound the same.
Finished chapter...whatever the God Eater with the rabbit dude chapter was near the beginning (chapter 6?)
Really liking the game so far. Is it repetitive? Kind of, but I'm willing to overlook that because its been so entertaining.
Finished chapter...whatever the God Eater with the rabbit dude chapter was near the beginning (chapter 6?)
Really liking the game so far. Is it repetitive? Kind of, but I'm willing to overlook that because its been so entertaining.
Oohh I just paired him with them for the first time. This oughta be good!I always pretend Vashyron is voiced by Nolan North.
Also pairing him with Chun Li/Morrigan is the best.
Just having met before is all that matters! Clearly no words were needed since they spoke with their fists! Now what I dun get is this "8 stars" and "train to be a tiger" stuff Akira's rambling on about despite having played all the VFs! I've never seen the VF anime but could it be references to that o.o?And apparently Akira and Pai know Bahn from Fighters Megamix, despite that game's apparent lack of plot or dialogue.
I need to try this the next time I have the chance. Wonder if someone has made a list of all the special conversations you can have between pairs & solo units.Also pairing him with Chun Li/Morrigan is the best.
So far I'm doing real good on the character recognition front! The Gods Eaters,Tales of ?, and Resonance of Fate ones are all new to me. Unsurprisingly none of these games have demos lol. There sure are lotsa characters who haven't appeared on nintendo systems before!