The insane response to this bums me out. Feels like bullying. Funny or not to you, a joke is a joke. I hear worse jokes than that every day. I don't think it perpetuates an idea. If people read that tweet and think "wow, he's so right, women really are loud and obnoxious!", then they're the problem, not the joke itself. If there was any truth to his statement, it wouldn't even be a joke at all. I see this as making fun of the stereotype, but maybe I'm crazy. I don't think it's that funny, but he never claimed to be a comedian. The insane response to this is what bums me out. It really is like bullying. Unfortunate situation all around, I guess...

. KF guys have a right to disagree with him, but publicly disagreeing with him like that also bums me out. I get that they feel like they have to do it due to their own opinion and the unfortunate toxicity it could bring to the brand, but it bums me out regardless.