Just completed the game. Whilst it was beautifully presented, narrated, and featured some absolutely stunning looking environments and enjoyable boss fights, the game annoyed the crap out of me more than I could ever imagine.
Id like to begin with the controls and the way it plays; the most important part of any game, and really the only thing that matters. Puppeteer did not play well. The controls are sleepy and floaty and I never felt like I was in full control of Kutaro. 30 frames per second doesnt help, but the main issue is that I dont think he feels that great to control, and considering this is a 2D platformer, I think its a massive issue. No jumps are ever precise, changing direction isnt accurate, and some upgrades such as a directional shield are just annoying to use. Hes also just not that fun to jump about and play with, it feels almost lifeless (spare me the joke that hes a frikking puppet).
Another problem for me was difficulty, or perhaps annoying frustrations in the game that I felt were either unfair or out of my control. Rope cutting jumps that for some reason would sometimes not be reachable, the unbelievably annoying blaster firing plants that required you to change direction of the crappy shield that ran out of juice too quickly and too long to recharge. I died a lot in the game, yet still managed to complete the game with 40 lives remaining. With that in mind, why did the game even bother with a lives system? It didnt need one, and just led to more frustration as you hopelessly try to catch your last remaining head as it bounces away from you and vanishes within a ridiculously tight time limit. It feels like a game that the developer played and played all day and basically got used to playing around the annoying parts, and then thinking that it was easy to play and not at all frustrating. I know Sony focus test heavily, Ive been part of it when I worked there, and to me this game feels like it didnt have any external gamers play the game. Maybe they did, I dont really care, but I found the whole experience infuriating at times.
Boss fights were generally the same in mechanics and patterns, but I thoroughly enjoyed playing 95% of them. A couple of them were damn right genius and very memorable.
Changing heads was kinda neat, but MUCH more could of been made of this. Theyre entirely pointless in the game other than accessing bonus levels, unlocking Trophies (again, pointless) and the odd additional room or prize. If they had perhaps given Kutaro special abilities or access to different routes in the level, or had altered the buff on the scissors, that would of been cool. I understand and appreciate it would of made a much more complex game with lots to balance, but yknow, this IS Japan Studio here

They were basically just skins for the character, a wasted opportunity I feel. Compare it to Mario where he collects suits that give him huge gameplay changes, I think something like that would of been awesome. Obviously you couldnt have all of the heads then, but you get what I mean.
Presentation, graphics, music and spoken voice are OUTSTANDING in this game, absolutely first class top tier quality. Even the font used in the front-end was beautiful! Its an incredibly attractive game to see at and hear. I dont own a 3D TV but I would imagine its got some very nice 3D effects.
I dunno, I came away disappointed with Puppeteer because I didnt think it was that great to play, and I was glad that I had finished the game so I didnt have to play it again. That sounds really harsh because I dont think its a particularly bad game, I just thought the controls and a few vital gameplay mechanics could of been improved upon.