How a game this simple can look this good? The COLORS.
Man, this one was a pain to design. Hopefully someone can make a better one.
I downloaded your stage in 2 seconds from my iPhone screen, this QR feature is awesome.Man, this one was a pain to design. Hopefully someone can make a better one.
2. fuck you for not putting out a good thing since DK94.....
What's the max number of colours you can use in a puzzle? And what's the max resolution? I want to know if I can make overly complicated SNES sprite levels. xP
The eShop might not be bursting at the seams with quality content but there's been some good/great games since Donkey Kong '94.
i apologize. we did get 4 swords......
As far as I can tell it's 16x16, unless you unlock more as you go. As for colors, if I remember correctly it was 10 colors per puzzle, but you can customize the 10 colors the way you want.
And Gargolye's Quest, and Super Mario Land 2, and Metroid 2, and Mario's Picross, and Kirby's Adventure, and Freakyforms, and...i apologize. we did get 4 swords......
How can a simple game sound so good? My God the soundtrack...chiptune AND (semi)orcestrated. Catchy music to boot.How a game this simple can look this good? The COLORS.
lol, I´m stuck at the tenth lesson :')
Nevermind lol
Really enjoying this! Great little puzzler., it seems to have quite a lot of levels too.
My contribution:
Had to modify the sprite a bit to make it work, plus it doesn't make for a particularly challenging level...but still, was fun to put together!
I liked it but I think untill you acess ladders and tubes you can't make really difficult puzzles.
I also love how some puzzles look like they will be a pain and are really easy in the end.
Oh wow, you get access to those later on? Nice! Might have to come back and modify the level down the line in that case![]()
Amazing. I still haven't found how to solve this oneI just make it.
I just make it.
"Mamama"All the animations in this game are friggin adorable.
Still on it, I love this game!Wow, just wow. This one really had me going for 15 minutes and I don't think I'd be able to reproduce it again. Really great one!
Man dont tell me you be hatin on dat Mario Land 2
And Gargolye's Quest, and Super Mario Land 2, and Metroid 2, and Mario's Picross, and Kirby's Adventure, and Freakyforms, and...
i wont use this topic as a vendetta page against the House of N.
i will post this pushmo level i created.....
EDIT: anyone got a site or a way to upload pics from the 3DS browser? im not a fan of removing the SD card. too many corruption stories from different devices.
I don't get how this game works. Are pushing and pulling the only rules?
And I thank you for that.
And a great level, thanks! Try to use imgur, I had no problem when uploading my level from my 3DS earlier.
Heh, the blocks actually cast proper shadows onto the characters. The attention to detail is high in this one. Did I mention it's adorable?
Nintendo's download games are incredibly polished, but I still feel that the general public would consider them too expensive. And in all honesty, they kinda are, as there are no sales and the games never go down in price. Pullblox is a very cool, polished and content rich game, but at the same time, I just rebought Infinite Space yesterday, for the same price - new and sealed. I could get EBA for 1.50 new. Granted, those games (sadly) tanked and are already a bit old, but then again, no matter how badly eShop games sell, and no matter how old they are, they'll always cost the same. 6 at launch is fine.Intellegent System really did a great job on this one. And now around puzzle 70 the difficutly is starting to go up. Sadly my battery just died. But best 6 ever spent.
Thanksstill cant figure out a straight from the browser method...i had to upload from the 3DS then manually type the pic address on my pc. good thing the imgur site address is small.
heres another:
You are kicking ass panama!