Its this team:
Floor by bloor:
1. I try to kill Dragon seed with fire aoe (5 orbs minimun) and stall 1-2 turns.
2. Either stall or TPA everything, depends how many turns Plants have before they attack.
3. Use Cao Cao, target B-Tama, combo and try to get TPA or aoe.
- If your unit gets binded by B-Tama, stall as long as possible, so that bind / binds have 1 turn left when you kill B-Tama.
- Also if it seems desperate, rather use GZL here and kill B-Tama with TPA before it can bind your units.
4. Kill
Blue fruit first, TPA as much as possible.
-> Better to kill Green first

-> I have noticed that its not exactly good to use Vishnu skill here. So many times I got > 5 wood orb skyfall thus ruining TPA...
- I have over 36k HP max so I can survive attack made by those 2 trifruits that are left (Fire & Green).
- TPA again and kill them.
I make sure that I have atleast 2 Verdandi activation left in floor 4. I can use one Verdandi skill before last floor if needed. Cao Cao skill in floor 3 helps much. Better to save GZL to last floor if possible. Tho its ok to use GZL at floor 3 and kill B-Tama, it just means that you need to do more combos & TPAs on last floor.
I havent tried clearing with my A.Shiva team, need to test it later when units are max leveled.