Oh wow - Awoken Yomi is so redeemed right now. Honestly I had more or less forgotten about her after being so hyped for her pre US launch. Crazy what difference a single sub can make. YomiDra is so good on that team. Haste, fingers, dark/heart orb provider and finally a bind clear.
It will take a while until I have a good YomiDra team but it feels good that he is reviving my Yomi team. Especially once skilled up this should be fun - Izanami already seems to be up all the time.
New MP series will nullify the old MP Dragons. So as long as y'all don't regret your purchases you'll be fine.
I think it will be some time until we got way more powerful MP Dragons... The current ones still fell OP at least from my little playtime with YD.
I bought YomiDra because I knew he would be a solid sub as well down the line, he is like a better Sumire.. Which is one of my favorite units right now.
Congratz to you both!
Sasuke: You better keep that YD as leader for this year when you get it done
Heh yeah thanks YD will def. be part of the main leaders down the line. That longterm investment.
I'm already testing it out on my NA account and I like the results so far. I'm going for a more survivalist and time extension build then the pure offensive build.
Awoken Sakuya, L.Kali, D.Kali, Awoken Yomi, Awoken Susano, Awoken Sakuya Friend.
Leaders, D.Kali and Susano are unbindable so I can always proc Sakuya leader skill. I have D. Kali to make hearts, Susano to survive a hit or two. Enough time extension awakenings to take my time to proc leader skill and make combos. The team is not done yet still need to max level Susano and D.Kali, +297 everybody and max skill the Kali's. So damage is not as high as it should be, but once its done I think it should be enough to take on most of the game contents.
I don't have L.Kali on my JP account, instead I have Fat Chocobo or Mini Valk if I want more offense.
Yeah that's a pretty solid team - actually it's the same I tried with the exception of a 2nd Kali instead of DKali. But yeah in the hands of more skilled players Sakuya can clear probably everything with that team.
I hope to get DKali this year
Nice! See now you're one of the cool kids

Castor seems like a suitable Haku replacement. I don't know how that will affect the Arena clear rate, but for general use he'll be great.
PS I wanna see that Yomidra pentamaxed asap
Heh actually I dont't plan on clearing Arena with YomiDra - that stage still terrifies me. Castor looks good but he isn't skilled so it will take a while until this squad comes together. My first Arena clear, if it happens, is reserved for Bestcat.
+egging YomiDra should be possible during this event though. Also hope for some Py freebies from Gungho... When is the next livestream? xD