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Quantum Break |OT| We'll Be Right Back After This Commercial Break


Please Remedy if you're listening, this game is amazing but NEEDS a survival mode! There's no way to jump in and enjoy the gameplay is small doses.

I thought something similar to this would be cool:

One quick question regarding replay: Lets assume I'm in the middle of act 3 and for whatever reason I'd like to replay act 1 chapter 1, will I keep my current progress in act 3?
You'll lose your save checkpoint but like say if you made it to act 3-3, then you'll just continue from the start of act 3-3.
I know it's probably tough at the moment, but any news/word on the PC performance/rendering issues?

We are monitoring the discussio and what is going on. I had written a longer response, but it's just gonna be misunderstood etc, so what I will say is that, rest assured, lot of of work went into the Win10 version and we are looking at the reactions now as well as potential issues.


We are monitoring the discussio and what is going on. I had written a longer response, but it's just gonna be misunderstood etc, so what I will say is that, rest assured, lot of of work went into the Win10 version and we are looking at the reactions now as well as potential issues.

Thanks for the response.
Wow loving this game, looks incredible with the time effects, and the powers are really fun and awesome looking.

Only on Act 2 but I really dont see how it could be rated 4/10, that just seems nuts to me unless things take a huge dive.
We are monitoring the discussio and what is going on. I had written a longer response, but it's just gonna be misunderstood etc, so what I will say is that, rest assured, lot of of work went into the Win10 version and we are looking at the reactions now as well as potential issues.

The settings for this game are lack luster

Can't disable post processing effects like film grain

The resolution is likely a 1:1 of the rendering method of the Xbox one. Not the native res of whatever you choose

No anisotropic filtering setting

No quit button which is necessary since not everyone wants to quit using a k/b and mouse

Antialiasing only on and off and no specific options like smaa or msaa

Frame times are messed up outside of locked 30 and 60

My gut feeling is most of this is likely going to be difficult to address depending on how hard the game was built around the Xbox one.


This game is too linear imo. One minute u can use ur powers the next u can't. The platform segments are awful. I hate that u could not blind fire or shoot while crouching. It's like u have to trade getting shot with the enemies. I only played the 1st 2 acts. I don't even want to play anymore. Idfk. I did not like the AAA 3rd person shooters this year so far. I hope I'm not losing interest in this genre with May 10 on the horizon.


Help, final mission!

Seriously f that final encounter - not only does it take 25 seconds to reload checkpoint, and another 5 when you skip the cutscene, but you also have an additional 30seconds of fighting before the unimaginative boss fight. Any tips?
This game is too linear imo. One minute u can use ur powers the next u can't. The platform segments are awful. I hate that u could not blind fire or shoot while crouching. It's like u have to trade getting shot with the enemies. I only played the 1st 2 acts. I don't even want to play anymore. Idfk. I did not like the AAA 3rd person shooters this year so far. I hope I'm not losing interest in this genre with May 10 on the horizon.

Complaining a Remedy game for being too linear... That is always Remedy's style.

Help, final mission!

Seriously f that final encounter - not only does it take 25 seconds to reload checkpoint, and another 5 when you skip the cutscene, but you also have an additional 30seconds of fighting before the unimaginative boss fight. Any tips?

Deal with the adds, Paul will occasionally throw small time explosions at you, if you see your surroundings turn red, move away, in fact just keep moving in the entire encounter. When all the regular enemies are dead Paul will start channeling a big blast, just run to the other side of the room then you'll be safe. You can shoot him after he finish the big attack since his shield will be down. Keep in mind the second time he'll channel three instead of one big explosion.


Halfway through act 3 and completely in love with this game!

I can't stop messing about with these time powers, even when not in combat. Physics be damned!
The settings for this game are lack luster

Can't disable post processing effects like film grain

The resolution is likely a 1:1 of the rendering method of the Xbox one. Not the native res of whatever you choose

No anisotropic filtering setting

No quit button which is necessary since not everyone wants to quit using a k/b and mouse

Antialiasing only on and off and no specific options like smaa or msaa

Frame times are messed up outside of locked 30 and 60

My gut feeling is most of this is likely going to be difficult to address depending on how hard the game was built around the Xbox one.

Just to help with one of those issues, you can quit like this:


Wow loving this game, looks incredible with the time effects, and the powers are really fun and awesome looking.

Only on Act 2 but I really dont see how it could be rated 4/10, that just seems nuts to me unless things take a huge dive.
Agreed. I'm in act two and the game is awesome so far. The first episode of the show was full on too lol, Car chases and shit.

Haters gonna hate I suppose.


Five minutes in, first Alan Wake reference. Love it.

TV part feels low-budget though. First episode and all I can think of is "How often do I have to see a close up of screeching tires?".


Just to help with one of those issues, you can quit like this:

He did specifically said "no kb+m" though. If you're gaming with a gamepad then there's basically no way of quitting QB at the moment but to go and press alt+f4 or pick up the mouse to click on window close button.


Asked this earlier, but anybody get in-game cutscene stuttering in act 1? It happened to me a few times and was somewhat jarring. The episode played smooth though and gameplay seemed pretty fluid.


He did specifically said "no kb+m" though. If you're gaming with a gamepad then there's basically no way of quitting QB at the moment but to go and press alt+f4 or pick up the mouse to click on window close button.

there is an application I think that allows you to multipress a button combination of your choice and turn the right analog stick into a mouse

still an oversight yes.....but, there are options for now at least
Hey Messofanego, how does the game run on PC for you? Seems fine in your youtube videos.
I run on Ultra (1080p), it runs well enough on my laptop (30ish fps for Nvidia Geforce GTX 970M). I can bump it down to just everything High and SSAO off for higher framerate. That end of Act 2-2 stutter combat is pretty intense, and I noticed just a couple of dips. But I don't have a framecounter thingy, so I can't be exact. If you want me to record anything else, I'll be happy to test it.


Really enjoying it so far and the story is intriguing but it's too early to judge, don't miss out on the TV in the beginning of the game,
in the camp.
It is worthy of your time. Since the OT is up time to put this Alan Wake and it's DLC to good use, great work on the OT by the way!

i won the giveway. thank you so much!
Are there any videos that show off the engine tech specs ? Really impressed by the time powers and they way objects pause / stutter etc , curious how they achieve that effect .

Such as the way objects kind of move like a wave (tough to explain) . Really impressive engine all around .

Plus add me to another who wants just more action modes , such as a horde mode with all the powers unlocked .
I've had a few instances where the loading screen pops up before it's supposed to, so I'll hear the characters talking for a few seconds while the loading screen is up. Anyone else?
Are there any videos that show off the engine tech specs ? Really impressed by the time powers and they way objects pause / stutter etc , curious how they achieve that effect .

Such as the way objects kind of move like a wave (tough to explain) . Really impressive engine all around .

Plus add me to another who wants just more action modes , such as a horde mode with all the powers unlocked .



edit: nevermind...

I run on Ultra (1080p), it runs well enough on my laptop (30ish fps for Nvidia Geforce GTX 970M). I can bump it down to just everything High and SSAO off for higher framerate. That end of Act 2-2 stutter combat is pretty intense, and I noticed just a couple of dips. But I don't have a framecounter thingy, so I can't be exact. If you want me to record anything else, I'll be happy to test it.

Cool, thanks. Waiting for my PC code but I guess I will already have finished it on my XB1.


I've had a few instances where the loading screen pops up before it's supposed to, so I'll hear the characters talking for a few seconds while the loading screen is up. Anyone else?

Yeah, that actually happened more before the Day 1 Patch if I remember correctly. Seems like an issue that could be fixed further down the line with further optimization.


One bad thing I noticed yesterday when I restarted a mission to get a collectible I missed, there would be moving talking sections and if you hit skip you actually hit a loading screen where you think it would just skip the audio......it kind of boggled me that the loading screen would be as long as the conversation or little cut scene. Kind of made me just say screw it to hitting skip on certain parts because you could advance faster instead of going to a loading screen.


Is this game single player only? Been wanting a new shooter for a while where the main focus is on a quality single player.
This game is too linear imo. One minute u can use ur powers the next u can't. The platform segments are awful. I hate that u could not blind fire or shoot while crouching. It's like u have to trade getting shot with the enemies. I only played the 1st 2 acts. I don't even want to play anymore. Idfk. I did not like the AAA 3rd person shooters this year so far. I hope I'm not losing interest in this genre with May 10 on the horizon.

if youre in cover so much that you want to blind fire, youre playing wrong


I'm at part 3 of Act 2...shit is getting real story-wise. The action is a bunch of fun. I gotta get my skills up to do some crazy combos tho.


See that's your problem, you are playing this game the wrong way. This is not a cover based shooter, you can't and shouldn't stay in one place for more than 2 sec. You go into cover just for a quick reload or you need to cooldown your powers. There is plenty of powers and tools to make this game look like a fucking ballet of destruction. The further you get into game the more powers you will have available and that includes rush melee.

Let me give a quick look at the situation I just had, you see plenty of enemies, you always start your fight with time vision to pulse enemies for location. You run towards the first one with time rush and you melee him in the face, now quick time dodge and you shoot the next guy in the head. oh wait two more guys next to him, you throw two times stops if they too far apart and with quick time dodge get close to them to put some bullets in them. Now again quick time dodge to get out of the way and you throw time shield, cause at this point you need a reload. Quick time vision to see where other enemies are and once again you time rush to melee one , some time stops and and few time dodges and maybe couple time rushes with melee, cause they look fucking awesome, or perhaps a time blast if you have some heavy guys around. You can get creative with the tools you have, you can time stop enemies next to explosives and instead of shooting enemies you shot explosives, time stop expires and they go boom while you just doing your thing cause they are no threat to you anymore.

Game is freaking amazing!!!

This is probably the best way to contextualize it. I find the cover system the most annoying part of the game but I understand they mostly want you to run around using godlike powers which is probably why they didn't assign taking cover to a button.


I'm about to have as many deaths in the final battle as all game. Cruised through hard. It's not that it's difficult, just one mistake and you're wasted.


Haven't received any info on Alan Wake or my Windows 10 copy of QB. What gives?

Also, this game is great. I like playing it, though I feel I need to get A LOT better at not using cover and just the powers.

The story though is cool in a good SciFi first season of a show kind of way. Sometimes I want to finish the act just to get to the episode.

It makes me think one thing. The games guns/gunplay is almost painfully generic, but so is a game like Uncharted if I come to think of it. Gunplay is a bit more fun there, sure, but the guns themselves and everything else generic. Yet the games thrives because of it's story.


quick question.....I just realized I've never melee someone after 2 acts lol.....is there a melee button? God I feel dumb asking this


Such a simple kill....yet so satisfying...LOL. Love the physics/lighting/punch of a Remedy shooter. The sound and visuals of the combat is just unmatched.


That board falling on/near his head at the end X-D. Was making sure he was dead.


Playing on a 4K tv via my xbox. Not sure if the tv is trying to up convert or something but it brings out the ghosting (I'm assuming it's that resolution trick) in the game so much. It's distracting. Doesn't help that the resolution is so low. Trying to see past it, but it's hard. Didn't notice this problem on Xbox tomb raider or ps4 games.
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