That's a very good point.
People seemingly have automatic assumptions that our game is super expensive due to live action and actors. We didnt need the actors for months at all, so we needed them for a lot less time than movies or tv series. Not as expensive as you'd think and even at it's height Remedy was only 130 people working on QB (that's everybody including HR etc

), which isn't that much. We are pretty frugal in Finland and at Remedy. Sure, our game has a big budget, but far from the other AAA out there.
Actually animating, lighting, planning, rigging, etc etc 20 minute cut-scenes would in many ways have been more complicated and in some ways expensive. We dont have access to tons of awesome animators in Finland or in Scandinavia in general (there is no animation industry here, so there's very little animation being taught in schools). Things like this already shape your game and make us take decisions on what we can focus on in our games and what not. As always.