I think he's joking. Format reads familiar to another post on this site.you're kidding. It has some of the most realistic faces of any game I've ever played.
Why is there no reticle when turning hud off? Aiming without is a lot more difficult. I've played through the game on normal with hud on and aim assist off. Now I started on hard with hud off and aim assist off first, but I had to turn aim assist to full, because I didn't hit anything.
I don't know of games where when you turn the HUD off you can still keep the reticle. It would be a nice concession, though.@Remedy
Why is there no reticle when turning hud off? Aiming without is a lot more difficult. I've played through the game on normal with hud on and aim assist off. Now I started on hard with hud off and aim assist off first, but I had to turn aim assist to full, because I didn't hit anything.
I debating doing that myself, atmGood luck if you found normal hard on the last boss you'll have a hell of a time on hard. I beat the whole game on hard spent about three hours trying to beat the last boss on hard knocked it down to normal and beat it first try. It's just way more frustrating on hard.
I debating doing that myself, atm
KEEP MOVING is the easiest hint.I'm dreading the final boss battle already.
I hope I can manage it on normal.
I'm dreading the final boss battle already.
I hope I can manage it on normal.
But in that case you would be able to use the same power repeatedly and be pretty much overpowered. For example using time shield repeteadly would make you invincible.If I had to change anything it would be the power management system.
At times the action gets so hectic, it's impossible to keep a bead in the enemies, while simultaneously checking the various power meters to know what you have available.
I think a better system would be to have a single "chronon energy meter". Everytime you use an ability, the chronon meter drains a bit. Different abilities would spend a different amount of energy.
When you upgrade abilities, they would either cost less energy, have a larger area of effect, or the effects would last longer.
The meter would, of course, recharge over times
But in that case you would be able to use the same power repeatedly and be pretty much overpowered. For example using time shield repeteadly would make you invincible.
But in that case you would be able to use the same power repeatedly and be pretty much overpowered. For example using time shield repeteadly would make you invincible.
This cutscene before the (what I am assuming) final boss is really annoying to keep watching, and skipping seems to take longer to load than watching...
Finished on easy, got about 85% of the collectibles. Will go back chapter by chapter and finish that up and then do a hard play through later.
I appreciated that despite being a twisty-time travel story, it never seemed full of itself or *deliberately* opaque just for the hell of it. Far easier to follow this than something like Primer.
Will be interesting to replay it on hard just to see the differences from the branch choices, especially in the in-level items.
If I had to change anything it would be the power management system.
At times the action gets so hectic, it's impossible to keep a bead in the enemies, while simultaneously checking the various power meters to know what you have available.
I think a better system would be to have a single "chronon energy meter". Everytime you use an ability, the chronon meter drains a bit. Different abilities would spend a different amount of energy.
When you upgrade abilities, they would either cost less energy, have a larger area of effect, or the effects would last longer.
The meter would, of course, recharge over times
If I had to change anything it would be the power management system.
At times the action gets so hectic, it's impossible to keep a bead in the enemies, while simultaneously checking the various power meters to know what you have available.
I think a better system would be to have a single "chronon energy meter". Everytime you use an ability, the chronon meter drains a bit. Different abilities would spend a different amount of energy.
When you upgrade abilities, they would either cost less energy, have a larger area of effect, or the effects would last longer.
The meter would, of course, recharge over times
sounds like there is honestly very little difference, sadly. still, i'm looking forward to replaying to pick up more of the story throughout
No, That's why you have a energy cost. The shield could be set so expensively, that you couldn't use two in a row.
I imagine that the shield would be one of the more expensive abilities, since it's essentially a get out of jail free card.
Man no one is playing this in my friends list but me. I hope this doesn't hurt Remedy. I imagine the PC release was added relatively late into development based on how the game was tracking. Now with how bad that sku is doing I really hope they can recoup some costs
Aaron Greenberg and all... but he said first week sales were "impressive."
Aaron Greenberg and all... but he said first week sales are "impressive."
Nah, because after using time shield you wouldn't have enough energy to chain three powers together after you heal.
The current way is perfect, it encourages you to play around and use every power at your disposal.
You know you can pop a time shield in the middle of a fight, take a second to get your bearings before doing a time rush to melee one guy, time blast two more, dodge a couple of times to get behind a striker and shoot his backpack before laying down a time stop into a barrel to finish off the final guy with a big boom.
It's perfect.
Ha now I'm more worried.
That GameStop DM said the game had almost no traction at all and MS was barely promoting it even in store.
They really need some challenge room DLC for this. All I want is to just have wave after wave of enemies.
Ha now I'm more worried.
That GameStop DM said the game had almost no traction at all and MS was barely promoting it even in store.
Just a huge bummer.
They really need some challenge room DLC for this. All I want is to just have wave after wave of enemies.
This cutscene before the (what I am assuming) final boss is really annoying to keep watching, and skipping seems to take longer to load than watching...
Other than that's it's been pretty good, I wasn't particularly hyped before launch and I liked the show surprisingly
True, but the current system needs work. I spent the entire game just guessing when my powers would be recharged.
It's definately not perfect.
There's no reason they couldn't figure the cost of the abilities, suxh that after using a time sheild you could still have enough to chain your remaining abilities.
Say the meter had 11 slots. Time sheild could cost 6. Time stop, and time dodge could cost 1. The cost of time rush would depend on how long you hold it. You'd still have enough to pool off a chain of your remaining abilities...
It's definately not perfect.
What are you basing the bolded on?
There's no reason they couldn't figure the cost of the abilities, such that after using a time sheild you could still have enough to chain your remaining abilities.
Say the meter had 11 slots. Time sheild could cost 6. Time stop, and time dodge could cost 1. The cost of time rush would depend on how long you hold it. You'd still have enough to pool off a chain of your remaining abilities...
And for added fun, stacking shots on a chronon container could completely refill your meter.
It would lead to more chaining of abilities, because people would have a better grasp of what is still at their disposal, without having to keep an eye on 5 different cool down meters
Aaron Greenberg and all... but he said first week sales are "impressive."
american nightmare style arcade mode please!
Good grief, why is MS marketing always so cringe worthy? I mean, that twitter cover pic...
I kinda feel bad asking this right after Bruce's post above me, but how fast do Xbone games usually drop in price? I love time travel stories and the positive comments are making me really excited, but I'm not a massive TPS guy so dropping 60-70 euros for something like this is... Well, I might end up doing it out of pure hype, but I'd rather pay like 30 or less.
I kinda feel bad asking this right after Bruce's post above me, but how fast do Xbone games usually drop in price? I love time travel stories and the positive comments are making me really excited, but I'm not a massive TPS guy so dropping 60-70 euros for something like this is... Well, I might end up doing it out of pure hype, but I'd rather pay like 30 or less.
but you'd still get to a point, mid fight, where you've drained everything and have to hide and wait. the current system you can keep going as long as you manage them wisely without ever really waiting for powers to recharge. i will add though that the UI for the powers could be improved. perhaps splitting the more defensive bars on one side and the offensive ones on the other would make tracking them a bit easier. there could even be better color coding with them, green full (which would tell you you have three dashes), yellow (2), orange (1), and red (0). but one bar would be a massive step back
They could work around that issue. an example I gave in my edit was that stacking shots on chronon containers would refill the meter. Or Jack could get energy from dispatching enemies who are wearing stutter proof gear.
Anything to avoid the confusion of having multiple meters, that are all tiny, and draw attention away from the action.
They're really own there to teach you how the cool downs work; we envisaged most players would learn the cool downs after prolonged use rather than use the HUD.![]()
They're really own there to teach you how the cool downs work; we envisaged most players would learn the cool downs after prolonged use rather than use the HUD.![]()