I looked over the game list and decided to look up the soundtracks of a few games...and man did some surprise me

Perfect Dark Zero has a great score that really sells the Spy theme its trying to pull off. The v
ery first mission has this track playing that sounds really great to me (the piano elements mixed with the techno bits sounds fantastic to me

Kameo I listened to in the past (as the composer for that is helping Grant and David with Yooka-Laylee) and I love the fantasy score they pull with that game.
Really fits the Zelda-style sound they are trying to pull off.
The Viva Pinata games are some of the best work Grant has ever done (next to his Banjo scores) :'). This
track in particular really tugs on the heart strings with how beautiful it sounds and how it feels like a heartfelt good-bye in a few ways.
And while not part of this collection David Wise's score on Star Fox Adventures is very good as well

. It has this mixture of Zelda-like adventure while also having this stone-age hook as well.
This track could be lifted right out of a Donkey Kong game with the heavy beats it has for example

. This
next track sounds like something ripped right out of Zelda to me too; sounds really great :').
Rare has such fantastic scores with their games and I really can't wait for what new tracks Sea of Thieves brings
