That is some interesting information.....thanks for the heads up daTRUballin.
I guess Rare's various cancelled projects was due to Microsoft wanting them to make kid-friendly games.
That was something the Banjo/DKC team at Rare was okay with working on (as Viva Pinta series and Nuts & Bolts ended up still being great games

But others like the Conker creator's team, the Kameo team and Perfect Dark Zero team being upset with this and it lead to various mature games and concepts (Perfect Dark Core, Kameo 2, Various Horror game pitches, Sundown, ect) being tossed aside.
Guess the team that was helping with Crackdown 2 didn't present a good enough prototype, the game didn't match Crackdown 1 or some other factor got in the way (maybe the other Rare teams helped out with Viva Pinta or the XBLA Banjo remasters?), leading to them being kicked off the project. Thus, another team was called in to re-cycle everything from the original Crackdown just to get something out.
I really wish we got a full "Behind the Scenes" at Microsoft and see what exactly their studios and developers deal with on a daily basis, as I'm sure it wasn't just Rare that had their ideas tossed aside like nothing....