So according to Chris Seavor in the making of Conker video, there might never be another Conker. He says that if the same team were to make a new Conker today, it probably won't turn out good because their "tastes have changed and they've moved on since then."
What do you guys think? Do you believe him? Will we ever get a new Conker game? And if it will be made by the same team that made the original, will it be just as good? Seems like Seavor isn't interested in making a new Conker game.
Just because Chris and the Conker team aren't keen in making another, doesn't mean others wouldn't be interested in using the IP

We already saw this with Project Spark Conker Episodes (with Chris being cool with it, returning to voice Conker and other characters), and while suffering from being in the Spark engine (animations missing, frame rate being bad, mechanics lacking polish), what they accomplished with the first Episode was very impressive.
It had the context sensitive button, level designs with platforming and visuals that looked nice while capturing the charm of the original Conker

. I could easily see them making a great Conker sequel if they got a higher budget, them using the Live and Reloaded engine, and having Chris oversee the project

KI turned out fantastic despite Double Helix's weak history (Silent Hill Homecoming....what a bad game X(), so I look forward seeing the Project Spark team use the Conker IP more
