Chance Hale
The only notes I missed and had to use a guide for in my recent Kazooie playthrough were the ones behind the camera in the snake charmer room.
Yep! That was it. One chomping chest had five notes in it. Thanks a ton!Have you been jumping into the chomping treasure chests?
If you covered lighthouse and the rest, those may be what are left.
Is there any way to check how many mumbo tokens/skulls you've found on each level? I am 100%inf each level but I noticed the skulls arent included. I would hate too 100% everything in the game only to realize I missed like two skulls god knows where
If I were to start banjo kazooie right now and play a decent amount tonight, tomorrow, and monday..would I be able to finish it before I pick up Until Dawn on tuesday morning? How long does it take to 100% it?
You should be able to beat it in 15 hours or less for your first time.
I've tried Perfect Dark yesterday and ran into a room and pushed accidently a table in front of the door. Couldn't leave the room any more. This probably put me off the game for quiet some time. :/
So I thought they were changing the inverted controls for conker? Or no?
What's wrong with the controls? You push left, the camera goes left. Same as Banjo and Mario64.
Thanks! Guess I won't go for all those.No, there's no way to check how meny you've gotten--or how many there are--on each level. There are 115 Mumbo tokens in the game; you only need 75 of them for all of the transformations. The designers clearly did not intend for you to get every single one.
If not getting them all really bothers you, though, you're probably going to be playing the game for a long time if you don't use a guide... Also, one of them is permanently missable, so keep that in mind.
Just finished Banjo Kazooie for the first time ever last night; never played it on N64 despite owning the system. I think my final time count was around 22 hours. Very enjoyable! Will definitely be starting Tooie soon.Don't rush BK. Come back after Until Dawn and take your time to enjoy the masterpiece. IMO it's 20-25 hours to 100% at first playthrough.
How many notes can I miss in Banjo and still beat the game? There always seems to be a few I can't find in each stage. It kills my enjoyment having to search around and around. Eventually I give up and look online but I hate doing that.
In the last area that I did, Clanker's Cavern, there was some pipe that I had to jump onto that I could barely see on the screen.
There's 6 notes yet again I can't find on the swamp stage. Maybe it has something to do with the indestrucable egg. I wonder if I should just leave.
Don't rush BK. Come back after Until Dawn and take your time to enjoy the masterpiece. IMO it's 20-25 hours to 100% at first playthrough.
I'm curious, what's drastically different about the structure?Speaking of Tooie, i think i'll take a break from that one. It is somewhat of a culture shock to see how different that game is. Ive just passed world 2 and while it is a well made game, i just dont dig the design at all
I'm curious, what's drastically different about the structure?
There's 900 notes in the game (100 per world), you need 810 to open the door to the final boss. You need 882 to open some extra bonus power-up doors there, but they aren't really that critical.
And man, if you think it's bad here, in the original N64 version if you died you had to recollect all the notes again to break your previous record. Took me forever as a kid.
Camera is inverted for me.
Back in the day I 100% the game in just over 8 hours first time through. Second time was just over/under 3 hours.
Lol, I am actually playing the N64 version. I don't own a Xbox One. Everything I've been reading about Banjo and Conker has made me want to play them. I already own Conker. I ordered Banjo last week from Amazon.
So that's been changed? I was wondering why everyone was complaining about Conker being frustrating and letting Banjo off the hook. That would turn Banjo Kazooie into a completely different game if you didn't have to recollect the notes.
This is why it's such a big decision for me whether I want to leave with 6 missing notes or not. If I leave and it turns out I actually need them, I'll have to get all of them over again.
Tooie is more of an adventure game than a platformer.
I never really dug Tooie on the 64 despite loving BK but now that you frame it like that I might actually go back and treat it like that style game...tooie is the closest thing to metroid on the n64, bizarre as it sounds
I beat Grabbed by the Ghoulies with all 100 bonus books, but the achievement for collecting them all didn't pop up. I got the stamp for it, but in the achievement app it says "Done... Unlocking".
Afterwards I platinumed the first 20 challenges, and I got the achievement for that, so I'm worried that this achievement will never unlock.
Thinking it's because I've been distracted by MGS coming up, but I haven't felt compelled to play this collection AT ALL since I bought it.
Maybe it's because I ain't crazy about all the N64 games, maybe It's because I'm not that much of a Rare fan to begin with?
I just know I bought this collection on principle alone and don't even feel like touching it
Only games I'd considering playing are:
Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Perfect Dark/PDZ
...and that's it. Banjo doesn't appeal to me at all (don't care for it's aesthetics) on the older games are merely mild curiosities for me at this point.
Such a bummer Diddy Kong Racing isnt on this.
I was reading up on the development and it was originally a follow up of sorts to rc pro am. It would still have the animal characters and setting of Diddy Kong Racing ended up with, but Diddy Kong wasn't going to be in it. It was mainly Timber (the tiger) and they did set it on his island after all, but Miyamoto suggested they add Diddy Kong to it, and all because of that it now stops it from being in this collection even though Banjo and Conker are there as well.![]()
Actually, I don't think Miyamoto really made them put Diddy Kong in the game. I've read that Nintendo gave Rare a choice of putting either Donkey or Diddy. Rare went with Diddy because he was their own creation since Donkey was created by Nintendo themselves.
Not sure why Nintendo felt the need to turn it into a DK related game. Maybe because it would sell better? I've read that the DKR team was actually very upset about it at first, but then eventually got over it.
Button mashing is an f'ing joke in Pro Am 2. Shit is impossible to beat
About to have to look at a walkthrough for Banjo.
For what part? Refusing to look at walkthrough bit me in the ass in the few days ago. I looked over and over in the desert stage and tried to do everything I can think of to get the last jiggy and the few remaining notes. I tried everything I could do with the bullseye. Turns out I did the stages out of order and didn't have something I needed. That pissed me off. Don't let me go to the next stage out of order if I need a weapon from the previous stage to get all the notes. That meant I had to get all 97 notes over again.
Conker > Banjo