I was just going to prepare my memory card for the Ratchet trilogy when I found out that the European digital version is labeled as 12.8GB. Is that right?!?! Really? Almost 13GB for this? Now I REALLY wish there was a retail version...
its 3.3gb or somewhere near that
Great, because I was starting to think that I would have to import a european version or start using multiple memory cards, which I hear is a hassle.
Just found out that the developer who did this port is the same who did Jak & Daxter Vita ports. How did Sony think it was a good idea to hire the same guys? I'm sure it's not that bad, but it's still giving the image that they were hired again because they're cheap.
Finally got the Collection two days ago and really love how great these games feel on Vita.
Firstly, the rear-touch controls are very smooth and easy to adjust to; after playing through a large chunk of Ratchet 2, Strafing felt like second nature. The other controls felt fine too; the downgrade from 60FPS to 30FPS doesn't even feel that noticeable to me (and I should know, I beat Ratchet 3 god knows how many times).
Secondly, all the games run and look great on Vita. The only times the frame rate dipped on me was the Ship levels in Ratchet 2 and using the bomb launcher gun in Ratchet 2 once. Ratchet 1 looks very colorful and (while I'm sure I'm wrong here) I think Ratchet 3 is native res (at least it looks really clear). The only issue I have with the game is some odd visual bugs in Ratchet 1 and 2. The former has menu objects still present on the screen even when you don't use them (using the Suck Cannon or swimming underwater; once you stop using/swimming, the meter is still on the screen alongside some really poor audio mixing (the worst was in Metropolis; the robot's shooting sound was mixed with the level theme on a lop until I reached a cut-scene). The latter only has some missing textures in a few levels (though it really isn't that bad).
Lastly, I just love these games XD! Ratchet 2 was my first PS2 game (alongside Jak 3) and I put tons of hours into Ratchet 3, so giving these classics another run again on my favorite gaming system out there is just really nice to do.
Glad I still picked this up even though it wasn't Cross-Buy. Interestingly though, I think this game is doing really well despite that; I saw 101 4.5 out of 5 reviews of the game on the Vita Store, so many must love the Collection.
Yeah, I'm at the very end of the 1st game and all those problems you listed persisted in my version as well, not really game breaking or anything, but a bit jarring. But first game runs great and I am loving it so far!
The interesting thing about the first game is that it feels much more open then the latter installments in the series. There are tons of sections in the game that have hidden sections all over the place and if you have a sharp eye, you can find it. That plus the fact there is much more platforming gave this a very different feel then the latter games (which were much more on the shooting side of things instead of the platforming).
The thing that bothers me though is that the shooting in this game is just so poor. The game does have the strafing the later games have....but you have to get though 2/3rd's of the game to unlock that feature (when it should have been there from the start). Before that the combat is a pain; you have very little health and the recovering period between attacks is so small that you will die.....very frequently X(. And the weapons.....aren't that great either. Sure, there are some fun ones to use (the Flamethrower, Blaster, Secret Agents of Doom and a few others are fun
) but due to the lack of the strafing feature, combat isn't as fun as it should be.
Lastly, the story. While I didn't like Ratchet's character when I played this on PS3.....I found it refreshing when playing it on Vita. All the games of the series, we have Ratchet and Clank more or less be best friends who stick with each other to the end, but when did that all start? That is where the original shines; Ratchet is a bit of a prick to everyone while Clank is just tagging along in hopes Ratchet will help him save the day. This dynamic of the two characters wanting different goals but are stuck together is interesting and shows a different side of them we never saw in the latter games
. Also, I like how Ratchet is grows to be nicer to Clank towards the end of the game as well
Overall, I like the original game for a few reasons and while it is far from the best game in the series, it is a lot better then I expected it to be.
Having never played this series before, I'd like to buy the Vita trilogy.
I do have a personal caveat: I'd prefer the game physically (instead of digitally), to go alongside the other Vita ____Trilogy Collections.
I have heard the 2nd game had some borked glitches in the EU version, so I wonder if the game has those digitally in the US version, too?
Sony doesn't really patch these collections (Jak & Daxter Trilogy on Vita)...
Should I bite the bullet and get the EU physical version?
[This only applies to R&C2] Whenever you travel somewhere inside of a main level, the game will freeze up and close. When you start back up though, you will load at the place you were traveling to. When you finish up what you had to do there, the game will freeze up again and reloading puts you back on the main planet - and in most cases will remember you completed the mission. Not always though, but the ones that didn't save for me didn't hinder my progress as far as I knew other than one optional item.Having never played this series before, I'd like to buy the Vita trilogy.
I do have a personal caveat: I'd prefer the game physically (instead of digitally), to go alongside the other Vita ____Trilogy Collections.
I have heard the 2nd game had some borked glitches in the EU version, so I wonder if the game has those digitally in the US version, too?
Sony doesn't really patch these collections (Jak & Daxter Trilogy on Vita)...
Should I bite the bullet and get the EU physical version?
Having never played this series before, I'd like to buy the Vita trilogy.
I do have a personal caveat: I'd prefer the game physically (instead of digitally), to go alongside the other Vita ____Trilogy Collections.
I have heard the 2nd game had some borked glitches in the EU version, so I wonder if the game has those digitally in the US version, too?
Sony doesn't really patch these collections (Jak & Daxter Trilogy on Vita)...
Should I bite the bullet and get the EU physical version?
Question for EU/UK people, not sure if already answered in thread.
How does the Cross buy work? I looked at some unboxing videos and there was no code in the case to redeem the PS3/vita version. Do you simply just play the game for it to appear on your download list for the other system?
If so would buying the game used still make you eligible for the cross buy?
Cross buy for the R&C Trilogy and the Sly Trilogy is only on the digital versions. I don't recall getting the PS3 digital version of the Jak & Daxter Trilogy with the Vita digital version though.
So yeah, I'm 99% sure it's only the digital version that gets cross buy, but the digital version definitely does.
Just bought them too, it's been so long since I last played them on PS2. How's the performance of the Vita versions? If it's a bad port I'd rather play the ps3 version.