Never underestimate how far you can get off the end of a spider rail. It flips you up in a direction, boost, jump jump. Should make the top of the tower easily.
The more people I see reviewing this game, the more I get the sense that it's simply a worse experience for reviewers than it is for regular players.
I completed my leisurely run over the space of two weeks, but thinking back on the experience I wonder if I might've grown to hate the game if I'd had to knock it over in a few days like many of the reviewers would've had to. The game does see you doing a lot of the same few activities, and while that didn't bother me at the pace I was playing, I could see it becoming maddening in a marathon context.
The more people I see reviewing this game, the more I get the sense that it's simply a worse experience for reviewers than it is for regular players.
I completed my leisurely run over the space of two weeks, but thinking back on the experience I wonder if I might've grown to hate the game if I'd had to knock it over in a few days like many of the reviewers would've had to. The game does see you doing a lot of the same few activities, and while that didn't bother me at the pace I was playing, I could see it becoming maddening in a marathon context.
I think there's something to this. I've noticed it especially during sections with tricky jumps. How many frustrating encounters like that can one encounter while under deadline before one's opinion of the game begins to suffer? Contrast it with someone, like me, who plays an hour a night. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn that many games suffer lower scores due to the conditions under which many reviewers must grapple with them. As far as I'm concerned, it's one more reason to move away from review scores.
I agree with the positive feelings about the game, but we mustn't overlook the bugs and lack of signposting re: progression gates that would have eased so much frustration for those who did rush it a bit.
Possible I'm playing wrong (so feel free to tell me), but when I go to extract a core from an enemy, I often get flanked from another enemy because they so often attack in groups, and then I'm not able to complete the 'pulling' mini game. What's the best way to tackle that? Combat feels good but the extraction stuff really kills it for me. Or should I not even care about extraction and just get on with shooting instead.
I really kind of hate the pulling minigame.
Possible I'm playing wrong (so feel free to tell me), but when I go to extract a core from an enemy, I often get flanked from another enemy because they so often attack in groups, and then I'm not able to complete the 'pulling' mini game. What's the best way to tackle that? Combat feels good but the extraction stuff really kills it for me. Or should I not even care about extraction and just get on with shooting instead.
I really kind of hate the pulling minigame.
I'm currently at the Bolt Cutter boss. Tried a couple times this morning and died pretty quick. I think my gun is around level 17 or so. Mack and Seth haven't reached level 20 yet. I'm thinking I'm going to go back to my crawler, upgrade them where possible and then do some side dungeons to get a little stronger. Sound like a good plan given my levels?
I agree with the positive feelings about the game, but we mustn't overlook the bugs and lack of signposting re: progression gates that would have eased so much frustration for those who did rush it a bit.
Possible I'm playing wrong (so feel free to tell me), but when I go to extract a core from an enemy, I often get flanked from another enemy because they so often attack in groups, and then I'm not able to complete the 'pulling' mini game. What's the best way to tackle that? Combat feels good but the extraction stuff really kills it for me. Or should I not even care about extraction and just get on with shooting instead.
I really kind of hate the pulling minigame.
So I just saw that the company that creates the Killer Instinct figures is going to be doing at least 2 sets of figures for ReCore next year. I wonder why Microsoft would release a game in this state but still "care" enough about it to do things like the CE, artbook, heavy promotion at trade shows and now these figures.
For the record I do like a good amount of what's in ReCore; I'm just disappointed Microsoft got behind the game in a rather big way but still, when all was said and done, released it with the bugs, performances issues and missing frame.
Guys I am IN.
Bored with all the games I'm playing now, so didn't even wait for a copy this time, just went in and bought it on console.
Looking forward to it!
If I play on Xbox and then download on my PC, does my save file carry too? Is it any better on a good PC rig or the same?
Guys I am IN.
Bored with all the games I'm playing now, so didn't even wait for a copy this time, just went in and bought it on console.
Looking forward to it!
If I play on Xbox and then download on my PC, does my save file carry too? Is it any better on a good PC rig or the same?
Not sure about the saves, but I'd definitely opt for PC if your machine is up to it. I played at 1620p (downsampled to 1080p) with everything cranked for a solid 60fps, and my machine isn't particularly beefy.
I also ran into very few technical issues, and the loading times were all well under 15 seconds.
I'm currently at the Bolt Cutter boss. Tried a couple times this morning and died pretty quick. I think my gun is around level 17 or so. Mack and Seth haven't reached level 20 yet. I'm thinking I'm going to go back to my crawler, upgrade them where possible and then do some side dungeons to get a little stronger. Sound like a good plan given my levels?
Stupid question, but do the stat bonuses from the various pieces of corebot equipment affect the bots themselves, or Joule?
I've just beaten Bolt Cutter and realised I haven't even touched the upgrade system at all.
Man, just got through Obsidian Run, I love the game but some of these dungeons feel like they've not even been tested properly. Obsidian Run has some terrible respawn points
Really enjoying the game, the platforming with Seth is super fun, and apparently there's a new patch coming next week for the load times;
Finally finished it just now. Did something bug out or does the game just quit to title screen after you're done? No credits or anything, felt kinda sudden.
I hate everything about Eden Tower. The early hours of the game were so great, but the first thing that really annoyed was locking you out of every frame. Exploration feels like a chore when you can't have every upgrade on the fly, and you have to switch out bots when you don't have the required one for a core. There was one core I reached after doing a bunch of jumps/spider tracks, only to see I needed Duncans power to break the rock.
Then you get to Eden Tower, which just keeps going and going... and going. Seemed endless. It's a shame how this game fell completely apart for me by the end.
There are definitely credits and an after credits scene.
Eden Tower was aces, it was pure platform + combat fun.
Hmm something definitely bugged out then. I got a sceneand then it quit to title screen.with Kai on the monitor
It was, for the first couple of floors. By the third floor it was getting repetitive, couldn't wait for it to end.
Major fixes out to the Windows Store to address download issues related to updates and preloads.
Get the latest update from available now in Windows Update. You'll know if you have the update by seeing 14393.222 if you do start-->winver
I'm on the latest insider build and the last three builds have been giving me problems with Recore specifically.
Once Recore logs me in, the game closes and the Windows Store app opens to the Recore product page. I own the game and it shows on the store page so I don't know why its doing this.
Any idea what's going on?
I've got a question about the complaints regarding now being limited to two corebots at a time. I've played about 12 hours and have 26 cores, just beat the Core Foundry and then got Duncan. Not mainlining the story so maybe the complaint is related to later parts of the game.
Don't all dungeons show you what corebots you'll need for that dungeon? I understand the "open" world areas would requiring switching around to obtain objectives like loot and prismatic cores. But they appear to give you the info you need to progress through dungeons.
I've got a question about the complaints regarding now being limited to two corebots at a time. I've played about 12 hours and have 26 cores, just beat the Core Foundry and then got Duncan. Not mainlining the story so maybe the complaint is related to later parts of the game.
Don't all dungeons show you what corebots you'll need for that dungeon? I understand the "open" world areas would requiring switching around to obtain objectives like loot and prismatic cores. But they appear to give you the info you need to progress through dungeons.
This recently caught my eye, and I'm puzzled the reviews. All of the footage I've watched of this looks awesome.
Whoop! Patience prevails, managed to get past the sludge in the cradle, there's even a fast travel station and a dungeon door requiring 4 locks but the loot pickups are all bronze
Edit: found all four cellbots and unlocked the quicksand rally dungeon, though a quick search shows I'm not the only one![]()
As someone who finished the game and loved it, it's a weird position to be in. There's definitely a lot in the way of flaws (you can find plenty of details in this thread), but there's a lot to love too.
Oh neat, are these the areas that the Tank corebot would provide access to? I didn't know you could get to them at the moment.
Yeah you can get to them as long as you have the fl-1 frame, there's even a dungeon with 2 prismatic cores, (which has now added to my total, so not sure what will happen should i get all of the other prismatic cores) plus parts for the tank frame
It is a shame the game was rushed out, there's just loads of areas void of nothing where you feel there should be something there
Yeah you can get to them as long as you have the fl-1 frame, there's even a dungeon with 2 prismatic cores, (which has now added to my total, so not sure what will happen should i get all of the other prismatic cores) plus parts for the tank frame
It is a shame the game was rushed out, there's just loads of areas void of nothing where you feel there should be something there
Maybe future DLC will put something there. I'd love after I finish this game to come back every few months to extra content.
Microsoft said:The Tank is not currently available in the game. But please stay tuned for news.
I really, REALLY like this game... but I'm also afraid of trying to collect everything.
I loved Lost Planet (1 and 2) and this game gives me that sort of vibe with some Metroid Prime thrown in (and some Megaman)... I can't make my mind up though, to play this on the Xbone or on my Book. My Book looks better and performs better, but I find myself not being able to sit down and play for a long time without checking chat or work/school stuff.
Average time to beat?
Also I've been listening to I'll Take You (feature in the Trailer) on repeat. I really wish that this game had that sort of music. I might play with a custom soundtrack.
I'm seeing somewhere in the region of 8 hours for story only, and you could easily double that for explorers. I spent a lot of time exploring and doing side dungeons and I'm at around 20 hours.