After writing my impressions I decided to make a video review.
Hope you guys enjoy!
After writing my impressions I decided to make a video review.
Hope you guys enjoy!
Lol "Factual Opinions"
Awesome review though, you posts and videos have single handedly gotten me excited about this game. It doesn't seem like a huge AAA game, but that hasnt really been what I've been itching for. Can't wait to play. Keep up the videos.
Yeah I can be stubborn with what I think is good, figure that'd be a good name for my reviews going forward. Thanks for the kind words and this game is still awesome, 20 hours in.
That OT title is surprisingly good.
Interested, but not sure if I'll day one it.
Might wait for the Giant Bomb review.
Absolutely interested in playing it for myself. Seems like most of the knocks against it seem to be technical issues. We don't get these type of games much anymore, so I'm in whenever amazon decides to deliver it to me tomorrow.
Jeff tweeted he was really liking the pc version.
Not at all really. Hope it's still worth the time though.Absolutely interested in playing it for myself. Seems like most of the knocks against it seem to be technical issues. We don't get these type of games much anymore, so I'm in whenever amazon decides to deliver it to me tomorrow.
I liked that one too. Also "ReCore |OT| Survival Starts at the Score"The things reviewers didn't like about this game are all things I'm cool with (minus technical things) so I'm pumped for this game!
Nice OP, OP. Although I loved the title "ReCore |OT| Hidden Joule"
I guess it really didn't want you to send that tweet.I loaded up the PC version as soon as the game unlocked 20 mins ago.
The first boss immediately glitched into a wall, so I was unable to kill him. As I alt + tabbed out to tweet about it, the game changed my active profile, forcing me to return to the main menu.
As I got to the main menu, the game crashed. Now I can't open the game at all, I just crash at the main menu every time.
Damn, and I just beat Deus Ex a few days ago and that was super rough on the X1.I just played an hour of it, and I gotta say: The technical issues on XBox One are hard to ignore. The game's at a low resolution, loading times take about a minute between areas (some areas are just walk to a place and press a button), and I got a game breaking bug in the first ten minutes of the game. In fairness, my second time playing through that section was totally fine..
Game thought I wanted to change my profile and made me exit back to the main screen for some reason when I canceled the action.
Other than that it run pretty damn good. Playing it at 5K maxed @ around 65~72 FPS. Reloaded back into the game in less than 10 seconds.
Do you own a 5K display, or are you downsampling? I wouldn't mind buying it if I could downsample the traditional way, but Unity doesn't usually allow it without downsampling the desktop itself first.
Tried downsampling at 4K and the framerate is around 80-105. The game looks great aesthetically and the gameplay doesn't feel to shabby so far. The load times are also pretty damn fast.
I know its early but man I love how this game controls... I am so far very happy with my purchase. Looking forward to seeing how the play anywhere works with my PC tomorrow.