TheUsual said:@Net_Wrecker
Are you going forSpurred to Victory achievement? You need to keep the same horse hitched for 20 main story missions.
Net_Wrecker said:Dammit, that's what I meant I got already, not Buckin' Awesome :lol Lemme fix that.
Net_Wrecker said:That certainly makes sense now. Thanks.
Still feel kinda weird about treating horses so "meh w/e" now, but I guess a quick save while getting mauled >>> losing progress :lol
DeadGzuz said:How come I can kill a lone guy in the middle of the desert and get -50 honor, yet kill 20 insurgents while working for the bad dictator and get no negative honor? I hate this honor system, I want to be a bad ass, not a boyscout!
Well be a bad ass, and deal with the consequencesDeadGzuz said:How come I can kill a lone guy in the middle of the desert and get -50 honor, yet kill 20 insurgents while working for the bad dictator and get no negative honor? I hate this honor system, I want to be a bad ass, not a boyscout!
DTLIONS1013 said:Go buy a bandana, when you wear it you don't gain or lose honor
Dead Man said:Well be a bad ass, and deal with the consequencesOr as has been suggested, wear a bandanna.
Solo said:Under stats --> score
It lists how many bounties youve done in each area. You need New Austin to read 8, Mexico to read 8, and West Elizabeth to read 4 to get them all.
DTLIONS1013 said:Go buy a bandana, when you wear it you don't gain or lose honor
timkunedo said:Good to know about the bandana. Will come in handy on my next playthrough.
Agreed. I'm actually hoping for a prequel. And fishing would be perfect for this game.ILOVEASIANS said:Finished up the last few Hunting Challenges to get 100% last night and I gotta say, this pretty easily passed Mass Effect 2 for my GOTY so far. I really enjoyed pretty much every aspect of the game. I loved how the collectibles weren't hidden packages or coffee thermos's but actual animals. It made the trip to 100% much more enjoyable.
If I had to nitpick the two things that come to mind are at the beginning of some missions where you have to ride to a destination and can't skip directly to the end which were pretty boring some times, and some of the mid-level hunting challenges. It literally took me two and a half hours to find 5 Raccoons and 5 Skunks. It felt like the game knew what I was looking for and deliberately despawned them, but I guess that's a part of hunting.
A couple things I would have liked to seen would have been fishing and a flashback mission of sorts where you get to play as John in the actual gang, with Javier, Bill, and Dutch in their heydey.
Now I just wish Multiplayer wasn't so broken for me. I can't stay in a Free Roam session with more than 3 people for longer than 30 seconds before I get booted.
Rebel Leader said:now get one for tanners reach aka Cougar House![]()
TheUsual said:"Tanner's Reach: These aren't the cougars you're looking for."
:lol :lol :lolRikyfree said:Tanner's Reach: OH SHIT! RUUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!!
Ferrio said:[/QUOTE]
:lol They should have this in the actual game. Make it a wooden sign with the full name but splattered with blood. Gotta keep players in the game. Yellow modern sign would take them out, maybe for the pc version with mods.
Edit: After playing enough of the story to the point where I want to look up codes, I wish there were better codes. A animals attack code would be awesome. cougars with knives code too, I miss stuff like that from the old gtas, and SR2. Heck one code that spawned a nemesis cougar which is faster, stronger, invincible, and more stealthy would even be nice. I feel invincible and although there are things that attack you without being provoked I never feel like I'm in any real danger. I'd have to really screw up, and be caught off guard.
astroturfing said:so this game has binoculars somewhere?
i fucking need them. i have to have them. played so many missions that i've been to every place in New Austin... but still no binocularsdo i really get them only later in Mexico or something? because that would really, really suck.
they should have been there from the start... so many times i saw something in the distance and wanted to sneak a bit closer and zoom in. but nowould also be fun to observe animals from a safe distance..
UnluckyKate said:You obtain the binoculars in the last area of the world during a story mission.
SamuraiX- said:Yeah, I thought giving the binoculars to you near the end of the story was a pretty terrible design flaw on R*SD's part.
Ferrio said:
Bungieware said:Nice, but logically if you were painting the sign you wouldn't paint dots on it if you got killed whilst doing it would you? I get that it's more of a metaphor, but I really feel it should be true to the realism that Red Dead oozes.
NekoFever said:
Bungieware said:Nice, but logically if you were painting the sign you wouldn't paint dots on it if you got killed whilst doing it would you? I get that it's more of a metaphor, but I really feel it should be true to the realism that Red Dead oozes.
Well played, Sir, well played.NekoFever said:
HahahaNekoFever said:
Valkyr Junkie said:It looks like the 30-minute short film is finally up for public consumption. Right now I only see it on Gametrailers as a 659MB WMV. Anyone found a higher quality source?