TelemachusD said:I haven't finished the game yet (up to Reyes in Mexico), but so far I'm finding it boring, and pretty tedious. It looks great and sounds good too, but it keeps with GTA4's style of "follow the path or fail" mission design, giving the player very little choice in taking on any particular thing. Dead or alive bounties are cool, but the story missions are so scripted there's not much room for player creativity.
The AI is whack-a-mole brain dead, the shooting (on normal) requires no skill (I've never felt the need to ever use dead eye), and nearly every mission is a combination of riding something, shooting guys, and shooting guys while riding something, all of which I'm getting tired of.
The story is so completely ridiculous: "I need to catch this bad guy, so I'm going to murder hundreds of dudes for you so you'll help me in some small way, but I'm really a good guy." The setting feels like it's trying to be realistic, but the sheer numbers of enemies you mow down would fill every settlement on the map several times over. There's no sense of continuity from one mission to the next. For example, there's a massacre at a farm, and the very next day I'm there trying to help some moron sell snake oil to a crowd of people, and the farm appears to be just fine. Every character I've met so far is annoying, and they all like to babble on incessantly in cut scenes and on interminable horse rides on the way to shoot guys. What's worse, my character feels like a gullible idiot who'll agree to do anything anyone asks him without bothering to think of his own solution.
Sorry I'm so down on a game a lot of people in this thread really enjoy, but that's how I feel.
GQman2121 said:So you get all of that for $10? Or each pack is $10 apiece? If it's the latter, that would be insane. The community would be so splintered, it would be damn near impossible to enjoy.
soldat7 said:Where's my "The Lost and the Dagnabit" and "The Ballad of Gay Reyes"? I really want full story expansions, not more multiplayer stuff.
nourali2 said:What's your experience, GAF, with the gold-star-every-advanced-co-op-mission achievement/trophy?
Wowbagger said:Surprisingly easy. Seems only points matter, so take your time, go for headshots and chain kills as much as possible for bonus points.
disappeared said:Rockstar's got its priorities ass-backwards. Nobody'll give a shit about the multiplayer eight or ten months from now. The single-player is where people will always wind up going. Pour DLC into that, if they must. There's a ton of "map" that could be used for new areas.
Do it, it's a great game and I'm sure people would love to be notified of this.Genesis Knight said:In about an hour (11 AM CST) is going to have RDR new for $24.99 XBX/PS3. Throw an extra 1.99 game in the basket and use the coupon code SAVER for free shipping.
Think this is worth a new thread?
Radogol said:Umm... What's wrong about shooting with R2?
MNC said:Uh. Shooting with R2 is fine and the graphics are fine as well. If you really can't stand less foliage in some spots and a less bright image, buy 360 version.
I like the multiplayer, but random freeroam isn't that much fun. You should play it with friends, and it'll be alot more fun.
Binabik15 said:It might be decent with DS3s, no idea, but certainly not with my sixaxises.
Hydranockz said:So my bro just got Master Hunter rank 10 but he didn't get anything for it... I know you're meant to get somthing but the game just doesn't want to let him have it![]()
Nope... and now his mission indiators aren't showing up (those letters on the radar). It's probably being glitchyRadogol said:Are you sure? When he kills an animal, doesn't he get a regenerative item in addition to skin and meat?
Snuggler said:Real triggers.
I dislike using R2 for shooting as well, too mushy, but after getting those suckas I found it to be preferable for some games.
jred2k said:In addition to this post^:
I found it kind of ridiculous that all during the last part of the game the government agents kept telling John how the West was changing and cowboys were becoming all but extinct. Cut to at least 10 years in the future and things haven't changed one bit. The world has now gone through a World War, but there is still one car in all of Texas and Blackwater hasn't expanded even a little.
I know it would have taken a ton of work to re-craft a huge world like RDR's, but it makes the Jack part feel like its just thrown in because. I love that Rockstar is able to make big sandboxes, but I'd really like to see what they could do if they trimmed the excess. At its best RDR is one of the most engaging games I've ever played, but as a whole it wears kind of thin.
madmook said:Keep holding L2
Jigsaw said:just finished it,what a shit ending
killed my desire to play through the story ever again
great game ruined by one of the least satisfying endings ever
"just like pa showed me" for the rest of the post game?fuck you rockstar
sazabirules said:Did you see the credits? If not it isn't over.
Seraphis Cain said:Only three years pass between John's death and Jack killing Ross.
Jigsaw said:of course i did and it was still pointless and not satisfying at all
Oni Jazar said:Not satisfying? I couldn't disagree more if I tried. To each his own.
I thought the game was nearly perfect. Just dragged a bit in the middle.
Dash Kappei said:Is there any reason to dab in multiplayer if I don't have a mic or I can just sell the game once I beat the sp?