Jimmy Stav said:How can I get another Bollard Twin bounty, or am I fucked? I did a bunch before I even got the lasso.
Keep on doing the bounties from McFarland Ranch, eventually you'll get a Bollard twin.
Jimmy Stav said:How can I get another Bollard Twin bounty, or am I fucked? I did a bunch before I even got the lasso.
Wrong thread.RelentlessRolento said:still cant fucking find death horse after spending over 4 hours or just riding around.. -_- got all horses but that one (had death on ending but didnt get horse #3 yet)
really annoying.
Goldrusher said:
butsomuch said:My life at Rockst*r Games (by Zero Dean, senior environment artist on Red Dead Redemption)
butsomuch said:My life at Rockst*r Games (by Zero Dean, senior environment artist on Red Dead Redemption)
Actually the 360 graphics are a little better. This has been well documented.Sharkington said:The only notable difference is that the 360 version if now available as a Games On Demand title. It costs too much ($59.99), but if you prefer digital distribution, it might be worth it to you. Other than that, they're very similar.
I agree, not a huge difference. I would definitely go by your controller preference and whether you want to play online with friends.Sharkington said:I don't consider that to be a notable difference. Both versions look amazing, and the differences only matter to people that like looking at comparison screens.
You can probably skip them if you don't care much about trophies (although the tomahawk is cool in single player).sanji_blue said:I finished the game this morning and I was thinking, it is still worth grabbing all multiplayer DLC (Cheats and Liars and Legends and Killers)? I played some online matches on the PS3 and I could see that few people still play it.
Hey You said:I wonder whats next for RDR. I hope R* isn't done with DLC. A DLC on the scale of The Ballad of Gay tony would be heavily.
I just got the game and that is the absolute truth. The following happened to me in the 1st hour. Sit for a tale with me GAF.Gary Whitta[B said:It's always worth sitting at camp with random strangers, you never know what interesting stories you might hear. Some Mexican dude was just telling me about a prostitute he'd seen who could "shoot water out of her concha with the force of a hose." :lol
Well deserved.Sn4ke_911 said:
Drewsky said:Well deserved.
AzBat said:How many Game of the Year awards has Red Dead garnered so far? There's Spike's VGA, Gamespot's GOTY and GamesRadar Platinum Chalice Awards. Anymore?
I forgot you could take cover in Red Dead. :lolNet_Wrecker said:The animations, the weapon controls, the shooting, taking cover, walking, and general responsiveness are SO SO SO much better in Red Dead Redemption. The weapon controls especially when dealing with the D-Pad vs. Weapon Wheel is such a HUGE step back in terms of speed, and ease of use. If the next GTA, IN ANY WAY, goes back to what GTAIV did instead of improving on Red Dead Redemption's system, it'll be a huge problem.
Drewsky said:I forgot you could take cover in Red Dead. :lol
You're right, they did kind of force the issue in Mexico. But near the end of the game and especially in Undead Nightmare I never take cover.Net_Wrecker said:You didn't use it in normal singleplayer? I haven't done it at ALL in Undead Nightmare, but I used it a lot in vanilla singleplayer because many of the "big shootout" missions strategically placed you either in cover, or very close to cover after a cutscene, especially in Mexico.
kaizoku said:But a few things just irritated me after awhile. Collecting things is a major pain in the ass. The bloody skinning animation, tracking down animals was painful. I just spent like 2 or 3 hours tracking down 5 fucking beavers, made all the more frustrating by swarms of wolves coming at me all the time. I even got myself in an area where bears were coming at me non stop. Between each bear I would have time to get off my horse, skin them and get back on the horse and another bear would already be on me. I killed 20 bears in this little area alone (got my achievement woo! 5G boo! ) but all I bloody wanted was bloody beavers!!
Red Dead Redemption
PC (WIN XP/Vista/7) PC (WIN XP/Vista/7)
Genre: Actionspiel Genre: Action
Entwickler: Rockstar San Diego Developer: Rockstar San Diego
Publisher: Take 2 Publisher: Take 2
Preis: SFr. Price: SFr. 75.00 75.00
Release: 2011 Shipping: 2011
SCHUEY F1 said:Probably has been said before, but I think the addition of managing a farm would actually make the economic system worth it.
I don't know about the PS3 but I'm pretty sure you can do this on the 360.Septimus said:Does anyone know if it's possible to take my PS3 save file on a USB stick and put it in another PS3 to pick up where I left off?