Zeliard said:Man.
That is not an ugly game.
Seriously. The draw distance, sky, sound, music, etc. is all so well done. The birds flying away during the shootout looked crazy epic as well.
Zeliard said:Man.
That is not an ugly game.
yepZeliard said:Wow, was that random? :lol
The_Reckoning said:When he loots corpses on the latest ustream feed, he crouches over and the camera cuts to a different angle for a second while he loots. Just doesn't make sense to me. It's a nitpick, but still bugs me. Don't remember that from GTA.
Ammo picks up, just by walking over. But to check the corpse for money etc. Watching on my iPhone, so he may be doing something more. Not sure, just saw someone else comment on it, and I echoed the annoyance.
Zeliard said:Wow, was that random or scripted? :lol
Zeliard said:Wow, was that random or scripted? :lol
Camper182 said:yepbut awesome
Big Ass Ramp said:WARNING: don't ever read Ustream chat.
Big Ass Ramp said:what happened to the stream, why did he just quit like that?
Net_Wrecker said:What's this "scripted or not" moment everyone saw that I missed?:lol
Sn4ke_911 said:JTV link is still alive and great quality, you should give it a try guys.
Jtyettis said:Man some incredible vistas.
Jtyettis said:Man some incredible vistas.
BenjaminBirdie said:What's so remarkable about the game, visually, is how well integrated everything is. It's really amazing. The shadows, the lighting, animation, everything. Just amazing.
BenjaminBirdie said:Wow. Is that the real soundtrack?
Zeliard said:Yeah. Very coherent. Rockstar artists are awesome. I thought GTAIV was artistically gorgeous as well - its visuals were held back on the technical end.
And much like in GTAIV, sunset is just spectacular here. I love the lighting in these RAGE engine games.
BenjaminBirdie said:Same here. Shit, I think I'll just make it a Deadwood/GTAIV weekend. I am still so far from 100% it's not even funny.
No.sw33tclyde said:Jesus, the sun going down behind the mountains is fucking amazing looking. My jaw hit the floor.
Also people are saying no lasso for the MP, is this true?
cjtiger300 said:the guy streaming that vid sounds like a douche "I'm a treasure hunter son"!
BenjaminBirdie said:I also like the skinning animation. Very realistic.