game looks awesome, to bad the guys playing the game is an idiot
ntb825 said:I've put 3 hours into a retail copy of the Xbox 360 version (thanks local mom and pop shopbut fuck off for charging me $70 USD for it) and I haven't experienced any of these glitches.
sumo390 said:Anybody with the 360 version know how big the download to hard drive is?
It's 6.7gbsumo390 said:Anybody with the 360 version know how big the download to hard drive is?
xxracerxx said:Ahh but should we install it on the HD, because doesnt GTA4 run better if you do not install it?
Letters said:Day 1 patch is a good thing though.
Sweet.ntb825 said:I have it installed and I have had no performance issues at all.
Only on 20GB harddrives, they're too slow to stream at what GTA4 needs. Though even on the 20GBs it doesn't run worse, just a lot of pop-in.xxracerxx said:Ahh but should we install it on the HD, because doesnt GTA4 run better if you do not install it?
Aigis said:Only on 20GB harddrives, they're too slow to stream at what GTA4 needs. Though even on the 20GBs it doesn't run worse, just a lot of pop-in.
RS4- said:Except for the time I rode off a cliff while riding a horse :lol
Oh, that's right, forgot that came from the same guy. But since people with legit copies don't have the severe glitches, there's no need for a day 1 patch anyways.schennmu said:Wait, didn't we agree that the guy who spread the info was fake?
Huh?RS4- said:Well, after 50 mins, I have to say, I enjoy the fuck out of RDR over GTA4 just because of the controls alone.
Except for the time I rode off a cliff while riding a horse :lol
ntb825 said:Huh?
How did you manage to do that? Whenever I try and do it the game sorta takes over. The horse lets out a nay and the game forces me back onto the path.
Do you have to go straight at the cliff?
oh, ok. I'll have to try that.DrBo42 said:It seems like if you're going max speed you can fly off. At least that's what I've seen from streams. Who knows.
ntb825 said:Huh?
How did you manage to do that? Whenever I try and do it the game sorta takes over. The horse lets out a nay and the game forces me back onto the path.
Do you have to go straight at the cliff?
If you're walking you can jump off any cliff, right? I guess not being able to easily jump off a cliff with a horse makes sense, since the horse has it's own brain and sorta knows when some jump can mean deathntb825 said:oh, ok. I'll have to try that.
Like I said, whenever i'm on a path near a cliff and try to steer off of it, the game sorta takes over and pushes me away from the cliff.
ummo said:
Big Ass Ramp said:what were the physics like for this?
ummo said:
DrBo42 said:
Aigis said:Only on 20GB harddrives, they're too slow to stream at what GTA4 needs. Though even on the 20GBs it doesn't run worse, just a lot of pop-in.
AgentOtaku said:streams are almost unbearable to watch with the racist douchbag host and all of this equally poo friends
I mean, What the fuck is wrong with these people!?
EvaPlusMinus said:It's like you've never been on the internet before
AgentOtaku said:streams are almost unbearable to watch with the racist douchbag host and all of this equally poo friends
I mean, What the fuck is wrong with these people!?
EDIT: specifically talking about the vidya stream
AgentOtaku said:streams are almost unbearable to watch with the racist douchbag host and all of this equally poo friends
I mean, What the fuck is wrong with these people!?
EDIT: specifically talking about the vidya stream
zero margin said:4chan.
BobTheFork said:So I've never pre-ordered from Amazon before. I know the code I get is supposed to go out within a week or so of the shipping, but should by bonus and the 20$ card I'm supposed to get show up in my order? I want to make sure I get my money.
BobTheFork said:So I've never pre-ordered from Amazon before. I know the code I get is supposed to go out within a week or so of the shipping, but should by bonus and the 20$ card I'm supposed to get show up in my order? I want to make sure I get my money.
BobTheFork said:So I've never pre-ordered from Amazon before. I know the code I get is supposed to go out within a week or so of the shipping, but should by bonus and the 20$ card I'm supposed to get show up in my order? I want to make sure I get my money.
Rhino said:God the game playing this is a total toolbag....and he sucks.
He tried to rob a shopkeeper with no shells in his sawed-off and got plugged in the face
:lol :lol
I'm guessing it's because GTA4 streams a large amount of assets. Plus it was probably heavily optimized for DVD too.sw33tclyde said:Forgive my ignorance on the subject, but how exactly is it worthwhile to install any game on the 20 gig hdd if this is the case?
BF:BC2 and Fallout 3 both seemed improved after installing to the HDD, especially the load time on BC2 mp maps.
Rhino said:The hell?
The stream just switched to a really bad Power Rangers knock off :lol
Edit: Now it's the shamwow rap :lol
Rhino said:The hell?
The stream just switched to a really bad Power Rangers knock off :lol
Edit: Now it's the shamwow rap :lol
JambiBum said:Says at the bottom of the stream that RDR will continue shortly because the streamer is taking a shit :lol :lol