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Replaceable batteries > Built in (Lithium Ion) batteries. If you think otherwise you're a fool.

Why don't the controllers with rechargeable batteries have an easy way to remove and replace th... oh wait, that's right, because those bozos at Sony want you to spend 80 buckaroos to replace the entire fucking controller instead.

Silly me.
if one can’t unscrew 4 screws, Sony deserves that idiots 80 buckaroos


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Honestly in what world do people want to buy or change batteries all the time over simply charging.
I prefer to change batteries. That way I can have two rechargeable batteries but just one gamepad, and it'll never run out of juice.

When I played on ps4 I needed to have two gamepads for long sessions.



As someone who doesnt replace his phone often I was shook last time I bought a new phone to find out basically every phone these days doesnt have an easily replaceable battery.

Wasnt the EU fighting to have replaceable batteries be mandatory not too long ago?
Yep, that pissed me off somewhat. Along with the removal of the 3.5 mil jack. My phone was up for renewal this month, looking around it now seems they ditched Micro SD card support, so I didnt bother, that was the last straw. I just went sim only and shall now rely on old phones for as long as I can..


Way to ignore my point.

And you're implying that I want standardised batteries in phones. Phones are too small slim for even AAAs. But there are many devices that do have the room for AAAs or even AAs (controllers especially), that really should have them.

Well, actually I do want replaceable batteries in phones. I accept that they often will need to be custom shapes and sizes, but that's better than them being glued in. Oh, and replaceable batteries were common well into the mid-2010s. My previous phone was a Note Edge and its replaceable battery extended its life to last six years (with good battery life as I just replaced the batteries). And even then, actually back in the 2000s, despite shitty propriety charging ports, phones then often did share the same batteries within manufacturers. I still have a Nokia 808 PureView that has its own battery, but it could also use other Nokia batteries.

Let's this be a warning to you about talking out of your arse.
Didn’t read all that, but technology marches on. No need to be stuck in the past.


Can’t Git Gud
I feel like this thread pops up every few months and it always comes from some Xbox is better narrative.

Honestly in what world do people want to buy or change batteries all the time over simply charging. While the odd persons controller night die, the vast majority of people's controllers last the gen unless they've been mongoloids and thrown them around.
Nothing to do with xbox.
I created thread like that last year and I don't like xbox :p But praise is well deserved where it should be


As long as I can charge them by cable in a console's standby mode, I don't care. Unfortunately the pre-shipped batteries for the Xbox controller won't allow that and you have to pay for additional and separately sold accessories.

I hate changing batteries. Just let me connect the controller after my game session and it's fully charged for the next.

Also, I've never had a controller failing due to internal batteries. I still have working PS3 controllers. Usually other parts wear off way before the internal battery, so triggers get wobbly, stick drift happens etc. By the time the battery lost considerable charge you probably have other issues due to mechanical wear usually being higher when considering the build quality of such products. internal battery is usually more robust. Anecdotical contrary is of course possible but I doubt that battery failure is statistically relevant (haven't looked it up though).


Do you want replaceable batteries for your mobile phone as well? That’s even more expensive and dies faster because the usage is much higher than that of a controller.
Ummm, yes? Who wouldn't outside of iPhone users who think easily replaceable batteries are bad even when half their screen is bulging 😆


PS5's dualsense battery is replaceable.
Is Sony selling new official batteries in stores next to DS? Can you replace it without dissembling controller?
No for both. It's not designed as replaceable. Sony wants people to buy new controllers when old battery gets damaged or even to buy multiple controllers to continue playing when one is charging.


Is Sony selling new official batteries in stores next to DS? Can you replace it without dissembling controller?
No for both. It's not designed as replaceable.
It may as well had been, it's pretty damn easy to get into the dualsense. And to buy a better battery.
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It may as well had been, it's pretty damn easy to get into the dualsense. And to buy a better battery.
If you can't just buy battery in normal shop and need tools to disassembly device to replace that battery then it's not replaceable. No normal casual user will ever be able to do that. Even if this only takes 20 minutes including time spend on looking for screwdriver and making coffee.


Gold Member
Why do xbox not supply hotswappable lithium iron batteries as standard and instead produce so few of them that often they are only available from scalpers?


The play and charge kit with there clip in and out ease of exchange should be the standard for controller batteries, best of both worlds.


If you can't just buy battery in normal shop and need tools to disassembly device to replace that battery then it's not replaceable. No normal casual user will ever be able to do that. Even if this only takes 20 minutes including time spend on looking for screwdriver and making coffee.
BS. Casuals shop on amazon, that's not a hurdle for casuals. This sounds just as ridiculous as people did about adding ssd storage to their ps5 acting like casuals couldn't use a damn screwdriver. And it takes less than 10 minutes to this.
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if one can’t unscrew 4 screws, Sony deserves that idiots 80 buckaroos

"4 screws"

You know, not everyone is a basement-dwelling nerd who didn't see the sunlight for so long that his skin turned transparent, but at least he benefits from being able to disassemble electronic devices. Most regular people will look at this shit and nope out because they can't even tell which end of the screwdriver to use.

The point is that this is a deliberate design choice by Sony to make replacing the batteries a big enough hassle to get at least some people to just buy a new controller.

Imagine if you've had a cell phone that doesn't have an easily accessible battery compartment and it would just brick once the battery dies. Oh wait, I probably should just say: "imagine having an iPhone"


Replaceable Rechargeable Battery > Rechargeable Battery > AA's

I have a ps3 controller that still holds over 10 hours of battery life so it's only really an issue if they actually have poor lifetime, I bought a replacement battery pack for just £5 so when it does go I can open it up and replace it and it'll last another decade probably. The batteries can be replaced with a screwdriver and very basic skills.

Basically it's a non-issue. Xbox is more ideal as you can easily replace rechargeable packs without opening the controller but it doesn't come with one bundled and opening up a controller to replace the battery if it fails every several years is hardly the end of the world for anyone with basic technical skills.

In most cases the controller is likely to break in another way before the batteries health is significantly depleted so will need to be replaced regardless.
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BS. Casuals shop on amazon, that's not a hurdle for casuals. This sounds just as ridiculous as people did about adding ssd storage to their ps5 acting like casuals couldn't use a damn screwdriver. And it takes less than 10 minutes to this.
You really have no idea how incompetent average person is with maintenance and repair of all types of devices?

Do you want replaceable batteries for your mobile phone as well? That’s even more expensive and dies faster because the usage is much higher than that of a controller.
Of course.


You really have no idea how incompetent average person is with maintenance and repair of all types of devices?

Of course.
No I do not. My nephew who is 7 uses a screw driver to remove the battery from his remote control car for charging. People who use that excuse in this situation aren't incompetent, they're mentally lazy and don't want to do bare minimum.
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Iced Arcade

Play and charge packs are leagues better mainly because they last days on a charge vs a couple hours on a single charge.

That being said, I don't game for hours on end like I use to so I have no issues with my dualsense (and have 2)
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No I do not. My nephew who is 7 uses a screw driver to remove the battery from his remote control car for charging. People who use that excuse in this situation aren't incompetent, they're mentally lazy and don't want to do bare minimum.
You can shout at the moon all you want it wont change the fact society is full of morons.. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You have been keeping up with current events, havent you?


Can’t Git Gud
if one can’t unscrew 4 screws, Sony deserves that idiots 80 buckaroos
Dude, I've paid for this shit. I ain't moving my finger. Anyone who is happy to do this stuff with gear they paid for is a fool. These are solutions to problems that don't have to exist
And yes... I know how easy it is because I replaced r2 spring previously since sony refused
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You can shout at the moon all you want it wont change the fact society is full of morons.. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You have been keeping up with current events, havent you?
I have, there are morons. But that's not what this is, it's just laziness. Much like how people made a big deal out installing a nvme just because xbox had a plug n play solution crying like it was going to kill them to be able to do that. Year later, now every filthy casual got an instructional video on how to do it.
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Why don't the controllers with rechargeable batteries have an easy way to remove and replace th...
I know right? My licence to operate a screwdriver was also revoked last year. Those 4 screws separating me from changing the battery might as well be mount everest.


Why do xbox not supply hotswappable lithium iron batteries as standard and instead produce so few of them that often they are only available from scalpers?


The play and charge kit with there clip in and out ease of exchange should be the standard for controller batteries, best of both worlds.

I dunno. Ask Microsoft. But they've been making odd decisions (*cough* Windows 11 *cough*) of late.

8BitDo include the battery pack with their controllers. And their controllers have a gyro. It is nice to have the option of using a couple of AAs though.


I know right? My licence to operate a screwdriver was also revoked last year. Those 4 screws separating me from changing the battery might as well be mount everest.
How to replace a battery in an Xbox controller:

How to replace a battery in Dual Sense:



Replaceable Rechargeable Battery > Rechargeable Battery > AA's

How many fucking times do people have to post Eneloops or the like (many are as good these days) to dispel this misinformation?

You. Can. Get. Rechargeable. AAs.

You can also get battery packs that fit into AA battery compartments, so the option is there.


That doesn’t answer the question though.
Built-in, rechargeable batteries are easier to use. Less busy work.

Similar to the argument of digital vs physical. People are switching because it’s easier to just hit play as opposed to getting up and switching/inserting discs.

Getting up to Switch rechargeable batteries versus getting up to get a charging cable.

Not nearly the same thing as digital versus physical.


Why don't the controllers with rechargeable batteries have an easy way to remove and replace th... oh wait, that's right, because those bozos at Sony want you to spend 80 buckaroos to replace the entire fucking controller instead.

Silly me.

In all fairness the rechargeable battery will likely outlast a Sony controller.
I never have a controller die on me and never have to replace batteries, what could possibly be a pro . . .

The real debate should be why is the Xbox controller full price when it doesn't have a battery, speaker, mic, touchpad, light, gyro, adaptive triggers, updated haptics, etc. That thing should be $30 tops, and even thats pushing it if you look at 8bitdo controller prices and features.
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Do you want replaceable batteries for your mobile phone as well? That’s even more expensive and dies faster because the usage is much higher than that of a controller.

I mean, why wouldn't you? That's the way they always were until Apple showed that the batteries could be used as a carefully crafted form of planned obsolescence.

Amazon is still loaded with them: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=internal+cell+phone+battery&crid=2XHAWJ3O6ZOGG&sprefix=internal+cell+phone+battery,aps,99&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

Replaceable all day long! OP spreading pure facts with the title, then backed down. You've got to hang in there.
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I have, there are morons. But that's not what this is, it's just laziness. Much like how people made a big deal out installing a nvme just because xbox had a plug n play solution crying like it was going to kill them to be able to do that. Year later, now every filthy casual got an instructional video on how to do it.
Oh I agree, most are lazy fuckers these days! Most people havent even the aptitude start learning, sadly.

But, alas, it is what it is, and to be fair anything that is easily serviceable on the user end is always going to be better, but we know why they dont want you to do it easily..

I just miss the 80's. Somethings knackered? Get stuck in. It was the only way! Imagine showing kids the insides of an old VHS recorder and telling them to realign the head, they'd shit the bed :messenger_tears_of_joy:


How many fucking times do people have to post Eneloops or the like (many are as good these days) to dispel this misinformation?

You. Can. Get. Rechargeable. AAs.

You can also get battery packs that fit into AA battery compartments, so the option is there.
Yes.... literally say you can get rechargeable batteries for the xbox controllers in my post. Try reading before you throw a hissy fit.

Personally I use these.
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How to replace a battery in an Xbox controller:

How to replace a battery in Dual Sense:


You don't really need to show me, I've done it plenty of times. It's 4 screws, you open the controller and the battery is right there. 5 minutes of work tops. Unlike regular batteries on the Xbox controller, you only need to do it once every several years. It's a nothing burger. Much like the fuss about installing the SSD.
There's nothing wrong with internal lithium ion batteries. What should change is the ease of access to them. According to ifixit it's around a 20 minute process to unclip the bottom of the DualSense controller, replace the battery and reassemble. The cost of the battery is about $20ish dollars as well. Given that the batteries last for several years, and you can even buy higher capacity ones, I think that's a great solution. The only way this could be improved in my opinion is if manufacturers had a screwed-shut flap on the back that enabled easy access to just that compartment.

But let's play devil's advocate here. Let's say in this scenario controllers still use AA batteries. I invest the $35 into a four pack of eneloop AA's and a wall charger. Now I have to keep track of the batteries, have make a permanent spot on my wall for this damn charger to live that I use all the time, and then, in a few years, buy more fuckin batteries because EVEN THESE WEAR OUT! I'm just... making the original problem more complicated! All this versus just plugging in the controller into the same damn cord that I use for my phone and my steam deck and my "massage gun" and my laptop and all the other shit around that uses this charging interface.

TL;DR: $20 and 20 minutes of your time every couple years is not that big of a fuckin deal.

First don't overpay so much for the batteries and the charger. That's highway robbery at $35.

Second, the bigger benefit of the replaceable batteries is the ability to swap them on the fly. With no need to ever revert to using a wired controller or add yet another device to the home that is always charging on a charge base.
If having the best of both worlds is possible then sure but I've not seen it in action.

Can't stand swapping out AA rechargeable AA batteries, putting them into a wall socket charger all the time and mine degraded after a year and cost a lot of money, I didn't want to keep buying rechargeable AA batteries each year when the PS3 controllers are still working from 2007

I've never had a problem with Sony's controllers going back to PS3, elegant simple plug it in and charge, play while you charge. When I stopped with the silly AA batteries on my Xbox controllers I bought the lithium charge pack at another large extra cost, the bulky add on is inferior to whatever Sony battery they use as these bulky addons no matter how large the mah drop charge like a stone.

Perhaps the newest Xbox controller addon is better designed not to be bulky but for a long time they had this large AA box on the back or poorly fitting lithium addon in its place. The controller should come with the Lithium battery and cable and should be seamless in design. Ideally quickly swappable but retain the high quality battery and play time.
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