How long is this game anyway? I've only ever played the original RE1 on PS1
I'd like to know this, too. I haven't played this since it came out on the Saturn and I never got anywhere in it. lol
How long is this game anyway? I've only ever played the original RE1 on PS1
It's called Very Easy mode for a reason, they drop items on you like a motherfucker. so many Ink ribbons, so much grenade launcher ammo, magnum ammo and health sprays.
How long is this game anyway? I've only ever played the original RE1 on PS1
I'd like to know this, too. I haven't played this since it came out on the Saturn and I never got anywhere in it. lol
How long is this game anyway? I've only ever played the original RE1 on PS1
pro tip: don't combine/stack ink ribbons. keep them all as separate "piles" of 1-3 ink ribbons
this way you can make runs where you carry 1 ink ribbon with you, and then when you save it opens up an item slot for whatever item/ammo you're going to pick up soon
I haven't played the PC version, but I'm willing to bet that's more than good enough. The system requirements are really low, and MT Framework games tend to be extremely well optimized for PC.Once.
I played the original Resident Evil one time as a little kid and I cried like a little girl.
Once I was actually able to handle horror around the age of 7, I played through RE3: Nemesis and loved the hell out of it, since then (now being 20), I've played every RE game since.
So as you can imagine, I'm pretty damn hype, now the only question is, PC or PS4?
Rough specs: i7, GTX 680 oc'd, W7, 8GB Ram. Is this good enough for max settings and 60 FPS?
pro tip: don't combine/stack ink ribbons. keep them all as separate "piles" of 1-3 ink ribbons
this way you can make runs where you carry 1 ink ribbon with you, and then when you save it opens up an item slot for whatever item/ammo you're going to pick up soon
Every type writer, except for the one in the dining hall, comes with it's own item box in the same room, so that's not really necessary.
It's hard to say without knowing how much you're going to aimlessly wander around, most people need about 7 hours on a first run through it seems. Can't remember what my time was all those years back but probably around that time too.
To maybe get a more accurate comparison. When I play through the original, not trying to speed-run but knowing what to do, just going through all the motions it takes me about 2 hours with Jill and 2:15 with Chris. In the REmake it's about 3:30 with either character, so take the time you need for the original RE1 and add it to that.
mattp said:pro tip: don't combine/stack ink ribbons. keep them all as separate "piles" of 1-3 ink ribbons
this way you can make runs where you carry 1 ink ribbon with you, and then when you save it opens up an item slot for whatever item/ammo you're going to pick up soon
Also Invisible Enemy mode? Dafuq
Ah Good tip!
Also Invisible Enemy mode? Dafuq
I'm curious what the main issue is for people who can't handle tank controls. The base funcionality is incredibly simple, you press left, you turn left, you press right, you turn right, down is back, up is forward.
Now the one thing I can understand is that some people just can't keep their directions straight with changing camera angles, sure, it sounds simple on paper, press left to turn left from the characters point of view but I can honestly see how this might take a while to master for some people. When I first started driving I often got confused as to which direction I have to turn the wheel when driving backwards, so I'm not really one to talk here.
But then a lot of people also have issues with RE4's tank controls and that's were the former explanation doesn't work anymore. Or how about "Aiming with the left stick is horrible and unintuitive!". Is it just a vocal minority and most people don't care either way or is there actually something legitimately difficult about these things?
Not even. If you know the general locations of the items and where to go to get the next one you can get the sub-2 hour time for the REmake of the original/directors cut of Bio1.
Rough specs: i7, GTX 680 oc'd, W7, 8GB Ram. Is this good enough for max settings and 60 FPS?
game runs at 30 FPS on consoles and 60 FPS on PC?
I think Capcom has some good artists working with them that can approach the quality of REmake. They just need to use them in a focused, slow paced horror game. Some really nice areas in RE6 are overlooked, because you run through them.
The whole Chinese market district in RE6 Chris' campaign has some fairly nice art direction (minus a few unfinished textures).
I think Capcom has some good artists working with them that can approach the quality of REmake. They just need to use them in a focused, slow paced horror game. Some really nice areas in RE6 are overlooked, because you run through them.
The whole Chinese market district in RE6 Chris' campaign has some fairly nice art direction (minus a few unfinished textures).
I think Capcom has some good artists working with them that can approach the quality of REmake. They just need to use them in a focused, slow paced horror game. Some really nice areas in RE6 are overlooked, because you run through them.
The whole Chinese market district in RE6 Chris' campaign has some fairly nice art direction (minus a few unfinished textures).
Well, I highly doubt this.
RE5/6 showed that their creative workforce in terms of environments isn't as good as it used to be (tankers, asian/african markets, generic catacombs/ruins, generic labs, ... ).
When we bring it up, our art director rambles about it endlessly lol
("What do you think about RE's environment art?" *2 hour political speech*)
Tango Gameworks takes the cake, they excel in that department.
But now that TEW is out, I hope they get inspired by it.
I was checking game sites and it says this will be out tomorrow for EU PSN
Nice to know that this gameplay style is still loved by many. Maybe an indie game in this survival horror style would succeed after all.
How long is this game anyway? I've only ever played the original RE1 on PS1
How long is this game anyway? I've only ever played the original RE1 on PS1
Torn between getting this on PS4/PC I have the rig capable of playing this at 60+ no problem but I know cutscenes and some backgrounds are going to be stuck at 30 either way so it won't make or break it for em. I can't pass up playing this on my TV and have the choice to remote play on Vita will probably wait for a sale on PSN or something.
Well technically the game can be beaten in under 3 hours if you know exactly what your doing. But for a normal play through it's a full 20-25 hour experience.
Well technically the game can be beaten in under 3 hours if you know exactly what your doing. But for a normal play through it's a full 20 hour experience.
played the original, directors cut and remake so many time but always on normal difficulty.
might try out hard mode this time around.
Save your magnum ammo
When using the shotgun, wait for them to lunge at you aim up and shoot for 50/50 chance at a headshot.
Save only when necessary, otherwise you will lose all of your ink ribbons.
Dont every let a zombie become a crimson head.
use your defensive weapons.
if playing as chris, dont save anybody.
How long is this game anyway? I've only ever played the original RE1 on PS1
I'd like to know this, too. I haven't played this since it came out on the Saturn and I never got anywhere in it. lol
The indie horror scene on PC is massive.
I just might play this game on easy since i'm more interested in the story.
Might do a second playthrough on a higher difficulty later.
are there any pictures floating around of the backgrounds that capcom totally remade in 3d?
i'm curious
So where the cheapest to preorder this?