I've never played any Resident Evil, is this the best time to jump in?
Oh wow, just read a bit of the DF analysis thread, I shouldn't have.
Looks like I'm the only one who thinks the game looks and plays great on PS4, apparently this port is the worst thing ever.
Ahh. Gave in and bought it. Downloaded. Started. Everything still awesome like it's 2002. Them nostalgia feels. Couldn't resist and also got it on PS3/PS4 crossbuy^^ Because now I have every mainline RE on the PS3 (except 0 for now). Definetly a great job from Capcom and it's great to see that people like a game like this.secretly hoping for RE2make
So far:
RE1/REmaster/4/6/Revelations on PC
REmake/RE0/RE4 on GC
RE1DC/REmaster/2/3/CVX/4/5/6 on PS3 (RE1DC includes PAL and Dualshock Edition with the awesome OST)
REmaster on PS4 (which I don't have yet^^)
Am i crazy?^^
Oh wow, just read a bit of the DF analysis thread, I shouldn't have.
Looks like I'm the only one who thinks the game looks and plays great on PS4, apparently this port is the worst thing ever.
I'm quite disappointed by the PS4 version. The 1080p detail is glorious, but the aspect ratio is definitely off vertically (the PS3 version is fine though), with tiny black bars at the top and bottom of the screen, and seriously, what the fuck is this
According to my PS4, the full game is downloaded to my HD, and there are no active downloads in my queue.
That thread is literal batshit.
Grab RE5 on PC when you get a chance, Capcom is on the verge of patching out GFWL.
Doing the same for DR2 and Off The Record as well, makes me yearn for a Dead Rising 1 port.and Dragon's Dogma
Yup - I stopped myself before I got too deep down the rabbit hole. I'm just going to enjoy the game that I happily paid for.
i just "got" username jill sandwich.
In the "Once Again" mode do you carry everything from your last playthrough?
I'm quite disappointed by the PS4 version. The 1080p detail is glorious, but the aspect ratio is definitely off vertically (the PS3 version is fine though), with tiny black bars at the top and bottom of the screen, and seriously, what the fuck is this
According to my PS4, the full game is downloaded to my HD, and there are no active downloads in my queue.
In the "Once Again" mode do you carry everything from your last playthrough?
Oh, and because everyone loves a good cheat
Infinite ribbons for PC. Download cheatengine, and edit the address 2D2F443C to however many you want. I'm not sure if you have to be in the item screen with your select box on it - I've not tried it without it highlighted.
I'm not saying you do that, but just something for someone who doesn't like the save system...
Have you tried Options > Information over the game icon in the XMB? That should tell you whether the game finished downloading.
No, once again is playing through with your cleared game save, and using the extra difficulty modes if youve unlocked them.
No. Once Again is just NG+ with new outfits and modes.
It is still downloading
check options -> Information
it is 15GB download
Just noticed this myself. It downloaded the initial 3GB or whatever then let me play the game. Problem is I'm having some really weird audio glitches. Some missing and sporadic effects and music.
Down to the fact it's not fully downloaded yet?
Just play on very easy its the same thing.
Am i crazy?^^
Grab RE5 on PC when you get a chance, Capcom is on the verge of patching out GFWL.
That thread is literal batshit.
Grab RE5 on PC when you get a chance, Capcom is on the verge of patching out GFWL.
Doing the same for DR2 and Off The Record as well, makes me yearn for a Dead Rising 1 port.and Dragon's Dogma
Spring.Any ETA when that is done?
Well that's nowhere near as fun!
So far:
RE1/REmaster/4/6/Revelations on PC
REmake/RE0/RE4 on GC
RE1DC/REmaster/2/3/CVX/4/5/6 on PS3 (RE1DC includes PAL and Dualshock Edition with the awesome OST)
REmaster on PS4 (which I don't have yet^^)
Am i crazy?^^
I've posted it before, but it bears repeating:
This is the best remote play experience I've had on PS4/Vita so far. The nature of the way the buttons are set up with the default control scheme means you don't have to really use backtouch, the performance doesn't appear to really take a hit, and the game looks damn good on the Vita screen.
Give it a shot!
Hopefully the success of this puts a potential REmake 2 on the table.
Do the environments in 3D similar to the remade 'coffin' room in this release.
I have been dreaming of REmake 2 for over ten years -- since the moment the GameCube release (which ended up being a port) of RE2 was announced. It's hard for me to believe that there is a legitimate chance of it happening! If nothing else, I would love to have digital versions of RE2/RE3 available for Steam ala FFVII/FFVIII! Then again, maybe I should be careful with what I wish for.