Wow, I'm totally stuck at the clock gear puzzle.
I don't remember it being so hard in the original game.
6 o'clock
Wow, I'm totally stuck at the clock gear puzzle.
I don't remember it being so hard in the original game.
Wow, I'm totally stuck at the clock gear puzzle.
I don't remember it being so hard in the original game.
6 o'clock
6 o'clock
Look at the painting beside it and copy the location of the swords.
Guys, is there any way to store more items in this game? My health is low and I want to store some herbs but the game doesn't allow me to drop anything in the inventory :|
Guys, is there any way to store more items in this game? My health is low and I want to store some herbs but the game doesn't allow me to drop anything in the inventory :|
The save system is really pushing me toward dropping the game. Not enjoying losing all my progress over and over. I tolerated it way better 15 years ago.
Yep, and it's fairly early: you cannot open doors with theI got a stupid question: The game is 15 gigs, my PS4 said it only needed to download 3.5 gigs, what is up with that? Am I going to get to a certain point and then the game is going to be like you need to download the last 12 gigs? Because that sucks and will take a long time.
The only way is to reach for a safe room and store some of them in the item box in there.
I finally manage to get inside a dining room and see a typewriter here but no item boxYou have to find an item box and leave it inside. There are two in the mansion, one on the East side and one in the West side. You'll know which rooms, they're small, have typewriters and calm music. Its literally a big brown box you can put stuff in.
Yep, and it's fairly early: you cannot open doors with thekey until it's done. You have about 9 rooms.sword~~~
I couldn't find a way of tracking the remaining download either.
My first time playing the OG RE.
Looks fantastic. The item management though - UGH. Having to backtrack CONSTANTLY to the box to get an item I think I need for a puzzle really blows. Case in point - finding the fireplace on the second floor. Ah ha! I think. I needthe lighter. Run back to box room, get lighter, come back, try it....nope. Shit, no fuel? Go back to box, look through shit, see wooden plank, decide to try that, run back, it worked.
Way too much work and it's really discouraging me from exploring and trying things.
Can someone refresh my memory about unlocking the Samurai Edge? I know you have to beat the game in under 5 hours but do endings matter at all or can I justand get it that way?not save everyone
Can someone refresh my memory about unlocking the Samurai Edge? I know you have to beat the game in under 5 hours but do endings matter at all or can I justand get it that way?not save everyone
Does every typewriter have an item box near it? Is there any point in carrying ink ribbons in my inventory or should I just pull them from the box when I need to save?
how the crap do I exit out of this game, outside alt tabbing and closing.
Every re game has that
Or, unlike modern games when you enter a new area you could do this
1) get a layout of the area
2) Memorize the key parts of the room
3) check your map for your location
4) read all the flavor text. so you know exactly what you need to do.
Hyperbole aside, how's the PS3 version?
I'm getting tired of seeing people intimate that if you have any trouble with the game you're a gamer that has been spoiled by today's games. I've been gaming almost since the advent of video games, it has nothing to do with anyone's cred as an old school gamer but rather that the game employs mechanics that are at odds with having fun with a game.
It would be a far better and more fun game if key items didn't take up inventory space. It doesn't add tension, unlike say the save system, it just adds frustration.
So, DSR doesn't work, GeDoSaTo neither, nor .ini changing.
How the heck can I play the game above the 1080p setting?
My best guess is that they wanted to make sure you didn't carry to much weaponry or heals at the same time. Also I suspect they knew it would pad the length of first playthroughs.
I know the game is old as dirt, but IGN's Twitter just spoiled the final boss. Wanted to find that out myself.
Yeah, partly my fault to be honest lol.Past time to stop following their work anyways.
yikes I was not prepared for this game. never touched it and man it is tough so far. First time playing a survival horror game at all!
It is like 3.37am here
Can't sleep I keep thinking of this game
This is by far the best remote play game I have played. It's pretty much flawless. Backrounds look really good on small screen and there is no need for L2/R2/R3/L3. Not noticing any imput lag and in a game like this it doesn't matter much. I prefer to play it on my Vita over bigger screen.
It is like 3.37am here
Can't sleep I keep thinking of this game