Are you playing with tank controls? I used the alternante control and to dodge the dog from the front door was quite easy (was using Chris, if that makes any difference).
By the way. Wich is harder to use, Chris or Jill?
How do you play Hard Mode?
I thought Mountain Climbing was hard mode at first but i guess it was normal difficulty.
Chris. Jill is probably the better choice if it's your first time playing.
I play with the new controls and it is still hard for me![]()
How do you play Hard Mode?
I thought Mountain Climbing was hard mode at first but i guess it was normal difficulty.
How does the kerosene work exactly? I wasn't sure if I needed it so I left it in my storage box.
If you kill a zombie without getting a head-shot, its body will lay crumpled on the ground. If you have kerosene and a lighter, you can burn the bodies.
The reason why you want to burn the bodies, you'll find out later if you don't already know.
How does the kerosene work exactly? I wasn't sure if I needed it so I left it in my storage box.
I have kerosene and a lighter but i cant use it on dead zombies. :/
I was recording my first playthrough of Remaster, and just editing now and decided to make a quick gif of a moment I experienced early in. I don't even know how this happened.
My fucking bullet not only knocked the zombie in front of me down at the last moment, it then shoots straight through to the zombie behind it and makes its head explode.
Damn, Chris really does have more health than, Jill. Before I killed the dogs for the collar, Chris got chewed on by them at least three times, and was still in the green. Jill would've been dead.
How does the kerosene work exactly? I wasn't sure if I needed it so I left it in my storage box.
Zombies get really pissed if you forget to kill them proper and don't blow off their heads. Best kill them with fire when that happens... it's the only way to be sure. Mmmmkay?
When possible just dodge/outrun zombies. If you must attack them make blowing off their heads with the shotgun the go to move. If you drop them with head in tact get the kerosene, but it's limited refills so you wanna not rely on it too much.
Are you a goner when the dogs pin you down to the ground and attack you? I was mashing the buttons and moving the sticks but they wouldn't get off and I ended up dieing. I didn't have time to shoot them once I blew the whistle.
Same happened to me. I forgot they added an extra easy mode so I thought the highest option was hard. Didn't want to play on easy but I'm not starting over, I'm going to play through multiple times so I'll save the higher difficulties for the next playthroughs.
You can change the difficulty when starting NG+ right?
Still early on on my first playthrough of the game (the REmake, I've played RE classic). Just wondering do our Crimson buddies get any sort of explanation/lore? Or are they simply added in REmake for added difficulty/tension?
Honestly not so much. What seems improved is the sound quality. Since it would be digital the loadings would be improved as well. But they are similar to the digital version of PS3.Is the graphical upgrade that noticeable to those that have both versions?
Bit hard though connecting with head shots because of the controls. I've only managed I think one so far.
So did we get the Wesker report across the sea or did that stay Japan exclusive?
What was the point of it? New story? Future plot points? More history on Wesker?Japan exclusive. It's never been translated.
What was the point of it? New story? Future plot points? More history on Wesker?
Japan exclusive. It's never been translated.
Not only has it been translated, it came with the PS2 EU version of Code Veronica X. Full text of it is available here -
I'm playing this on the Xbox One and the surround sound is really good. It especially benefits because of the frequent camera angle changes, so you always have a unique directional aspect to it.
Hearing the groans of a zombie coming from the rear left speaker, then dramatically switching to the rear right as you move through a corridor is really, really cool.
I'm playing this on the Xbox One and the surround sound is really good. It especially benefits because of the frequent camera angle changes, so you always have a unique directional aspect to it.
Hearing the groans of a zombie coming from the rear left speaker, then dramatically switching to the rear right as you move through a corridor is really, really cool.
Allright! Thanks!!
Ive played just a little, but it seems to me is all about learning where, when and how to reach the next destination. So, your first try may have been a disaster, but once you try again you will remember wheres the trap, that you should not open the front door, and learn how to avoid or how to kill that zombie.
But, like I said, I played just a little, and as Chris. And I wasted 5 or 6 shots to THINK I killed a zombie, to then, when came back to the same room, realize that he was still alive wasting two more denfensive knives. T-T
Im still like NOPE during the Black Tiger encounter. Fuck that shit.
There are plenty of time where the game will fool you into thinking a zombie is dead, only to have him wait and grab your leg as your walking past. The trick is to use the auto aim to detect whether or not they are actually dead. When they are on the ground, rotate/turn your character to face a different direction, then aim your gun. If your character turns around and aims in the direction of the zombie, then he's still alive. Aim down and put a few more rounds into him.
I haveplayed thru the game 4 times and have still never done that part, I had to get someone else to do it. Thank fuck for shareplay, actually was meaning to ask, if I get someone to kill a boss for me will that lock me out of any trophies?
How the hell do you complete this with just a knife.......that just sounds crazy!
Sooo. Sidebar note, why did Boone tell me RE4 on steam has full controller support?! Going to try this game again after I play this REmake. RE4 is the only RE game I have briefly played before this release(played on PS2 and owned on Wii but never got far). But it's one I have always had on my list of great games I need to finish.
Did you guys get past the first couple of hours without a guide?
I'm thinking of using one.