Disappointed sis. Playing on XBone.
Is there a trick to escape from zombies in closed corridors? I always have to kill them, otherwise they get me. But I just saw one of these videos above, and the guy runs past 2 of them!
Well if you physically see how he does it, then why can't you just copy what he does?
Truth be told, there are some situations were you simply won't be able to avoid them. I try to get as close as possible, and as they lunge, walk back. During the animation I'll try to scoot past them. Sometimes it's just unavoidable.
If you approach a zombie while on some stairs, the zombie will puke on you. It's pretty easy to avoid though.
It seems as though the lunge animation results in a brief moment when the zom can safely be past as he's between motions. I'm going to try it tonight with the 1st zombie (just off the dining room) until I get it right.
Downloaded this on Steam last night before I went to bed. Looking forward to diving into it tonight. Hoping my new rig can run it on ultra with AA at 60fps. In any event, it will be great to return to this classic in style!
Disappointed sis. Playing on XBone.
I play games not consoles.
Is the "I like Mountains" difficulty supposed to be the same as "Medium"? bc, lol! I died after two bites.
Is the "I like Mountains" difficulty supposed to be the same as "Medium"? bc, lol! I died after two bites.
I am honestly surprised RE2 has not been remade. Back when REmake was released it seemed like it would naturally be the next thing for Capcom to do. I guess it's unfair to feel entitled to another remake just because we got a remake of RE1, but still... I hope it happens someday.
What on earth is the button to shrug zombies off faster?
I play games not consoles, and own it on all platforms.
The same thing happened to me, and I toned down the difficulty a notch, eventhough it kinda bothers me to play on easy. =/ Surprisingly those two zombies in the graveyard disappeared on easy.
I was also surprised, that the dogs can kill you in a single bite, if you don't have a defensive item. IIRC, that was different in the original.
I see, yeah.. I'm gona have to play it on Easy.. . at least I won't die as quickYeah that's normal mode.
I was recording my first playthrough of Remaster, and just editing now and decided to make a quick gif of a moment I experienced early in. I don't even know how this happened.
My fucking bullet not only knocked the zombie in front of me down at the last moment, it then shoots straight through to the zombie behind it and makes its head explode.
Now imagine being a kid and this coming out in 2002.
Futtbuck - "I know I'll get fucked with no lube for this" lmao
I see, yeah.. I'm gona have to play it on Easy.. . at least I won't die as quick
I'm not sure if it affects how easily you die as much as the amount of enemies, and the amount of bullets they can take.
I tested out Easy, you can take about 3 zombie attacks before dying. Not sure about the dogs.
Anybody crafted all the badge levels on Steam yet? What are they, just the various? I only got the first level.elemental crests
I seemed to trigger a scene with Barry in the main hall early on and now he won't save me for the shotgunAnyway to fix that?
Just use the broken shotgun man.
Any word about a mod that allows us to switch costumes?
Is there anyone in this thread playing the game right now in America? You shouldn't be. Everyone knows that you play a survival horror game only at night with the lights off, right?
I play games not consoles, and own it on all platforms.
Now that you mentioned it, i never knew that either. I just randomly mash buttons.What on earth is the button to shrug zombies off faster?
I draped a massive fucking comforter over my bedroom window and I'm playing with headphones.![]()
Running it at max settings with FXAA3HQ on my old 2500K + GTX570 + 8GB Ram with zero issues. This game doesn't really require any horsepower. Enjoy!
Yet the 'next gen consoles' can only manager 30fps with dips!!!
I tested out Easy, you can take about 3 zombie attacks before dying. Not sure about the dogs.
Yet the 'next gen consoles' can only manager 30fps with dips!!!
Running it at max settings with FXAA3HQ on my old 2500K + GTX570 + 8GB Ram with zero issues. This game doesn't really require any horsepower. Enjoy!
Is anyone else playing on very easy?
I don't want to be the only one.....but I feel like I am.
I'm a wimp![]()