A lot of people consider the Wii version of RE4 the best. People are crazy.
It was, w/ a pad that is. The UHD Edition for the PC has taken that honor now.
A lot of people consider the Wii version of RE4 the best. People are crazy.
Do you need to burn decapitated zombies?
A lot of people consider the Wii version of RE4 the best. People are crazy.
fucking crimson heads
Anyway, it's a great game, but I now remember why I used to dislike it a bit: the inventory system. Six slots as Chris? Really? With things like a fucking fishing lure taking up as much space as a grenade launcher? it really boggles the mind. It's hard going back after RE4 and 6.
And, I know, I know: Jill gets eight slots, and the MASTER OF UNLOCKING set, etc. She's essentially easy mode.
But still. Even with eight slots, I can't help but get pissed off that a room key takes up as much space as a gigantic golden emblem. It gets even weirder when you consider that defense items take up no space at all.
I love the rest, though, even stuff I used to dislike, like the ink ribbons, the contrived Myst puzzles and the fixed camera angles. But the inventory... aaargh. Backtrack hell.
I'm almost done with my first playthrough (I've triggered the hunters and I've defeated Yawn; I'm like, 70% in, right? Or does my memory fool me?) and I'm loving it, but RE4 is still the daddy.
Normal is kicking my ass a bit. I'm enjoying the challenge but I don't remember having this much trouble with the GC version, although it was over a decade ago so I could be misremembering.
Yes there's quite a few of those in the game too, better look at everythingI know what my problem is now. I started a few times to experiment. What happened is I learned where items were, but didn't bother to examine them.
No wonder it didn't cross my mind to check out the dog whistle. It's an example of how the game doesn't out right tell you what to do, but leaves you bread crumbs.
Ignore those crumbs, and you're lost.
Yes there's quite a few of those in the game too, better look at everything![]()
I'd be livid.GODFUCKING DAMMIT! I was doing my RE no save 3 hour run and I got near the end whenI had to move the fuel cell, I forgot I had my Grenade Launcher equipped when a Chimera attacked me and BOOM.
That was a few hours wasted D:
GODFUCKING DAMMIT! I was doing my RE no save 3 hour run and I got near the end whenI had to move the fuel cell, I forgot I had my Grenade Launcher equipped when a Chimera attacked me and BOOM.
That was a few hours wasted D:
Jesus H. Christ. I just had to run through a hallway that had FOUR crimson heads. Use that lighter, people.
What's your tip for a knife-only run? Obviously "run from all enemies as well as you can" but obviously that isn't going to be the best thing ever if you're eating herbs left right and center from attacks being taken.
So what's the verdict on this? Is it worth a buy? Did they fuck anything up?
GODFUCKING DAMMIT! I was doing my RE no save 3 hour run and I got near the end whenI had to move the fuel cell, I forgot I had my Grenade Launcher equipped when a Chimera attacked me and BOOM.
That was a few hours wasted D:
I used the GL there as well and didn't blow up.
Agreed. Makes replays much more fun as well.
basics. they need to patch all versions to allow this
I would much prefer the option to skip doors if I feel like while keeping the animations in for the original experience. I believe the Gamecube versions of 2 and 3 allow this.
Yup! Everything that could be considered to be "fucked up" can be reverted to the original anyway![]()
Should I have 8 item slots as Jill? I only have 6.
A lot of people consider the Wii version of RE4 the best. People are crazy.
the wii version IS the best if you use the gc pad, though
Okay just reading some comments in this thread, apparently this game is no walk in the park.
Does anyone know if beating the game on Real Survivor earns the Hard trophy as well?
PC version blows everything out of the water at this point.
Still waiting for someone, anyone, to set up a good control scheme or hack or something to allow a Gamecube controller via USB adapter.perhaps, but i think the gc's octagonal gate analog stick is best suited for the game by far.
Damn, I am getting terrible at games in my old age of 38. I had no issues with the Playstation version years ago. Now I'm playing this and struggling to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do next.
I guess I have gotten used to games holding my hand more.Having fun though. Besides the annoying door animations as I go back constantly to safe rooms.
smh at that Giant Bomb quick look.