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Resident Evil HD Remaster |OT| Rediscover the evil.


In the bee room, you get the wind crest, which you can use in the Courtyard graveyard to get the magnum.

I see. So Bumhead was right, then.

Thanks, guys!

Ah yes, I forgot there is a water tank in that room too, albeit an incidental backdrop and not anything you need to use or pay attention to.

1. Combine the hook and the gold Bee Lure.
2. Use the combined Hook and Lure on the display cabinet just to the right of the door (from the doors perspective).
3. Place the remaining brown bee sample on the display cabinet to the left of the door, on the wall.
4. Push the button
5. You'll get the item you need. Don't bother trying to fight the enemy that attacks you at this point, just run out the door.

I mentioned the water tank because it was kinda important on the original game. On the remake, yeah... i believe it's just part of the scenario.

Also, gonna try that tonight. Many thanks.


Personally, I always like to think that Chris's scenario is canon and Barry just made his way back to Raccoon City on foot, through the forest with just his magnum and fists. It's the most fitting explanation and it all works with what's in the game.

But that completely removes
Barry's betrayal arc
which was mentioned in his epilogue file in RE3. Not to mention, it turns Jill into a damsel in distress, since she spends the whole game sitting in a prison cell, waiting for Chris to save her. :/


yesterday i completed my ps4 run with Jill on Normal.

Yes even after 20 times the game is still one of my favourites.

Did someone notice at the end

in the lab , before you go to the heliport, that changing of camera angles takes longer than normal. ? it was running almost the whole game in a smooth way but at the end it took like a half sec or a bit more for changing it.

overall im really happy with the game.

Today i gonna do my chris run:)
But that completely removes
Barry's betrayal arc
which was mentioned in his epilogue file in RE3. Not to mention, it turns Jill into a damsel in distress, since she spends the whole game sitting in a prison cell, waiting for Chris to save her. :/

Eh, whatever, I know it's still not the real canon story. For me it's enough to know that Barry was supposed to betray them, but instead he fought his way through the forest, and Jill gets her moment in the spotlight in RE3 anyway.
The guy playing admits to not liking the game and the other guy has never played the game.

Dude mentions how much he loves RE4/5 a few times, runs around the mansion with full inventory and then complains multiple times when he can't pick up an item all while playing on very easy using the new controls. It's just tough to watch cause I know this is how a lot of people are these days.

Uuuuhhhh, isn't the whole point of Giant Bomb that these guys are supposed to know what they're doing? It's not a bunch of kids, it's guys who are experienced gamers. I mean, if you're going to have two people on the video, at least put Jeff or Brad on there, too.
Does RE5 have tank controls too?

It has several control schemes, one is straight up the same as RE4, so yeah, tank controls. There are others that actually let you strafe left and right, (Only in walking speed though and NOT while aiming.) but I think they still qualify as tank controls. I might be remembering this wrong though, I've mostly used the classic RE4 controls.


In the same way RE4 does, yes.

It has several control schemes, one is straight up the same as RE4, so yeah, tank controls. There are others that actually let you strafe left and right, (Only in walking speed though and NOT while aiming.) but I think they still qualify as tank controls. I might be remembering this wrong though, I've mostly used the classic RE4 controls.

Thanks guys.

It should be getting a GFWL removal patch soon, so I will be playing it then.

Uuuuhhhh, isn't the whole point of Giant Bomb that these guys are supposed to know what they're doing? It's not a bunch of kids, it's guys who are experienced gamers. I mean, if you're going to have two people on the video, at least put Jeff or Brad on there, too.

I haven't watched too much GB, but every time I do it seems like they have no idea what they are talking about.
This can be extended for most of gaming journalism actually.


So you're saying not to kill the enemies in areas that you'll be backtracking through often?

I didn't kill any enemies during my Knife run besides the bosses. My tips about "dropping" Zombies was more for people struggling with the harder modes. But yeah, don't kill Zombies and they'll never become Crimson Heads. Makes your Knife run so much easier.

My major worry is eating too much damage and not having enough healing items. I feel ballsy enough to do a knife run after all these years but I gotta get my "juke" skills back and maybe learn to finally knife-kill things.

I don't really know what advice to give besides just telling you to practice the different evasion strategies. Eventually you'll get them down and work out how to do them without any issues.

Did they remove that stupid "no defense items or stomping heads" restriction on it?

If you're going for a trophy, you can't use defense items or head stomps.

I also had no clue the balcony had infinity green herbs. :eek: All this time I have never really needed that many herbs so I have never really gone to that spot to ever know if there was anything beyond two(?) growing there.

The pot of herbs that's growing there is ready for roughly three uses I believe. Only use them when you're on Danger or Red-Caution (not Orange-Caution) so maximise their use. But knowing they're there is super helpful.

Unless you're able to choose "hard" while choosing that mode: Doubtful.

I literally said in a few posts above you that you can :p Real Survival Mode is based on Hard Mode (Statistics-wise) but features no auto aiming or linked item boxes.


Good god the alternate controls make you have to change direction on camera change ?

This is super confusing for new people, in the original forward is forward no matter the angle.

I don't understand this world.
Good god the alternate controls make you have to change direction on camera change ?
That was an issue I had, some transitions let you keep holding it to continue going the same direction.
but there were a couple (3or4) trouble spots that had you running back as soon as it transitioned.


I am still 50/50 on the camera being widescreen or 4:3. Some rooms where you don't walk up to the top of the room, you just never see what's at the top of the screen. The room with the birds is a good example, you only see their lower halves.

And I quickly switched to old school tank controls. Fuck that new, twitchy kid shit. Not only does it work horribly when the camera angle changes, it makes running away a snap and ruins the horror vibe of the game.

EDIT: I've only gotten the second key so far so I'm still quite early, but so far it's fun and looks pretty good. I played original Resident Evil on Vita recently and I forgot how much they actually changed up for the iteration.
Man this game has taken some getting back into and I've died a lot early on because for the life of me, I suck at dodging zombies now :(

How in the hell do you dodge that zombie in the room where you get the dagger at the beginning? I used to be able to, but now it seems impossible. Using classic controls if that helps.
I finally remembered what to do now. I'm doing a Chris run on my PS4 and Jill run on my PC. PC looks better than what the consoles have to offer + mods. PS4...well it's nice to play it on a Panny plasma and looks good. Aside from the occasional camera issue, playing on Alternate controls is alright. :)

When I played this game a decade ago, I always had issues with the Crimson Heads. Therefore, I have made it a priority to burn EVERY zombie that I kill. I rather deal with this shit now and not be bothered with it later.
Turned it on last night and wow . . . does not disappoint visually (PS4 here). The intro looked great and legitimately scared me, and then Jill's character model floored me. Still deep into Sunset Overdrive but that one is next.

Aaron D.

Forgive me if this has been answered, but has there been a consensus on 4:3 vs. 16:9 aspect ratio?

I'm playing 16:9 and noticed inconsistencies in image quality. Sometimes the whole screen looks crisp & clear, texture-wise. Other times it looks a blotchy mess.

Would switching to 4:3 alleviate some of this? I'm not expecting miracles, just wondering which one is best.
Well Dan wasnt any better.
Don't think I've ever heard Jeff talk about RE before. I know when he hates things, he really hates things so maybe that's for the best. Dan is such an airhead, though. I can only imagine. I'll have to watch it later.

In the meantime, I've yet to get this game but I'm loving the thread. I am going on a trip next week so I'll have to wait just a bit before pulling the trigger.


Unconfirmed Member
Forgive me if this has been answered, but has there been a consensus on 4:3 vs. 16:9 aspect ratio?

I'm playing 16:9 and noticed inconsistencies in image quality. Sometimes the whole screen looks crisp & clear, texture-wise. Other times it looks a blotchy mess.

Would switching to 4:3 alleviate some of this? I'm not expecting miracles, just wondering which one is best.

4:3 all the way. It just looks indisputably better. The 16:9 image is just zoomed in so it looks worse. I started in widescreen for a while, checked out 4:3 and never looked back.

also Dan Ryckert is an idiot. He leaves the save room with ink ribbons when the box is RIGHT THERE and then complains about space. It's just... yeah.
Good god the alternate controls make you have to change direction on camera change ?

This is super confusing for new people, in the original forward is forward no matter the angle.

I don't understand this world.

The last 15 years have done a number on tank controls to the public perception, people think they are just some old outdated thing and not something that was made for specific reasons like control consistency through changing, fixed camera angles. You have a whole generation of gamers who are not even going to try them and go into this with the analog controls thinking they are getting the real experience.
I'm really surprised that they never came out with a "Barry's Mission". As an unlockable campaign or something. Like, what was Barry doing in the mansion when he wasn't helping Jill? Like, chillin or something?


I'm a mess. I can't believe I can't even get that far without dying and I've played this before. I can't even find the first item chest.


4:3 all the way. It just looks indisputably better. The 16:9 image is just zoomed in so it looks worse. I started in widescreen for a while, checked out 4:3 and never looked back.

also Dan Ryckert is an idiot. He leaves the save room with ink ribbons when the box is RIGHT THERE and then complains about space. It's just... yeah.

Haha I know right? And hes not even playing with Chris. He even says he doesnt know why anyone would ever play as Chris....


The tank controls are nice for when toy want to slowly back up. Using the new controls you will turn around and then may get attacked from behind.

Aaron D.

4:3 all the way. It just looks indisputably better. The 16:9 image is just zoomed in so it looks worse. I started in widescreen for a while, checked out 4:3 and never looked back.

Good deal. Looks like I'll be going 4:3 tonight.

Thanks for the reply!

Salty Hippo

lern the game, so you know what you will need and when you need it so you only take stuff with you yiu need right now.

Ain't nobody got time for that. :(

I don't remember every item and when to take them. If I'm going to tripple dip on RE1 I don't wanna have to deal with bullshit inventory space a third time. I need someone to make dat mod before I'll buy.


Resident Evil remake was my first experience with the franchise and remains one of my favourite games of all-time.

A few years ago I made a thread about replaying the game.

I still laugh at the accompanying story I shared, which one or two players may relive repaying the game;

This story happened a few days ago, so it's still rather fresh in my mind. It happened after getting stuck with a puzzle on an outside section, so somewhat bored and annoyed I decided I would have some fun inside the mansion.

Heading back to the main foyer in the mansion I thought for fun I would open the front door. I had done this before earlier so I knew what to expect.
Once again a lone dog (Am I the only one who absolutely hates these mutts?) bust through
. I quickly swiveled and belted up the stairs. Unaware I turned around, not expecting the dog to follow me as quickly as it did, needless to say I got tackled to the ground luckily I had a taster set as a defensive weapon, which gave me some brief satisfaction as I saw the dog squealing in pain. I promptly headed to the single door to the right.

Making my way through several more rooms, I could see a door being hammered on the other side. Not wanting to stick around and find out who it was I made my across to the other room. A nice crimson head zombie greeted me, and started charging me. Somewhat freaked I ran back where I came from, with the crimson head lashing and marginally missing me. I kept running until I reached the door I was talking about. Where another crimson head zombie busted through the door. I turned around and got ripped to shreds by the first crimson, but had some shotgun shells so let’s say I was using them rather liberally. With three shots I blasted back one Crimson head, but still had the other one running full-steam ahead at me. I fired one more shot which seems to have knocked him down momentarily. Add some more running and dodging, I had a slight advantage with a table in between us, using the C-stick I whipped around and blasted the crimson head, with a beautiful head shot.

Magic! The crimson head staggered as his upper-torso, spurted with blood covering the nearby wall. Relieved with health running super-low, I staggered to the main foyer again.

Expecting a quite stroll to the item box, I heard a dog bark and the scene filled with a familiar red screen. "You have died" it read as I saw the same dog I had escaped from in the beginning mauling me.

I swear I hate those dogs..

I can' wait to replay this.
So I was the biggest RE fan on PSX. I mean I played that thing so many times. I could write down the map for the Spencer mansion in my sleep. I did knife runs and no ribbon runs back when it was just for fun.

never played Remake.

I am so stoked to get my teeth into this.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
The last 15 years have done a number on tank controls to the public perception, people think they are just some old outdated thing and not something that was made for specific reasons like control consistency through changing, fixed camera angles. You have a whole generation of gamers who are not even going to try them and go into this with the analog controls thinking they are getting the real experience.

Umm, I played the original GC game and finished it, and I still chose to play the remaster with alternate controls. I don't see why people are getting all pissy about which control scheme others are using. Use whatever control scheme you like and let others enjoy whatever control scheme they prefer. My using alternate controls doesn't affect anyone else on this forum.


I think one of the problems people have is equating "dated" to "bad". This is both for people who are critical of said controls and those who are defensive to the death for them. Just because they were a design choice doesn't mean they aren't dated to a particular period of time of game development. You look through gaming history and I'm sure you'll see plenty of design choices that probably had logic behind them, but didn't translate to later generations for whatever reason or another. It's just change.
So I was the biggest RE fan on PSX. I mean I played that thing so many times. I could write down the map for the Spencer mansion in my sleep. I did knife runs and no ribbon runs back when it was just for fun.

never played Remake.

I am so stoked to get my teeth into this.
The Giantbomb quick look just reminded me the inventory system and ink ribbon
This is going to bring back memories


The last 15 years have done a number on tank controls to the public perception, people think they are just some old outdated thing and not something that was made for specific reasons like control consistency through changing, fixed camera angles. You have a whole generation of gamers who are not even going to try them and go into this with the analog controls thinking they are getting the real experience.

I really don't get this, what's so dated about them.

Original POV-agnostic controls:
-UP move forward
-DOWN move backward
-DOWN + RUN: 180 turn

This is so simple it boggles my mind people have issues with it.

Alternate: 360 degrees POV-dependent controls
a.k.a clusterfuck
Umm, I played the original GC game and finished it, and I still chose to play the remaster with alternate controls. I don't see why people are getting all pissy about which control scheme others are using. Use whatever control scheme you like and let others enjoy whatever control scheme they prefer. My using alternate controls doesn't affect anyone else on this forum.

Pretty much. I do think the tank controls are the optimal experience, but games are about enjoying yourself. So fuck it just play with whatever control scheme you want.

I could give a shit what controls other people use


Crimson heads suck. I feel like the game wants me to run away instead of Play... ill stick with re director's cut for some badass action.
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