So what are the difficulties available from the get go? I chose the one in the middle thinking it would be Normal but apparently it's easy? (PS4 version)
Very Easy
So what are the difficulties available from the get go? I chose the one in the middle thinking it would be Normal but apparently it's easy? (PS4 version)
Haha I just noticed this when playing with the analog stick. It definitely gets you out of sticky situations because running becomes so flawless with no button. Def looks weird as hell though and I don't know how I feel about it. Definitely ruins some of the tension for sure.
the other stone ring is in the caves underneath the waterfall in the courtyard. You'll go through the caves and end up underneath Lisa trevors cabin
I think what you need to do is use thecrank on the outdoor pool to fill it up again, so you can go behind the waterfall.
I was stuck for a while here too.
A bit off topic, but I've heard that RE 0 HD is basically confirmed as well. Is there an expected release date on that or do we just know that it's coming? I was thinking of getting a copy and playing it on Dolphin but I'd really rather play at 60fps...
I think there was a screenshot of the PS4 dashboard at some event that showed an RE0 remaster logo. It's probably well into development, but I assume it won't be released until late 2015 at the earliest. They have Revelations 2 releasing next month so they probably wouldn't want to steal its thunder.
The fuck? Dogs weren't always one hit KO like this... I keep pushing buttons to throw him off but something happened. I don't remember these dogs being one hit KO like this...
That zombie lunges and misses before the player even moves.
I like the alternate controls. I don't get all the hate. It makes transitions a little harder if anything, but I like being able to move in the direction that I'm pressing the analog stick. Eternal Darkness played like this back in the day and it's a super fun survival horror game.
This, you can get away without a scratch if ya fast enough.Pushing buttons is useless, rotating the left stick fast is your way out.
You don't recall it looking that bad on the Gamecube because you were likely playing it in SD on a SD CRT tv. Sadly Capcom couldn't/didn't rerender the backgrounds and pre-rendered cut-scenes. So the quality ends up being all over the place between backgrounds and pre-rendered cut scenes. With some looking great and others looking like shit. For the most part I wasn't too bothered by it, but I can see that some people might be turned off by some of the grungier looking upscaled backgrounds.Is it just me or does the game look extremely grainy and not an "HD remaster"? The cut scenes the pre rendered backgrounds... i don't recall it looking this bad on the gamecube. It's really disconcerting at this point, i don't know what to think.
I hope they do a remake 2. I can't wait to see what they do with Birkin.
Honestly I'm not sure I trust Capcom to do a resident evil 2 remake now. This one was done by Mikami. A resident evil 2 remake today would be made by the Capcom that gave us RE5 and 6.
I don't know what control type you're using, but on Type B seesawing the left analog stick as soon as possible works the quickest, way quicker than left button/left trigger.Is there something wrong with mashing to push enemies off of you in this version? It seems like no matter what I press they always deal the maximum amount of damage. I loaded up the gamecube version just to compare it and was pretty easily able to get them off of me.
Not much of an issue thanks to defensive items. I mainly noticed it when a cerberus latched onto my arm.
Is it once the room is no longer red on the map it means you've collected all the items?Yeah, for "Every Nook and Cranny" you NEED to 100% rooms/pick up all files/items in each room.
You'll get it right at the end of the game if you did that.
Achievement has bad wording. If they wanted all items, they should've said that instead of "visit every room."
Finished my "take my time and get re-acquainted with the game" run and am about to start speed runnin'. Any advice on this with trophy collection in mind? I'm not sure if I want to tackle the under three hours trophy on hard mode or not. What would be the most efficient route? I need to finish the game with Chris, beat under 3/5 hours (but if I'm going for beat under 5, may as well beat under 3 to kill two birds with one metal object), and so on and it feels like an overwhelming decision to make.
Is it crazy to attempt the under 3 hours on hard mode? There's also real survivor and invisible enemy mode that I don't know anything about or how to even unlock them. Any advice would be great.
Is it once the room is no longer red on the map it means you've collected all the items?
Is it once the room is no longer red on the map it means you've collected all the items?
Is it once the room is no longer red on the map it means you've collected all the items?
Did I seriously just fuck up my third attempt as Jill with no saves again??? I've been trying to get through the game as fast as I can, so to maybe get the under 3 hour achievement, and i haven't been saving my haste, I got to a part in the game where
Barry leaves you behind in the underground area, and you have to get past Lisa by using the broken flamethrower on the lock for one of the doors...after I got past that area, I was kinda breezing through the areas to try and get back to the mansion again. As soon as I got back to the cabin where you first meet Lisa, I realized something...I didn't really leave the underground area with any new item that would help me progress. I started to remember from my playthrough as Chris, that I probably was supposed to get that ring that you put around the umbrella symbol for the door under the stairs...
BUT...and this is where I think I made a flaw myself, but it's fucked up that you can do this in the game...I think I prevented myself from completing the game at all...I can't get back to the some areas where I think the ring was...I can't go back underground using the elevator because Barry sabotaged it, and I can't go back the way I came for some reason, because there is no prompt to use the ladder that led me back up to the cabin. what the hell?
Same here, been everywhere but it says I haven't.Um, just finished the game with Jill, but didn't get the 100% map cheevo, it's at 99% according to the achievement screen. Hm, weird, I even looked through my map extensive and everything, all areas green. Oh well, going to start again with Chris and maybe manage to do it there.
Also, I forget, do you get weapons for beating it the first time?
Unfortunately, that's my fault. Someone discovered that as a bug with my door skip mod the other day. I'll post here when I've got a new fixed version.
If you saved after going to the underground, you can use this to add the missing item to your inventory: (although that has anti-cheat, so it won't work well with a speedrun playthrough)
Yeah, if he's wanting to beat the game under 3 hours your manager isn't really an option due to the anti-cheat. So even once the mod gets fixed the ladder still won't work for him?
Hard done! Only Real Survivor, invisible enemy and knife run left to go.
Somebody is modding the original voices in
Build of door skip mod with ladder bug fixed:
I haven't extensively tested this version, so if people run into any weird problems let me know.