Why does everyone on gaf seem to hate RE5 so much?

I honestly think it's just as good as RE4. Sheva is kinda useless as an AI partner, but as long as you take away her weapons, she can't really fuck things up lol
I haven't played it in a couple years, but I played RE5 sooo much because I had so much fun with it. The campaign, mercenaries, and the DLC were all so good. I even played with random people online for the campaign and still had a good time. It's not old school RE, but I still think it managed to perfectly provide a great sense of tension and fear during combat because of how threatening the enemies are, and while ammo is not as limited as a RE1-3 type game, it's certainly kinda limited enough where you want to aim carefully, and not waste bullets like any old action game.
I just don't understand why so many love RE4, and hate RE5. It felt like a good sequel to it. I prefer the RE4 style controls, so I always played RE5 like that, with one analog. Feels more like Resident Evil to me when you play it like that. I also think it's probably one of the most enjoyable in terms of characterization and story. Chris, Sheva and Jill are all portrayed great, with well done cutscenes and dialogue.
That's just my opinion anyway, I just don't like being a minority