Yes I did.
Is the "Jill Sandwich" scene the one whereYou can have either the Jill sandwitch scene or the scene where Barry gives you acid rounds. You can't have both in one playthrough.
Is the "Jill Sandwich" scene the one where? If so, then I saw a livestream of someone (2:45:10, and then 2:45:30) getting both today! He got the acid rounds right after when he ran back to the main hall.Barry saves Jill from the room after getting the shotgun
Maybe it only works if you get the shotgun first. You'd think Barry would know how to prioritize.Yes, that's the scene... but how's that possible? D:
I thought you can only get one scene. In my playthrough Barry gave me acid rounds but never showed up when I was trapped in the room with descending ceiling.
You can have either the Jill sandwitch scene or the scene where Barry gives you acid rounds. You can't have both in one playthrough.
I had the Jill Sandwich and Acid Round scene in one play through, but that was on very easy, on normal I only got the Jill Sandwich.
Maybe it only works if you get the shotgun first. You'd think Barry would know how to prioritize.
Hey guys. I don't want to play the game 10 times right now (will do that anyway over the next years).
A couple questions for trophys:
- Are speedruns for "Once again" and "New Game" treated the same in regards to trophies?
- Does difficulty count?
- Is a knife only run in 3h possible without a lot of pain (I know the game by heart)? I'm not into speedruns but I'd like to have REmaster as the only Platinum game next to RE4 in my Steam library^^
So I should be doing the knife run with Chris, right? I started with Jill but then I remembered some things I read on here. I know Chris has more health and I assume his knife does more damage? It seems like he runs faster than Jill too.
1) Yeah, you can do speedruns for whichever mode you like however with once again you can open up costumes. Be careful though, if you beat he game with each character twice (to unlock all costumes) you'll get that one dangerous zombie mode enabled automatically with no way to disable it (unless mods of course)
2) For speedruns? No. They only count if you want to play the game on normal, easy or very easy (each difficulity has a trophy). After beating the game once you unlock hard and real survivor mode (which is hard mode but the storage boxes are not connected so any item you leave there and it'll stay there for good) Real survivor mode if played can also unlock the hard trophy as well so, two birds with one stone. Invisible Enemy Mode unlocks after beating Hard/Real Survivor if im not mistaken and with IEM you can choose difficulty from very easy to hard and they don't count so you can play on any difficulty.
3) It is very doable but you gotta know the game by heart and some of the speed running tricks, I recommend you watch a speedrun first, a big tip is to always skip the cutscenes as soon as they happen. Also, difficulty plays a big part in how doable it is under 3 hours. My advice is to do it on Easy which even then was abit problematic at some parts mainly thecrimson elder took me a few tries and hunters at the second half of the game, damn their one hit kills. Both characters can skip Black Tiger boss battle (The big spider) and Jill can skip Plant 42 if you make a V-Jolt. The first Yawn encounter(big ass snake) where the Death Mask is can also be skipped.
1) Well that's crappy ... so you can never play the game again in it's original state? That's crappy especially with Steam Cloud. Seems like a stupid capcom idea to don't allow turning it off
2) Already beat the game 2 days ago in 7h 30min (and on Gamecube a couple of times in 2002-2005) for my first run on normal Chris. He has the stronger knife and more health but I guess Jill would be faster because. Very Easy/Jill should be the lamest but best mode for speedruns because ofof the V-Jolt.the reduced enemy count
Let's see. Maybe I watch a couple of runs and then try a "Under 3h hours - only knife - no safes - 100% ending - Jill" run^^ Should be possible.
Tbf I'm surprised it wasn't 1080p on lastgen, this is a GCN port having bad framerate on any of the consoles is a bit of joke.I knew I couldn't expect for this game to run as well on PS3, but I'm still very disappointed by the game's shit framerate. The cut scenes are pretty bad in particular. Why is this happening in a game with pre-rendered backgrounds?
This is why I almost didn't buy it. It's a shoddy port. The models aren't even very good. There is no excuse for the poor performance.Tbf I'm surprised it wasn't 1080p on lastgen, this is a GCN port having bad framerate on any of the consoles is a bit of joke.
I am so lost, this is my first time playing this game. I have gotten the shotgun, blue jewel, fertilizer, lighter, wood plank, book of curses (and mansion key), and the flask for kerosene. Now I have no clue what I should be doing, there is a statue with something on top of it that just says something to do with water. I really don't want to look at a walkthrough because I want to beat the game with no help, but man I am totally lost. I swear there was a battery somewhere but I cannot remember where it is.
I am playing Jill's side btw.
found the dog whistle in the room where the lighter was?
Did you examine the mansion key and have you been using that?
The only thing on top of that statue is a map.
Wait this game has bad framerate? I mean it's stupid that it isn't 60 fps but I don't think I ever got any slowdown.
Yes I did.
Quick question regarding the shotgun:I got to the lounge where the shotgun is hanging but I realized as soon as I pulled it that I needed the broken shotgun to replace it. Problem is, I had put it in the storage chest about 20 minutes earlier to make room for something else. So I put the real gun back and went and got the broken one. I had been doing so much running around that I can't remember exactly which door led to the lounge but I am pretty sure it was a door that had a crumbling handle, and now I can't get back in to the lounge? Or am I at the wrong door?
storafötter;149961398 said:This has probably been asked to death but to get the knife run achievement aren't you supposed to avoid stomping on the enemy? does this include your encounter with dogs?.
If I read it correctly the only way to get Samurai Edge and Rocket Launcher is to play on Normal and not Very Easy. I am very tempted to go through the game on normal (knife run) as I know I will not spend more than 4 and half hours. That way I can focus on time consuming achievements for a second run. Look forward to playing this game again after 7 years!
I never examined it, but it made me discard it after I unlocked all the doors.
Well I killed the dog, walked around every room and tried to blow it finally found the outside portion where I was suppose to blow it. Now I have no clue what to do with thisimitation key
What's the best way to deal with the dogs? They always get some free hits on me. It's bugging me.
What's the best way to deal with the dogs? They always get some free hits on me. It's bugging me.
You're pretty much on the right track, just go inside the double doors and it's the door directly infront of the double doors if i'm not mistaken.
Yes but with dogs you don't stomp them you just shrug them off when they latch on to you so you're good to go. You also read correct that only a speed run under 3 hours on normal would get you the special weapons but remember that between easy and normal the knife will take even more time for you to kill zombies let alone some of the boss battles.
WHAT ? What is this !?
Reloaded the save and stopped faffing -
Thaaats better.
1) Well that's crappy ... so you can never play the game again in it's original state? That's crappy especially with Steam Cloud. Seems like a stupid capcom idea to don't allow turning it off
I'm so confused:
Last night I beat the game for my second time. Used Jill instead of Chris this time.For some reason I didn't have to go through the whole self destruct sequence at the lab. I forgot what I even did as Chris to trigger it. Hence I didn't have to fight the Tyrant on the rooftop, and the mansion didn't explode. So the whole self destruct thing is optional? I saw people play as Jill go through that.
Also, I "saved Barry from Lisa" according to the trophy by giving back his gun, but I think Lisa actually killed him anyway. I heard him scream and all of a sudden he wasn't there. Needless to say he wasn't in my ending either. Are you physically supposed to save/protect him from Lisa somehow?
Yeah, Lisa can knock him down and kill him during the battle, even after you've given him back his gun. I did several no-save runs with Chris already but with Jill I always save right before that fight because it can happen pretty easily. Just make sure you draw her attention away from him.
And yeah, that's also the reason why you didn't trigger the self destruction and fought the final boss. In Jill's scenario Wesker activates the self destruct mechanism, but if Barry is dead, Wesker gets killed by the Tyrant as well. In Chris's scenario Rebecca activates the self destruct mechanism, so she needs to be alive for that one as well.
Ah, so in order to get theself destruct sequence I need to either save Rebecca from the Hunter as Chris, or make sure Barry survives the battle with Lisa? Is there a reason why I would want to save either of them for a speed run seeing as how not having to deal with the final boss saves time?
This was on easy.
I suck at this game.