Use Jill and knife everyone. Every kill gets you 5 seconds. You need to have at least 1:29 to SS.lazybones18 said:Man, 2-1 is a pain in the ass trying to get the SS rank(only with HUNK so far, but I haven't unlocked Krauser, Barry, and Wesker)
And it looks like I'll have trouble getting the SS rank on 3-1 as well
When you used the knife, did you try moving around while knifing people (move while aiming)? That helps a lot.lazybones18 said:Well tried the knife and I suck with it :/
A real time killer when I use it
But I managed to get the SS rank with everyone on 2-1 just now
You can at finish the mission with at least 1:25 left to get SS (the amount of time I had left with Rebecca)
Ken said:Aside from appearances, is Hunk just not good in this game compared to his RE4 version?
I think you've confused Krauser with HunkEatChildren said:You had limited arrows in the RE4 version, but they frequently dropped and did tons of damage. Hunk's best ability was his mutated arm, which when activated allowed you to thrust forward and one-hit-explode anything in your path.
It charged up over time, so you could save it for getting instant combos with huge groups, or taking care of super enemies like the chainsaw ladies.
EatChildren said:You had limited arrows in the RE4 version, but they frequently dropped and did tons of damage. Hunk's best ability was his mutated arm, which when activated allowed you to thrust forward and one-hit-explode anything in your path.
It charged up over time, so you could save it for getting instant combos with huge groups, or taking care of super enemies like the chainsaw ladies.
darkpaladinmfc said:I think you've confused Krauser with Hunk.
Yeah. That turned out not to be an issue at all. I am very glad about it, even though I currently suck.randomwab said:It's funny that we were all worried that there wouldn't be enough enemies on screen at one point. My god, this can be hectic sometimes.
walking fiend said:I really really want to buy this game so I can play it with you, but I am broke
plz post some baaad impressions from it![]()
so it doesn't really?Shoogoo said:It fucking sucks and I hate you.
(you asked for it)
Surprised they got rid of it seeing that Jill has a neck breaker as well. What's HUNK's from behind melee here?EatChildren said:Fuck.
EDIT: In which case no, Hunk isn't as good in this as he was in RE4, but that's because his kneck twist melee attack was a one hit kill.
Boney said:Surprised they got rid of it seeing that Jill has a neck breaker as well. What's HUNK's from behind melee here?
lazybones18 said:Man, 2-1 is a pain in the ass trying to get the SS rank(only with HUNK so far, but I haven't unlocked Krauser, Barry, and Wesker)
And it looks like I'll have trouble getting the SS rank on 3-1 as well
Jill's neck breaker is slow though.Boney said:Surprised they got rid of it seeing that Jill has a neck breaker as well. What's HUNK's from behind melee here?
Is there an error message or number that comes up when you have network issues?Lyte Edge said:I am continuing to encounter network issues with this game, even though I have no problems with SSF4 3D Edition and DOA Dimensions. :\
Ken said:Is there an error message or number that comes up when you have network issues?
I have a different error and Nintendo's site doesn't help at all when searching for your error.Lyte Edge said:It's 006-0112.
Initially I thought it was a problem just trying to connect with a friend of mine, but I'm getting it trying to connect to anyone now.
Well yeah but you still have the 5 second added bonus for melee kill so it's not so bad.Ken said:Jill's neck breaker is slow though.
I'm surprised that Hunk lost his front leg stun instant kill melee that was fast and had great knock back, while they gave Krauser pretty much the same thing in this (Stinger).
Yeah good games.SmithnCo said:Good games today Ken.
It would have been nice if there was a system that let you know if people are hosting, I hope they have some kind of communication in place by the time other games like Mario Kart come out.
Ken said:Yeah good games.
Sorry about those failed Ex-8 runs.I need to figure out a way to take out both the early executioner and chainsaw majini pair early on with Jill's load out.
Anyone on?
I'll be on in half an hour or so if you're still playing.kiryogi said:Woo home. Anyone going to be on later?
The friend I've been playing with uses Jill, but dropped her loadout for Chris. We make an awesome Claire/Jill team.
randomwab said:Dumb question, but how do you unlock the weapon loadouts for other characters? I've been playing almost exclusively as Jill up to this point because I like the simplicity in her weapon set, but I wouldn't mind trying it out with some faster melee options.
Also, Nemesis556 and myself have been playing a ton over the weekend. Were usually hitting either an S or SS rank for everything we play, but weve come up to the EX levels and shit got real. Cant wait to jump back in.
There actually is a way to erase the save data.
boris feinbrand said:I don't know if it has been mentioned here, but the german translation of this game will probably go down in history as one of the worst translations of all times.
A few examples: In the REvelation Demo, the message for the dead end on the staircase was translated literally into "totes Ende" instead of Sackgasse.
But the funniest google translator fail comes with Mission 4.5. Wave can mean multiple things, but the german translation chose "Winken", which means to wave (at someone).
So instead of "Welle 1" it reads "Winken 1"
Sure.kiryogi said:Woo Ken, you still up for some? I see you online!
I dont think my connecton is good enough for hosting. Could you host if you don't mind?kiryogi said:Host away!
Nope. Whatever is fine.kiryogi said:No prob. Anything in particular you'd like to play?