Ran out of everything but 1 herb and 4 mines.kiryogi said:ARgh I hate shipyard.
Ran out of everything but 1 herb and 4 mines.kiryogi said:ARgh I hate shipyard.
Oh god, this one took me at least 6 tries. There's 15 waves, so you got pretty close. Just starting level 5 stuff now and I'm a lot more impressed with the game than I originally thought I was going to be.Sadist said:How many waves are there on Shipyard? I got to thirteen.
Rebecca has grenade launcher spam and her load out starts with 5 herbs, or if you feel confident about your sniping skill, try Chris and his load out. Use the pilot suit if you have it. Use his rifle against the executioners and shotgun on everything else. Don't feel like you have to rush the boss once he appears. When you down the BOW, run up and shotgun it. When it's about to get up and you're afraid of taking damage, use a herb.Sadist said:Yup. Yes, there things like choppy movement in the distance and some muddy textures, but characters look very clean. It's amazing in how they "downgraded" everything to 3DS.
Btw guys, can someone help me with 5-5? Seriously, a BOW and a few Hammer guys are cramping my style. Which character would be the best as a beginner?
Ken said:If you guys want to compare your high scores because of the lack of online leader boards, I made a Google Docs spreadsheet for entering scores.
Need to figure out how to change my router's wireless channel before I play today to avoid disconnecting whenever the phone rings ]:
23. Chariot of Fire - Run more than 50 kmSmithnCo said:Does anyone know what medal comes after "counter shot" and "meat shower?" Also for the platoon pf two medal, do you need to do five partner melee combos or just five melees in a row?
I've almost got all the medals so I'm making an attempt to get the last few.
Down a boss and have both partners melee one after the other. The first partner will do their downed enemy melee and the second will do a finisher.basik said:whats a partner melee combo?
Yeah, GGs.SmithnCo said:GGs Ken. Gotta go.
Clearly the knife is more suited to level 4 and 5 missions, and maybe some EX levels. It just takes too long to kill standard enemies at some EX levels. I guess I'd be better off going with Krauser if I wanted melee time on those.
I sometimes have an error trying to initially connect online, but after 2-3 tries it usually works. I've also had issues joining people, but I assume it's because someone has joined those games before I could press A.Almyn said:Is the online as bad for everyone, Or is it something on my end? I can maybe get 1 or 2 games before I start getting white screen error messages every time I try and join a game. It searches for players fine, But I can't join them. I have to back to the main menu and turn the wifi switch on and off.
Yeah, I think you have to select your partner quickly or another player "steals" the place.Almyn said:Is the online as bad for everyone, Or is it something on my end? I can maybe get 1 or 2 games before I start getting white screen error messages every time I try and join a game. It searches for players fine, But I can't join them. I have to back to the main menu and turn the wifi switch on and off.
I'll post when it's up. Eating right now.Ken said:I'll be on in about 10 minutes.
Yeah, it doesn't matter how you beat it; it's all persistent.Lonely1 said:Fuck 5-5. If I beat 5-5 online I get the single player credit?
One short of 150. ]:kiryogi said:Up! Lets try for 150 on that 4-1... amongst other things.
Nope. Just a regular enemy hanging out by the two story house. I think you were running away from that direction at the end lol.kiryogi said:It was the chicken wasn't it.
Lonely1 said:Fuck 5-5. If I beat 5-5 online I get the single player credit?
Seems like I have a bad habit of that. Happened again just now D:Ken said:Nope. Just a regular enemy hanging out by the two story house. I think you were running away from that direction at the end lol.
Yeah np. Maybe I should have helped out. XD Tho I wanted to keep the string going.Ken said:Rehost Ex-1? I need to switch weapons. I don't have enough ammo for those chainsaw guys lol.
Ty, but just got it, Barry is the man! (He needs more ammo, though...basik said:read my guide I posted on this page.
Headbutt everything. It's fun.Lonely1 said:Ty, but just got it, Barry is the man! (He needs more ammo, though...).
DC on this end. XD Oh well, gives us another chance at that string. Got pretty crazy there. Think we need to take out the garrador ASAP or something,Ken said:Game froze?
I can kill the giant chainsaw guy without much problems but without a grenade launcher, Downing the garrador is tough.kiryogi said:DC on this end. XD Oh well, gives us another chance at that string. Got pretty crazy there. Think we need to take out the garrador ASAP or something,