Ken said:Which enemies and which loadout are you using?
Using everyone's normal loadout
and I finally got the SS rank
Thank God for Barry and his weapons
Ken said:Which enemies and which loadout are you using?
Reclaimer said:What aim view mode are you all using?
The default is first person, but I ended up switching to 3rd person. Just let's me see a bit more of my surroundings when fending off enemies in tight quarters.
What's your FC? Mine's 2793-0612-8909.Ken said:Anyone still play?
hayejin said:Was there any news or rumor of DLC?
Been playing it since launch and there's not much to do after SS ranking all stages.
hayejin said:Was there any news or rumor of DLC?
Been playing it since launch and there's not much to do after SS ranking all stages.
Lol maybe tomorrow?kiryogi said:Hah yeah, a week after I got Mercs 3D, I finally got myself a copy of RE5 Gold. Going into RE5 mercs were quite a difference. You could say though, Mercs 3D is a more concise experience. I love both though!
That said, we need to partner up again some time Ken! It's been at least a week now.
Ken said:Lol maybe tomorrow?
When I get back to my college apartment in September, we should try doing some RE5 Mercs too. What console/PC do you have it on?
I have it on 360 too. Just need to grab the DLC. Maybe we can get somewhat high on the leader boards lol.kiryogi said:360. If you're there, I'd love to have a partner that wasn't just killing mindlessly. Both my friend and my sister's BF just kill and don't even bother with melee-ing. XD
Are you saying none of these characters are in Mercenaries? because Hunk, Claire Rebecca are in the gameKen said:Watching random RE5 Mercenaries Reunion videos to see if I should bother grabbing the DLC and noticed a few things:
-Going to be tough adjusting to pick up animations.
-I'm going to miss Old School.
-RE5 still looks great.
-Some of these maps lost a lot in their Mercenaries 3D version.
-No nurse Rebecca, Claire, or HUNK.![]()
He's talking about the RE5 mercenaries characters, not the 3DS onesAxkil aka StabMasterArson said:Are you saying none of these characters are in Mercenaries? because Hunk, Claire Rebecca are in the game - Get this trainer and just breeze through the game. You can have some random fun along the way too (try turning on rapid fire, changing character scale or speed, turn every melee into the ultimate tag team melee, or just turn on plain simple invincibility and infinite ammo to make the run be super quick).MooMoo said:He's talking about the RE5 mercenaries characters, not the 3DS ones
I have the 360 version but for some odd reason my high scores for mercs reunion keeps getting reset. Never figured out why and it sorta pissed me off. I also bought the PC version on Steam. Unfortunately you have to play through the game once to unlock mercenaries and I sure as hell wasn't gonna play solo and the last time I checked the servers were pretty dead. I really want to try No Mercy mercenaries though.
You can do both random and friends. Friends is sort of stupid though because without any messaging system of sorts it's a hassle to host up a game. From my experience and other peoples' statements, lag generally isn't an issue either, so online holds up extremely well for this game and is pretty much the meat of the action.GeekyDad said:Don't have the game yet, but I'm curious -- do you need to use FCs to play online, or can the game match you with random players?
hayejin said:Was there any news or rumor of DLC?
Been playing it since launch and there's not much to do after SS ranking all stages.
Sure, but I've only tried the map once lol.Count Dookkake said:Anyone up?
Could use some help with ex-9.
MooMoo said:Sure, but I've only tried the map once lol.
MooMoo said:Haha no problem. That last wave I had close to zero bullets, which is why I was sort of running around like a doofus :S Well that and the chainsaw guys haha. Did it get really laggy halfway through or something? I was trying to heal you on the stairs after you got axed and next thing I knew I did some weird slide-resuscitation.
Oh hm, that's weird then. Yeah I started freaking out too because it really did sound like the chainsaw guys were everywhere. I was also worried about my last melee/last chainsaw guy, was thinking that he might recover from his stagger and then turn around and slice me in half. But I love Barry's hurricane melee, so fun! Oh I also think it's really creepy how when you're in the red, the executioners will just circle around you like a shark ...Count Dookkake said:I didn't notice anything really weird or laggy.
But yeah that last round was hilarious. I was out of ammo at one point and was running through the tunnels and I could hear chainsaws in every direction. Luckily I had enough grenades, but still was nerve-wracking.
Heh, glad to see you like the game. The action/difficulty ramps up quite nicely after the tutorial levels so you should start enjoying the game loads more. If you're not getting SS in solo mode, then I wouldn't worry too much about your skill level since solo and duo mode are entirely different beasts.Reknoc said:Bought this against my better judgement. Since while I enjoy Mercs mode in 4 and 5 I'm also really terrible at it. In fact I've been playing Resident Evil 5 on and off recently (to mop up some achievements and start it on hard mode while waiting for a friend to complete it) and I looked at my Mercs progress and I hadn't even unlocked the 2nd map.
That said I'm loving this game. Though now I'm past the tutorial stuff and not getting SS ranks at all and just barely scraping Bs.
The special load-out made me cry with joy a little since it had my favourite gun from Resi4 in. Shame I can't use it because I don't like the other weapon.
MooMoo said:Heh, glad to see you like the game. The action/difficulty ramps up quite nicely after the tutorial levels so you should start enjoying the game loads more. If you're not getting SS in solo mode, then I wouldn't worry too much about your skill level since solo and duo mode are entirely different beasts.
Ken said:Played about 5 hours of RE5 on X360 yesterday, first time I loaded up the game in a long while, and wow at how refined Mercenaries 3D's controls and gameplay is compared to RE5.
-RE5 has a weird delay between the time of an enemy going down and when you receive the melee prompt.
-Inventory system in RE5 is a pain to use after Mercenaries 3D's item selection.
-No button for healing items (somewhat understandable given that there's more than one healing item in RE5)
friskykillface said:![]()
finally lol, someone is trading it on goozex
Buy it. I don't think anyone is regretting it, unless you expected a deep story-based singleplayer adventure.depward said:Really tempted to pick this up... though I do have some reservations:
1) I haven't really played any RE games. I have played the RE5 demo and it was alright.. but I felt like the controls were janky. Maybe it's because I wasn't used to them or maybe it's because I haven't played any RE games before. I did hear the controls in Mercs 3D are better than RE5s.
2) No idea if the game will click for me. From the youtube vids I've watched, it looks like good fun. I think I would like it more as a portable game than one on my HD console, as I tend to only play multiplayer games on my HD console and single player ones on portables.
I do like knowing there is online co-op; I think that could really help extend the longevity of the game for me.
Hmm, decisions decisions...
It's even more difficult than that. You have to perform the finisher melee 5 times in a row, the one that you can do only after your partner has melee'd a strong/boss enemy once already.Santerestil said:So, can one of you say how works this ploton of two medal? "Five melee attacks in a row" need me and my partner stun a bunch enemies, then go meleeing them for five times without shooting/picking/make something else?
Great, I'll never have this medal...
Hm, well item and ammo management is heavily streamlined compared to RE4/RE5 mercs. In the 3DS version, there's no attache case/9 slots to manage; ammo, herbs, and grenades are just automatically added to your inventory with no space limitations. Plus Rebecca's loadout only has two guns, which explains why the guy playing has so much machine gun ammoGeekyDad said:This guy really makes this game look fun. I was never great at RE4's Mercs, so his item/ammo management seems pretty damn good. Not sure how he/she played that well while recording 3DS off-screen footage.