Thrakier said:
I'm going in for the campagin, not for the multiplayer. I only have limited time and in november there is a little ps3 exclusive game coming which had a beta on a level of polish and quality which other games won't have in the retail version after 5 patches...
Also I'm sure price will go down rather quick.
I hope not. Insomniac went about this project the right way. More time for polish; more time for development; catered to the franchise's fans (even if they say they went their own direction), went for artistic merit instead of 'holy smokes: sixty players', the soundtrack is ace, and some of the smaller touches like the wind blowing the trees is all kind of awesome.
I can't say it's a glowing report; the 8 player co-op should have been in; and no vehicles sections you get to control is a variation that not a lot of fps choose to omit. In fact they said there were no vehicle sections at all when they released the trailer with the trains, and the boat levels...

Oh and there's this one playthrough I saw, where the scene direction, dialogue etc was really crappy; where Cappelli is talking to a stranger, before the plane jumping scene.
And there are some things I take for granted from Insomniac that may not be in this game like the campaign's length. If it's under 10 hours on normal; I'd be a tad disappointed. Having played the boat level demo, and noticing no difficulty spike, between levels, I think I will play this game on the higher difficulty.
The last thing is the journey to New York. I don't really like America. Of the Resistance games released so far, I prefer, storywise, the ones set in Europe, whether that be England, or France.