so far:
+controls are solid. perhaps the only time i have not only been able to accurately use high-sensitivity aiming, but enjoy it too.
+despite the sound effects not always going well with what they are assigned to (bullseye... wtf) they sound pretty damn good.
+some of the touch controls are pretty neat. the crossbow reloading helps me conserve ammo a little better than i probably would otherwise, and bullseye tagging was easier than aiming>tagging>shooting. (seeing as the bullseye tag is to solve the problem of being able to aim at certain enemies)
+little things i thought were cool here and there. hard to describe. one part i came out of a building, and anytime i went back near the door he would tell me to just go. a lot of games would have just made them sit there and ignore your presence.
+i kind of enjoy how it's almost a reimagining of the first game in a sense. it felt like it was a different team doing their take on things as they saw fit, and using NPC's. kind of refreshing.
-some of the touch controls seem too much trouble for the function they provide, and should be optional to map said functions to buttons. (axe and grenade launcher on rifle)

-chimera gib when you kill them? riiiiiiiiiight...
-dat aliasing
-fov is weird and made me pull the vita further away from my face.
-AI is silly and easy. i was covering and jumping out etc. at first because i saw chimera and expected heavy
resistance. i was wrong.
-although it's nice that it's almost a reimagining, i would have much rathered insomniac have made it themselves. ONE DAY we'll get
true first party games on a sony handheld...
going to continue playing, and then try MP whenever i hear it's working.
EDIT: also... why does it play the entire beginning animation again (unskippable) when i continue my SP game? and why does it fire a bullseye tag when i click to open a door? it opened the door AND fired a tag with one tap.