where'd you see this?
Gamesradar's 16min video preview.
where'd you see this?
Or Nihilistic is just not a very technically ambitious studio. Golden Abyss is a first-generation game. Compare PSP's first generation games to Peace Walker or Ghost of Sparta.
Maybe, I don't want to crap this thread up with negative Vita talk, I love the system but something is blatantly holding it back, I suspect cpu, either due to low Mhz rating or restrained use due to battery depletion, practically every 3D game is suffering from frame rate issues and running in non native res, every developer says the system is easy to program on so I'm not sure what else the problem could be, I don't think we're going to see big improvements in the future because there isn't a lot to over come in Vita development like with there was with the PS3 for example.
That Japanese cover is blowing my mind right now. It looks terrible and amazing at the same time.
I'm buying this game 1/2 on the fact I liked R1 and R3 and 1/2 on the fact there is NOTHING else to play on the Vita and it's been collecting dust for me for months
Months? It came out three months ago..
got Wipeout and Uncharted at launch, nothing else interests me, Lumines is still fucking $40 and I already own Rayman Origins on PS3
Gamesradar's 16min video preview.
Another game that isn't native res?
Genuine question, did Sony tone down the specs of the Vita before launch or something? I don't see why you'd make such a beautiful screen when you can't get half of your games running at the resolution to take advantage of it.
it's 2012 and many 360/ps3 don't even run a native 720p
Oh yeah, and that's definitely stupid too, I just wondered if there was any reason we were seeing it so regularly on Vita.
So far, all the games that are supposed to be real graphical showcases for the system have run at sub-native res. Even Wipeout only runs at 960 x 544 some of the time, and drops down when it has to.
It's just really disappointing, since when you do play something that runs at native res, it looks so, so beautiful =(
Most graphical showcases on the 360 and PS3 also don't run at 1080p.
But this is a handheld, where the screen and it's resolution are fixed parts of the hardware. Surely a better comparison would be to say that no graphical showcase on the GB/GBC/GBA/DS/3DS/PSP have ever ran below their system's native resolution.
where is all.the love here? resistance is a pretty damn good series and to have duel analogs for a handheld fps is pretty exciting on its own
where is all.the love here? resistance is a pretty d*** good series and to have duel analogs for a handheld fps is pretty exciting on its own
As much as I want a new game to play on my Vita, I don't think this is going to be it. I haven't seen anything remarkable about this at all and I'm not a big fan of any of the Resistance games to begin with. I think I'm better off waiting till June for Vita month with Metal Gear, Gravity Rush and Strangers Wrath.
I was going to get this game, just to have a FPS on Vita, but I don't know. It just seems like it will be really bad. Sub-native res, uninspired art design, short campaign, barebones multiplayer, and doesn't seem to be a steady 30fps. It's really disappointing, because this should have been a AAA game like Resistance 3. Oh well. I'll play this demo and watch out for reviews.
That's what they've said they're aiming for various interviews. (June)Mother of god, please tell me you're not just assuming things
Mother of god, please tell me you're not just assuming things
Mother of god, please tell me you're not just assuming things
Does anyone know how big the digital download version is?
Motorstorm RC, Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack, Super Stardust Delta, all very good cheap games.
Also Hot Shots Golf, that game is like crack, you don't have to be into golf to enjoy the game, very rewarding and easy to get into.
The lack of levels and how short they are really puts me off, I've always enjoyed the Resistance series but rarely touched the MP experience, so as a whole package for the price it is going I think I will be waiting till it is cheaper.
Mother of god, please tell me you're not just assuming things
http://www.joystiq.com/2012/05/21/oddworld-strangers-wrath-vita-munchs-oddysee-hd-both-due-in/The PlayStation Vita port of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath should be released in late June, according to statements made by Just Add Water CEO Stewart Gilray on the PlayStation Blogcast. "That's my intention," Gilray said. "The QA might say 'noooo' but that's my plan anyway."
The annoying thing is that this doesn't sound like it has much in common with Resistance MP anyway. The first game supported 40 players and had some really cool objective modes. The 2nd game supported 60 players and had rotating objectives, plus the MMO-inspired coop mode. I only played the R3 beta so I don't know the details.
This is only 8 players, with very barebones modes. Maybe it'll do as Vita's first online fps, but it's disappointing.
I've never played a Resistance game before - should I before this is released?