RESOGUN is a new exclusive PS4 shoot ‘em up from the same team that brought you Super Stardust HD, Super Stardust Delta and Dead Nation. Unleash an explosive array of devastating weapons to obliterate hordes of ruthless enemies while making sure you rescue the last survivors and keep your multiplier going! Experience the most intense destruction ever, as the power of PlayStation®4 renders all enemies and levels using hundred of thousands of individual voxels that blow up in real time as you battle your way through.
Push yourself to the limits trying to climb the global leaderboards for each game mode and difficulty setting. Join forces with your friends online and show off your skills in action packed co-op multiplayer. Welcome to RESOGUN… the most insanely intensive, ultra-responsive, fully HD, 60FPS shoot ‘em up, only on PS4!
Also voxels.

Resogun looks great with its sharp edges and its eye popping lighting effects. One of the coolest visual aspects is that the game's world is made up of little cubes. Its fully destructible environment has stray fire busting up walls and flooring. They all do this neat thing where they kind of disintegrate and fall downward
[...]after playing it a few times, it quickly became clear that this game has the potential to suck scores of hours from your life, just like the Housemarque arcade shooters that came before it.
we're really excited about is Housemarque's Resogun, the Finnish developer's "spritual sequel" to the Super Stardust games. It's an old-school shmup with a wraparound twist and some stunning voxel-based spectacle - all running at 1080p60, naturally, and free to PlayStation Plus subscribers at launch.
When you rescue civilians that are scattered across the levels you gain more ammo for your special weapons. However, enemy ships will try to get to these people first, so you have to be fast. After fighting off waves of enemies for a few minutes a screen sized boss showed up and smashed my ship to pieces.

Destructoid | 9.5
IGN | 9.0
CVG | 9.0
Everyeye.it | 8.5
Gametrailers | 8.1
Eurogamer | 8.0
Joystiq | 8.0