Forgot all about this game, but decided to give the Vita version a go... Wish I hadn't, it's nice and all, BUT it seems to play so slow, maybe that's just my brain being too used to the PS4 version but my timings were all off with the portable version.
Have you tried all of the ships?I'm completely dumbfounded when I read people saying this game is an easy plat etc.
I'm sitting here dying over and over on the last level on experienced. I haven't even attempted veteran (or master) yet.
I must be doing something wrong because this game just seems way too hard.
Have you tried all of the ships?
I'm completely dumbfounded when I read people saying this game is an easy plat etc.
I'm sitting here dying over and over on the last level on experienced. I haven't even attempted veteran (or master) yet.
I must be doing something wrong because this game just seems way too hard.
The strong ship doesn't make the game easier, but it does make it easier to get big scores. The ship with the homing weapons (Nemesis? It's been a while) I found the easiest to get going with, but once used to the mechanics moving over to the powerful one (Viper?) made sense.I actually beat it beforeUsing the standard ship.
I'm doing it again now with the strong one and it doesn't seem any easier. No idea how I'm ever going to do veteran, or experienced with no game overs D:
K got the plat. Lol.
Ended up quitting with the 'powerful' ship and just doing it on easy for that trophy.
Did veteran with the speedy one and it was pretty easy, and level 1 on master was crazy easy.
15x multiplier was frustrating, took about 5 tries with the level 3 boss method.
Completing the game without dying wasn't too bad, did it co-op with a friend which made it more manageable, took 3 or 4 tries.
Well, onto the DLC!
Man I think I fucked myself on the "You have recovered" trophy. I didnt know what it even meant until I read up on it. Now I have this huge score in survival and I dont think I'm ever gonna beat it.
Also, I tried to get this doing co op with my friend, and we managed to crush our previous score (202mil) with something like 303mil and I saw my statue rise up and i was touching it, nothing happened.
Is there anyway you can reset this?
I THINK it's possible to keep killing yourself over and over to make the fallen hero appear faster. I was watching a stream of the top Survival player doing this and I believe it worked. You can tell if it worked by watching the %. If you notice it's going up quicker than normal, then it's working. Worth a shot!
This game hold up? Got a PS4 recently, and got Alienation. This is catching my eye too
Oh, and seriously, the voxel tech here + a top-down shooter like Alienation and Dead Nation would be amazing. Just imagine the satisfaction of literally blasting enemies to pieces with a shotgun, or the environment crumbling
This game hold up? Got a PS4 recently, and got Alienation. This is catching my eye too
Oh, and seriously, the voxel tech here + a top-down shooter like Alienation and Dead Nation would be amazing. Just imagine the satisfaction of literally blasting enemies to pieces with a shotgun, or the environment crumbling
Very much so. I still play the game every week for the weekly challenges. The season pass also brings new modes, like Protector and Survivor, which are fun to play.
Thanks. Just picked up the base game, plus Heroes and DefendersYeah, it's amazing. I still play it every once in a while. It's a nice pick-up-and-play kind of game.