-DarKaoZ- said:Just saw the "infamous" scene and Nolan North nail it! :lol
Links, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-DarKaoZ- said:Just saw the "infamous" scene and Nolan North nail it! :lol
LMAOAsparagus said:
Cep said:Links, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
survivor said:My problem was not knowing which part I was hitting. In the tutorial, I think the circular thing around the enemy was broken up into 4 different parts and it kinda seemed hard to position my attack. I think I just need more practice time with it.
Paraclete said:Oh wtf my last save was 1.5 hrs ago? FML I'm not replaying this section again
Ugggggggh why must they have ENEMIES + a BOSS? its hard enough as it is to fight someone who freezes you without some little pansies running around doing it too.
Is that Silver Canyon?Paraclete said:Ughh I give up. I'm gonna take a break for a couple days from this game. It's amazingly fun when it works, but the rest of the time its overly challenging and downright infuriating. Just wait til you get to the Yeti part.
:lol :lol :lolAsparagus said:
Yep thats the oneDMPrince said:Is that Silver Canyon?
oh man. i'm going to enjoy it tomorrow then :lol.Paraclete said:Yep thats the one
Paraclete said:Ughh I give up. I'm gonna take a break for a couple days from this game. It's amazingly fun when it works, but the rest of the time its overly challenging and downright infuriating. Just wait til you get to the Yeti part.
SOLD! Great work Nolan!Asparagus said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVibNKrp8sQ
Posted yet? He really nailed it.:lol
Yea I figured that part out, but what I'm having issues with is dealing with his freezing/insane dmg he does. All of my people are lvl 22, but he kills them in 2 hits.mjemirzian said:hit him from behind with incendiary ammo or a molotov cocktail.. he will catch on fire and take major scratch damage
I'm on ch 11 btw.. no grinding or using a guide either.. you just have to use your brain
there are far worse enemies in the game than those guys..
Cloudy said:Getting this tomorrow. Which version is better?
Fairly easy. You get one for each Ch/Prologue, as well as for doing certain things during the battles(killing enemies barehanded, killing 2 at once, 1000 hero actions, etc)Gamer @ Heart said:How are the achievements in this game? Are they easy and come at a steady pace?
Im compulsive with my RPGs and knowing i get "rewarded" for it always dulls the pain of the hours lost.
My god, Nolan North fucking killed it. The Japanese version was just awkward, now it's pretty funny.Asparagus said:
You should get them easily. story trophies. kill XXX enemies. spend XXX money. do X attacks. do X attack on XX enemies.Gamer @ Heart said:How are the achievements in this game? Are they easy and come at a steady pace?
Im compulsive with my RPGs and knowing i get "rewarded" for it always dulls the pain of the hours lost.
completing the game by getting all trophies?survivor said:Isn't there a trophy about completing the game again? I think that might be the most time consuming one.
It was posted on GameFAQs so I don't know if it's legit or notDMPrince said:completing the game by getting all trophies?
Paraclete said:Yea I figured that part out, but what I'm having issues with is dealing with his freezing/insane dmg he does. All of my people are lvl 22, but he kills them in 2 hits.
IDK. it's hard to tell since there's no trophy list that shows hidden and the list on the system sucks as well as i know there'ssurvivor said:It was posted on GameFAQs so I don't know if it's legit or not
Clear a Second Playthrough (Gold) Cleared a second playthrough! Congratulations! and... Thank you!!
Paraclete said:Yea I figured that part out, but what I'm having issues with is dealing with his freezing/insane dmg he does. All of my people are lvl 22, but he kills them in 2 hits.
I thought you couldn't use the escape hex if its a boss dungeon?mjemirzian said:Once he's on fire it doesn't matter if your MG user gets frozen, you can still finish it off with your HG user as long as you stay alive long enough to let the fire dots tick on it.
You can use an escape hex to get out of the dungeon quickly if needed and resupply or buy freezing resistance gear. I know there's a save point in that dungeon that's right next to the boss.
Paraclete said:I thought you couldn't use the escape hex if its a boss dungeon?
INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:Holy shit at the raisins scene - that's beyond bizarre I just have to have it. Comedy gold.
Asparagus said:
Asparagus said:
-DarKaoZ- said:Man, Im stuck in the Mannequins mission in Ch 5, I can't get any HEADS, I have more than 20 of Torso, legs and arms, but I just can't get any heads. =/
Urban Scholar said:mjemirzian you said you aren't grinding but you're switch weapon usage along the way correct? Looking at what you posted its indicative that it just flows better game wise to do so as you go. I feel that I'm grinding a tad in chapter 1 here but I suppose that falls under "doing it wrong". Its best to go as you moving along?
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolAsparagus said:
Likewise, it's gona have to wait till after I'm done with FF XIII thougheXistor said:Ok that scene just sold me on the game. I'm off to buy it right now!
Asparagus said: