duckroll said:One great game each generation from Norimoto!
PS1 - VP
PS2 - VP2
PS360 - RoF
You think so?
duckroll said:One great game each generation from Norimoto!
PS1 - VP
PS2 - VP2
PS360 - RoF
Volcynika said:EDIT: Also, how do I do the quest in Ch 1 wherethe shop owner asks you if you have any dolls at your place? Seems kinda vague as to where to get them, I looked around at the base and didn't see anything.
There's a clown dollVolcynika said:Hellz yeah.
Also, are regular grenades or molotovs buyable in the store in Chapter 1, and if so, are they expensive? I've leveled up my guns for people, just not sure if I want to worry about leveling those up for now if I can't replenish the amount I have.
EDIT: Also, how do I do the quest in Ch 1 wherethe shop owner asks you if you have any dolls at your place? Seems kinda vague as to where to get them, I looked around at the base and didn't see anything.
duckroll said:I did it! Got to chapter 16. Connected all the shit in levels 4-6, going to get ready to grind the shit out of parts the next time I play!![]()
mjemirzian said:Shouldn't you be saving that for your 10th playthrough?![]()
Grats on getting that far. Only a handful of NeoGAF posters have actually completed the game. You'll need all the weapon tweaking you can get to take down the last boss.. preferably your HG users will be able to proc multiple gague breaks with every HA. When you come across enemies with barriers, you need to proc lots of gague breaks to shatter the barrier before you can start doing scratch.
Bebpo said:I am doing the tutorial and am stuck at the last one "smackdown"
it says jump above the enemy and fire to sometimes get smackdown by knocking them into the floor.'s not happening :\
no. to do smackdown just initiate the hero action (with square/X). you have to shoot them while you're running on the ground. when enemy pops up you press square/X to jump up and then you shoot them.Bebpo said:Thanks, yeah it doesn't say in the tutorial to lift them first! >_<
So is the only way to ever do a smackdown by doing a triangle attack?
Also, how many hero action does a tri-attack cost? I get that the resonance points let you do it longer, but does it cost more hero actions as it goes on?
Getting resonance points while also surrounding the enemy seems kind of hard since you have to keep running between and that eventually takes all 3 characters into a corner.
Nope, you have to do a hero action though in order to both knock the enemy into the air by shooting from the ground and then jump and attack while the enemy is still airborne. You have till the second bounce (for the lighter enemies) to initiate the smackdown.Bebpo said:Thanks, yeah it doesn't say in the tutorial to lift them first! >_<
So is the only way to ever do a smackdown by doing a triangle attack?
Also, how many hero action does a tri-attack cost? I get that the resonance points let you do it longer, but does it cost more hero actions as it goes on?
Error said:don't really understand why the media was so hard on this game. An rpg this like this comes once in a generation. To me this is the VS and BoF5 of this gen.
best jrpg this gen? probably.
best tri-Ace rpg? it's looking that way.
Volcynika said:What do danger zones look like? I just started Chapter 03 and I'm not sure if I can access any at all.
Done all the arena ranks available prior to Ch 3, maxed all of 1-5 out. Got a lot of items to work with now!
game is doable without grinding once. grinding in rof is not a necessity, it's the players choice to grind.marathonfool said:How grind heavy is this game?
I don't mind taking on quests, but running around fighting the same enemies over and over again is the worst thing I can think of doing in a game.
1. The shop will get more clothes as you progress in the game. You will also find a bunch on the Hex map.Bebpo said:Just hit chapter 2. Liking it so far. Questions:
1. How do you get more clothing in the shop?
2. Where can you buy grenades? I'm out of the ones you start with. Also it seems like these would be hard to level unless they're cheap, since they are one use per grenade items.
3. Is there anywhere in the game that quests are posted besides the Ebel City guild board? Basically if it asks me to go to the next chapter and the Ebel Guild board is empty, am I ok to go on without missing any quests?
4. If you equip a mod part to a gun, can you remove it and the part goes back into your inventory? Or is it permanent and once you place it you have to keep it there or scrap it?
leng jai said:So this game should arrive in the mail on tuesday, any tips for a new player? Sounds like might be a fair few tricks that would make things easier in this game.
Looks like this game is on my wanted listarchnemesis said:I finished the game a few minutes ago and the final battle was a real challenge. Best game I played this year.
Error said:chicken ramen:I don't see how tri-Ace is a crappy developer. Sure they made IU, but heck, even world class rpg developers make shit games once in a while.
chicken_ramen said:That's a whole other argument. I can't stand any of their other games that aren't Valkyrie Profile games. They're usually mashy and dumb, but that's just my opinion. I will accept that there are people who like their other games. That aside they still have two big failures this gen though, at least in a perception sense.
distantmantra said:Snagged a brand new copy off for $45. Not sure when I'll have time to play it, but at least I've got it.
Also, I've yet to see this anywhere other than Gamestop and Best Buy. Low print run?
duckroll said:But tri-Ace has only released 11 games in their entire studio career. 3 of those games are VP games, so if you count RoF as well, that's 4 games out of 11. That's over 1/3 of their entire output being really good games. I'm not sure how that's a very, very low batting average at all.
They have two major IPs: SO and VP. Regardless of quality, SO sells very well, while VP is more of a critics darling. So they have both a cash cow and a more "artistic" series which is relatively critically acclaimed. Aside from those two, they have attempted 3 new IPs over the years. RoF is an amazing game, so even if the other two are trash, that's once again, a 1/3 score in terms of launching a successful new IP.
It's not like tri-Ace releases 10 games every generation, and only 1 of them is great. It's more like 2-3 games every generation, and 1 of them is great. Since they have more games lined up for this current generation, I guess we'll see if the ratio slips much more in the coming years...
chicken_ramen said:Tri Ace has a bad image this gen. Which is a part of the lack of hype around their latest game. Which is why some reviews are phoned in. We've sort of moved past that question now though.
duckroll said:This is absolutely true. I think IU managed to single-handedly poison enough of the well this entire generation that it'll take at least 1-2 more games like RoF from tri-Ace to salvage their reputation with gamers in general.
vocab said:I know I bashed this game in the past for some design choices I'm not that found of, and I played the demo which didn't impress at all, but is the story actually worth a damn? Please someone who knows what good story telling is give me an honest answer. If your benchmark for good story, and good story telling is FFXIII, don't bother answering my request.
Also, someone tell me about the characters. Likable, interesting, any sense of humanity in them? If you like FFXIII characters, once again, don't bother.
Thanks for this odd request.
-DarKaoZ- said:FUCK YES!
Spending 50 hrs in this game is enough to prove it!
EDIT: BTW this is what I do after the first Tri-Attack, hope this strategy helps some people:
vocab said:Please someone who knows what good story telling is give me an honest answer. If your benchmark for good story, and good story telling is FFXIII, don't bother answering my request.
Also, someone tell me about the characters. Likable, interesting, any sense of humanity in them? If you like FFXIII characters, once again, don't bother.
radiantdreamer said:Woah! That's cool! I've been wondering what to do after the initial double-Tri-Attack. This is awesome! I take it that the one taking two turns is the MG wielder?
I'm speculating, but is it better to have 2 MG guys, and 1 HG guy? Or keep doing 2 HG and 1 MG?
vocab said:I know I bashed this game in the past for some design choices I'm not that found of, and I played the demo which didn't impress at all, but is the story actually worth a damn? Please someone who knows what good story telling is give me an honest answer. If your benchmark for good story, and good story telling is FFXIII, don't bother answering my request.
Also, someone tell me about the characters. Likable, interesting, any sense of humanity in them? If you like FFXIII characters, once again, don't bother.
Thanks for this odd request.