Just leave the enemy that drops the part you want till last and then destroy the body parts one at a time.Ricker said:still,when someone says make sure you shoot body parts,i`m not quite sure what they mean by that...I only have one circled aim target on the dolls,how am I suppose to aim on the legs?,most of the time if you circle them to hit their backs let`s say,they circle with you so they face you...
demonkaze said:Just finished this yesterday, I'm glad the last boss lived up to the difficulty of the rest of the game (Lv's 73, 70, 72) so it was satisfying when I beat it.
I enjoyed the story but damn if I have any idea what went on, I have a vague idea but pretty much the majority of it was a big question mark. I would love to see them expand on this game for sure.
radiantdreamer said:Just got to Chapter 7 and used the codes to unlock the special T-shirts.
Not gonna wear product placement shirts... seems cheap. But at least the 8-bit Girl shirt is kinda cute.
Oh yeah, was fooling around with the costumes:
The closest you will ever come to putting L from Death Note into Resonance of Fate.
Kira... I WILL capture you!
It kinda works because Zephyr's run is kinda wacky, like what you'd expect from L. Seeing him go all John Woo is pretty cool.![]()
Are you fucking serious!?!? That's a nice easter egg. DAMN I WANT THIS GAME MOAR!duckroll said:A friend of mine just discovered something AMAZING! :lol
For those of you playing on a PS3. Set the system language to Japanese, and start the game up. The entire game is in Japanese, including the original names (Reanbell), and you still have dual language audio options. OMG! :lol
Labombadog said:I thought the exact same thing when you posted this pic! Pretty damn close to looking like Kira. Awesome! I will get this game soon.....
radiantdreamer said:Ummm.. L, not Kira.![]()
Yeah, sorry. Got a hangover.radiantdreamer said:Ummm.. L, not Kira.![]()
duckroll said:It's like Valkyria, you can't change the voice track in-game, it has to be changed at the main menu and you have to start a new game for it to take effect.
Just tried it out and that is also the case for the 360 version.duckroll said:A friend of mine just discovered something AMAZING! :lol
For those of you playing on a PS3. Set the system language to Japanese, and start the game up. The entire game is in Japanese, including the original names (Reanbell), and you still have dual language audio options. OMG! :lol
Replicant said:It works with continues (or load games) as well (I'm playing the PS3 version). For example, I've been using English voice for Chapter 5 (wanted to hear Nolan North's raisins dialogue). But I saved the game at the end of Chapter 5 and quit to main menu. After I changed the language to Japanese in the menu, I just load my save and it'll start playing in Japanese for Chapter 6. It doesn't matter whether you're in the midst of a chapter or if you have completed it either.
duckroll said:That doesn't make any sense. I changed the language to Japanese. I watched the opening in Japanese. Then I loaded my clear save to start a NG+, and the game was still in English!
Replicant said:Weird. I swear to God, I've done this many times (switching from Japanese to English back to Japanese). And all I did was save the game first, then quit (you have to use XMB to quit since there's no option to do so within the game - so yeah, you have to restart the game). When the game restart, just go to option, change the language to Japanese and voila, it's Japanese.
My set up is as follows:
PS3: 40GB Metal Gear Solid 4 SE (so it's Japanese)
Disc: Australia (or Europe, I guess).
I started the game playing in Japanese track though so maybe that's the key? I don't know.
And oh, IIRC, the cut scenes that alternate with the menu basically turns into English or Japanese depending on your language option in the menu.
Volcynika said:Ugh, Chapter 14's story mission has some rough enemies!
RoodyPooUS said:If you really want to powerlevel your chars, wait until you unlock 20-3. Then link the 2x effect and 1.5x xp terminals to the arena using either the straight line colors or the green ones. You need about 80 of them. YOu might need to put a station up to get started.
I farmed the straight line ones on the roads by the forest. There is a rare item and item multiplier right by there and it only takes 15 or so of almost any color to link to those roads right by the forest. You also get mimics there which you should kill the shields for chance for the rare metal shard, which are very useful I heard for the scopes and the physical resist rings.
Once you get to 20-3, there is a gold slime. Kill the other two slimes and then with the person you want to level (wearing EXP trainer from the doll quests, auto trigger and the station bonuses) have them charge up to about 20-25x or so. It should take off 60-70% of the slimes HP. By the time you charge again, it should be full health. If it isn't, then just take off some gun mods. Just make sure the slime is targeting someone other than your dual MG user and stand right next to the slime. Skip everyone else's turn. It should take about 1-2hr at most to level from 20s on MG, to 100. Took me about 70 mins or so.
Do this with all 3 chars and you are now probably set until you need to prep for Neverland.
If you still want to level, do not kill the slime, just exit the arena and do it again. Once you kill the slime, it won't show up again since it will be 20-4.
I just did this last night while watching some TV, looking forward to being much more powerful now. Going to farm Arena 31 and 37, 38? For the rare scrapped parts and some other parts and try to almost fully upgrade my guns for charge accel and charge rate and I should be set for the rest of the game.
Ricker said:Chapter 5 is hard...my guys are around level 22,I got the Basilica delivery quest but I can`t get there yet,I have the third statue to take a picture of but I have no clues on where it is and the main quest is really hard with all the freezing going on...I finally managed to beat the mechanical thing with the Shop sign on it,barely,so I have to gring for now.
Also why do I have random hex fights now where the ennemy is really hard to beat(there`s like 6 of them)? I had to hex escape to Ebel and barely made it last time hehe, because I didn`t want to lose the level ups I had from the previous fight....
Ricker said:Chapter 5 is hard...my guys are around level 22,I got the Basilica delivery quest but I can`t get there yet,I have the third statue to take a picture of but I have no clues on where it is and the main quest is really hard with all the freezing going on...I finally managed to beat the mechanical thing with the Shop sign on it,barely,so I have to gring for now.
Also why do I have random hex fights now where the ennemy is really hard to beat(there`s like 6 of them)? I had to hex escape to Ebel and barely made it last time hehe, because I didn`t want to lose the level ups I had from the previous fight....
Volcynika said:Statue locations
Cranktown Seminary (same level as freezer place), Theresa's manor (Chandelier), and the end of Lucia where Leanne put that flower down
Ricker said:Lol Radiantdreamer,sorry to go off topic a bit but how do you get your avatar to be a slideshow like that,it`s pretty cool hehe...
How to use:
1. Place suitable images in the same folder as the script resides.
The images should have a .jpg, .gif or a .png ending.
2. Copy the source of this script in a textfile, rename it avatar.php
(or any other name, as you please) and save it in the same directory as the images.
3. Call the script by appending a random name with the filetype ending.
avatar.php is the name of the script
example.jpg is a random name, you could also use asasd.jpg or qwfpoa.jpg, the name doesn't matter,
what is important is the ending. The ending determines which files from the folder are used.
So, if you use example.gif, then the gif files in this folder will be used.
$filetype = end(explode(".",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
if($filetype != "jpg" && $filetype != "gif" && $filetype != "png") exit;
if ($handle = opendir('.')) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && stristr($file, ".".$filetype)) $files[]=$file;
if ($files) {
$imagenr = rand(0, sizeof($files)-1);
if($filetype == "jpg") $filetype = "jpeg";
$fp = fopen($files[$imagenr], 'rb');
header("Content-Type: image/$filetype");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($files[$imagenr]));
chris-013 said:I did chapter 6-10 in 2 hours maybe less... I think the game become very easy with dual SMG/dual HG. ^^;
duckroll said:A friend of mine just discovered something AMAZING! :lol
For those of you playing on a PS3. Set the system language to Japanese, and start the game up. The entire game is in Japanese, including the original names (Reanbell), and you still have dual language audio options. OMG! :lol
I am pretty sure it is only shots that hit the main body that give exp.Yoshichan said:How is the experience shared? Every shot on an enemy gives exp with that specific weapon?
Do I need to kill the enemy to get the exp? If that's the case, how will scrap (?) weapons get exp?
Weapons charge faster when you're closer to the target.Yoshichan said:Ok explain why sometimes it takes 40 minutes to load an attack and sometimes 2 frames.
Ricker said:No,that`s another thing i don`t quite understand so I`m not bothering with it so far...there is one terminal,on the initial floor,that says 7/3 on it,and that confuses me...some say like 0/65 for example,so why is that one saying 7/3? shouldn`t it say 3/3?
Volcynika said:I'm kinda confused at the meaning of the "Tera-Driver" trophy, I just kinda randomly got it. Anyone know what it was for, exactly? Is it beastiary related?
Also what are enemies fascination with BEES? :lol
dramatis said:If you read the description, it'll say you loaded over 1 terabit of data from the disc.
Volcynika said:Seems like such an AWESOME thing to keep track of :lol
Volcynika said:And while also I could power my way through earlier chapters with some tweaks here and there, nice to see that the Ch 14 dungeon you can't really attempt that with the number of enemies and their levels.
dramatis said:You mean more like scrape by on the skin of your teeth![]()